9 Incredible Punk Hairstyles for Short, Medium and Long Hair

Punk hairstyles are all about excitement and being innovative. All punk hairstyles look different and bring something new to the table those other hairstyles don’t. Why? Because that’s in their nature, people who love creativity will actively love these haircuts without a doubt. This list goes through each and every popular punk hairstyle you could ever find in today’s world. Let’s check them out.

Best Punk Hairstyles for Women and Men With Images:

Let’s take a quick view on top 9 Punk Hairstyles for short, medium and long hair.

1. Spiky and Angular Punk Haircut:

Spiky and Angular Punk Haircut

This is one of the best looking short punk hairstyle you can get nowadays. The sides have a very slight fade, along with the top of the head styled with spiky and quirky looking hairs. This cut looks better when you colour your hair, like in blonde colour. This haircut will definitely make you look like a pop star. This cut is indeed one of the boldest looking haircut.

2. Two Toned Faux Hawk Punk Haircut:

Two Toned Faux Hawk Punk Haircut

If you like punk rock hairstyles, then surely go for this style. This hairstyle features short, wavy like voluminous hair styled into a fohawk on the top of the head in a two-toned colour. This haircut will give a totally new meaning to a mohawk hairstyle. This cut is one of the most perfect punk hairstyles for long hair.

3. Pompadour Punk Haircut:

Pompadour Punk Haircut

If you’re into punk hairstyles for short hair, look no further. This haircut includes faded sides, with the short hair styled into a pompadour. The hair is twisted on its one side and is kept on hold with the help of a strong hairspray. The hair is kept very voluminous, and thus if you want you can use various hair products that will increase your hair volume. This is really a very nice looking haircut.

4. Mohican Cut Hairstyle:

Mohican Cut Punk Hairstyle

This is one of the nicest looking punk girl hairstyles to have right now. This haircut includes faded sides, which are very nicely shaved, along with the back of the head is styled with nice braided tiny straight hairs. This haircut is indeed very unique looking and is highly recommended for those who like to experiment.

5. Curly Mohawk Haircut:

Curly Mohawk Punk Haircut

If you want long punk hairstyles, then you can be assured of this haircut’s beauty. The sides of the head are shaved in the right manner possible, with the top hair styled into a mohawk. The curly hair is styled into waves and creates a nice texture to the overall look. Use of hairspray is recommended for maximum hold. This hairstyle is truly a very radical looking haircut.

6. Sky High Mohawk Haircut:

Sky High Mohawk Punk Haircut

If getting this hairstyles for long straight hair is your priority, then look no further. This haircut features a very high fade, along with a very high styled Mohawk haircut on top of the head. The straight hairs are styled into a single structure with the help of hair gel or hairspray. Absolutely bring a full-blown bold feeling to the whole look.

7. Shaggy Bob Haircut:

Shaggy Bob Punk Haircut

If you’re wondering about punky hairstyles names, then this might make you happy. This hairstyle features a messy look where various amounts of layers are put on top of one another. This whole look creates a nice yet messy cut that looks absolutely gorgeous. Use of hair products like hair gel or hairspray are recommended for obtaining that look.

See More: Preppy Hairstyles

8. Quiff Punk Haircut:

Quiff Punk Haircut

This is one of the most perfect looking punk hairstyles for medium length hair. This haircut allows all your hair to be swept towards the back with a nice heft to it, and creates an awesome looking quiff. This cut looks very charming and use of hairspray will help in holding the hair for longer periods of time.

9. Technicolor Mohawk Punk Haircut:

Technicolor Mohawk Punk Haircut

This is one of the most unique looking punk hairstyles male type haircuts. This style includes a full-on mohawk haircut, but with rainbow colours slapped on it. This cut definitely looks out of this world and has a very much bold appearance to it. Along with a nice shaped beard and faded sides around the head, this makes a total makeover cut.

It’s easy to overlook how much different all these punk hairstyles look. They all look so much unique and exciting in their own ways. Definitely a thing to try out if you’re interested in getting rid of your boring looks and replacing them with these haircuts. Hopefully, this list will help you with that.

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