9 Side Effects of Constipation on Health

As we all know, constipation is infrequent bowel movement in a person. When you are unable to eliminate waste from your body and it becomes hard to pass the stool, it is said to be constipated. When a person is constipated for a longer period of time, it cause harm for the body. There are various side effects of constipation. It is necessary to keep your body clean. So it helps a person to live a healthy life. When your stomach is not cleaned properly, it causes various other diseases also.

Constipation Side Effects on Health:

Lets us see below the what is the side effects from constipation in men and women.

1. Hemorrhoids:


It is possible that when a person is constipated and straining to have bowel movement, a person may be suffering from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are painful for the body and results in swelling in rectal area. It can be from frequent diarrhea also.

2. Obesity:


Sugar rich products can cause constipation and constipation can cause obesity. When a person consumes too much energy, fat and sugar but unable to burn it, it will get stored in the body as fat. This ultimately results into obesity.

3. Weakens Body Immune System:

Weakens Body Immune System

When a person is unable to eliminate stool from the body, his immune system becomes weak and they can easily catch up cold and other illness. Low immune system can put strain on other body parts like liver, kidney and lungs and energy level is dropped.

4. Fecal Impaction:

Fecal Impaction

Usually, when a person is constipated from long time, it results into fecal impaction. It is when a mass of stool gets blocked from colon. It can cause vomiting and pain too. It is necessary to get quick treatment of fecal impaction.

See More: What Foods Cause Constipation

5. Mood Swings:

Mood swings

Particularly in women, constipation can affect mood. Women suffer from mood swings like anxiety and depression if they are facing constipation. Constipation can be stressful for both physically and emotionally.  It disrupts normal life.

6. Headache:


Infrequent bowel movement and hard stool can cause lot of stress for a person. In stress, your body produces different types of hormones. This stress and hormonal change can cause headache. So indirectly, constipation causes headache.

7. Fatigue:


Generally, constipation can cause straining and hard stools. One may feel tired, bloated and with decreased appetite. You don’t feel like to do anything. It makes you feel lazy and weak. You don’t feel to work anymore and just get exhausted.

8. Skin Eruption:

Skin Eruption

When stool don’t get easily passed away, the waste gets stored in your system and thus cause constipation. Constipation can cause bad breath and skin eruption too. Waste becomes toxic in body and rises up to the mouth in form of gas. Thus gives bad breath.

9. Back Pain:

Back pain

In constipation, stool gets stored in rectum. This storage can give pressure on pelvic area. And this results into back pain. When you get smooth bowel movement, it relieves your back pain. In this way, constipation can cause back pain.

In order to live a healthy life, you must be clean from inside and out. For overall health, we must exercise regularly, drink excess water, eat rich fiber food and stress less. You need to avoid all those foods that cause constipation. Else all this side effect is going to happen. It is not good to have such side effects of constipation. Constipation can harm other organs of the body which can disturb you physically.

See More: Causes Of Chronic Constipation

Constipation is a stage of human body when person face difficulty in eliminating waste from his body. A person should eat healthy and fiber rich food to avoid constipation and its side effects. Person need to stop eating too much tasty delicious food in order to keep his digestive system on track.

Images Source: Shutter stock

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