9 Stunning Big Size Diamond Rings for Men and Women

Diamonds are the luxury jewelry for the ones fond of unique and exquisite designs and glamour. The diamonds as universally known as a symbol of love are always gifted and bought to express love. It is very easy these days to have diamond rings, but apart from the regular gold and diamond collections, the big diamond rings have a dynamic impact on the wearer.

A fact that diamonds are the heart of women, when a large diamond is gifted to a girl it is for sure that your proposal is going to head towards a lifelong relation. When we talk about the riches it is noteworthy that a diamond ring worth carats numbering two digits are the ones that shines upon the hands. It doesn’t matter whether the fingers get over weighed with the heavy diamond.

Designer Rings with Big Sized Diamonds:

Here we enlisted below the special designed engagement and wedding rings with diamonds in big size.

1. 8 Carat Big Solitaire Diamond Crown Ring:

big diamond rings

An 8 carat diamond crown shape and stud with beautiful pave diamond over the band looks delightful and glamorous. Stud in 925 sterling silver metal and 11 m the ring may cost very high but worth gifting to your fiancée and propose a lifelong happy life together.

2. Big Round Diamond Ring for Girls:

Big Round Diamond Ring

The biggest diamond ring ever till today is the Spirit of de Grisogono. It is a black diamond and is considered the fifth biggest diamond ring in the world’s list. The diamond covers almost half of the wrist with its shinning cut and shape. It is weight almost 312.24 carats

3. The Real Pink Panther Big Diamond Ring:

The Real Pink Panther Diamond Ring

The real pink panther is considered the world’s finest oval shaped diamond in pink mounted on a ring. Weighing 132.5 carats the diamond ring took two years whole to give the perfect shape and cut.

4. 100 Carat Huge Diamond Ring:

100 Carat Huge Diamond Ring

This white diamond is more glittering than the white. The weight of the finely emerald cut diamond is 100 carat and was even more than 200 carat before it was cut, shaped and polished.

See More: Single Diamond Engagement Rings

5. Rare Yellow Diamond Big Diamond Ring:

Rare Yellow Diamond Big Diamond Ring

The rare and huge size yellow diamond ring is glamorous and glittery with its perfect cut and shape the beautifully carved diamond looks splendid on the fingers. The radiant shines high that makes one need to cover the eyes in sunlight.

6. Emerald Cut Huge Diamond Ring:

Emerald Cut Huge Diamond Ring

The diamond ring is called the Annenberg diamond is 32.01 carat considered one of the big diamond rings. It is made more adorable with two pear shaped diamond in the sides that even weighed more than a 1.5 carat.

See More: Opal Ring Designs

7. Rare Diamond Ring with a Huge Size:

Rare Diamond Ring with a Huge Size

A diamond ring flawless and glittery as the white 10 carat sparkling diamond is stud upon a platinum gold ring. Considered as one of the most expensive and big diamonds, the cushion cut white diamond ring costs high.

8. Big Diamond Engagement Ring:

Big Diamond Engagement Ring

The big black diamond mounted on pave diamond stud band makes the diamond look huge even than the finger size. A big diamond ring like this can make eyes turn toward you.

See More: Princess Cut Diamond Rings

9. Big Pear Shape Diamond Ring for Wedding:

Big Pear Shape Diamond Ring

This is the Cora sun drop yellow diamond considered as one of the most expensive in the world list. The lady thumb size diamond is 110 carat weight.

Many high society couples and Hollywood celebrities look upon huge diamond rings to begin their love life and have been successfully proven happy with a giant diamond as a beautiful part of their love life even after children and grand children around them. Some very famous diamonds have been always on the red carpet with its glamorous shine. The glamorous shine of the diamond ring costs not just an amount of five digits but it may exceed even more than million.

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