9 Traditional & Latest Karnataka Mangalsutra Designs

The Women wear a traditionally designed jewel which signifies the strong bond and wellness between the couple. The Mangalsutra or Maangalaya sutra called by the Kannadigas which have a similar design like the maharashtrians Mangalsutra design. The tradition of wearing a long or short black bead or gold chain with plain or designed two vati which is hollow at the back is the striking pattern of Karnataka Mangalsutra designs. The two cup shaped design signifies Lord Shiva and Shakti.

For those ladies who are thinking about the old fashioned mangalsutra design with a new outlook and young ladies who are the spree of gold shopping for the Big day, find below good collection of Karnataka mangalsutra designs.

Beautiful Karnataka Mangalsutra Designs for Womens in Trend:

Let we have to look at the top 9 karnataka mangalsutra designs with images.

1. Plain Hollow Gold Cup Pendant Mangalsutra:

Plain Hollow Gold Cup Pendant Mangalsutra

Maharashtrians and Karnataka ladies wear the same pattern of Mangalsutra. The Kannadigas have plain gold two hollow circular shaped Gold jewel which is joined in silver or chain. Nowadays Black bead gold chain is famous than usual thick gold chain.

2. Coral-Hollow Vati Mangalsutra:

Coral-Hollow Vati Mangalsutra

The combination of coral bead or cylindrical shaped coral bead is joined along with the two hollow vati in a golden plain chain or black bead and golden bead chain combination. The length of the chain is individual´s decision. The gold Chain with Black beads helps to destroy negative energy.

3. Karthamani and Golden Pathak Mangalsutra:

Karthamani and Golden Pathak Mangalsutra

Karthamani Pathak is the traditional mangalsutra in Coorg state in Karnataka. The karthamani is made from black small bead sewed into a silver or cotton thread. The small bead thread is formed into a twisted chain and in the center, Lakshmi pendant is attached. Lord Lakshmi signifies goodness and prosperity of the family. Kodava ladies tie this type of mangalsutra and it is tied one day prior to the wedding by the bride´s mother.

4. Floral Design Vati Mangalsutra:

Floral design Vati Mangalsutra

In this type of mangalsutra, the center hollow piece called the vati has the floral design which can have a matt finish or a glossy finish. The floral design is made from laser cut machines and gives out a precise and clean finish gold piece.

See More: Nepali Mangalsutra Design

5. Black Beads Attached Mangalsutra:

Black beads attached Mangalsutra

The hollow vati has black bead hangings attached on the lower end of the semi-circular gold piece. The center of the mangalsutra is also designed with black stone and the whole center piece is joined to a black bead chain. This type of design is most popular among younger generation.

6. Diamond Studded Vati Mangalsutra:

Diamond Studded Vati MAngalsutra

This luxurious jewel piece made from row shiny diamonds gives a rich finish. The diamonds are studded all around the semi-circular hollow gold piece. The side of the center attachment also has diamonds work which is attached along to the black bead golden chain.

See More: Tamil Mangalsutra Designs

7. Enamel-Shell Design Mangalsutra:

Enamel-Shell Design Mangalsutra

The Mangalsutra has been given the shape and design of a shell giving it a peculiar pattern. The shell design has even lines running the top of the mangalsutra with enamel work seen at the center. Enamel coating gives a colorful finish.

8. Pearl Studded Mangalsutra:

Pearl studded Mangalsutra

The center of the vatis is made different from the surrounding by giving a different shape and color. One such design is pearl stud design. The white pearl is fixed at the center with gold color surrounding the pearl. The pearl size depends on the size of the Mangalsutra.

See More: Kerala Style Mangalsutra

9. Ruby Studded Semi-Circular Vati Mangalsutra:

Ruby studded Semi-circular Vati Mangalsutra

The corners of the vati are highlighted by giving a colorful outlook which is achieved by colorful stone attachment. One such famous stone is Ruby. Ruby helps in increasing Prana or the Chi. To enhance that thought many ladies prefer wearing ruby studded thali than plain Mangalsutra.

Mangalsutra which idolizes married women has many positive facts when worn around her neck. In this modernized era, women prefer to petite Mangalsutra with a thin middle length chain. Which is a good progress to retain our Moral and traditional values. Men like when women showcase her love by wearing that piece of the jewel worn around her neck which tied by him.

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