9 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development and Growth

9 weeks pregnant means your baby is now the size of a cherry. This is probably the period where you might see the slight push in your belly and people around you start congratulating too! While all of this can be overwhelming, we think this can have a bearing on your food, exercise at this point. Also, much of the comfort comes from understanding your body.

Here is an article that will help you understand your 9th week of pregnancy better. We have covered the precautions, things to eat and some ways to keep yourself physically fit and active.

9 weeks pregnant

Week 9 of Pregnancy is How Many Months?

Week 9 of pregnancy means you are in the second month. The baby is now a fetus and you are also slowly progressing to the third month. This is your first trimester.

9 Weeks Pregnant Baby  Size and Shape:

Your baby will now weigh less than 15 grams and is 0.9 inches long. Your baby is the size of nice cherry and is gearing up its growth faster starting from now. The heart now beats at 170 beats per minute.

See More: 9th Month Of Pregnancy

Nine Weeks Pregnant Symptoms:

Your pregnancy symptoms get stronger and severe. Here are some 9 weeks pregnant symptoms you will have to watch out for.

1. Fatigue:

You would have probably gotten used to this by now. Your body will start to yearn for some rest and you may feel like having to dragging yourself out of the bed every day. You will have to put up with this. Remember to do something that will keep you a little more energized. Indulge in things you like, for example, reading, gardening etc.

2. Frequent Urination:

Your growing baby will start putting pressure on the uterus. This will push the bladder and therefore you may have a constant need to pee.

3. Changes in Breast:

Breast tenderness happens at this point too. They are now extremely sensitive because of the increased blood flow. Wear a comfortable bra to feel relaxed and easy.

4. Heartburn:

Eating greasy and oily food can trigger indigestion. To save yourself from heartburn, stay away from oily and greasy food. Chewing sugarless gum can give you some relief.

5. Bloating and Gas:

Overloading yourself with food can lead to bloating and gas formation. To save yourself from all those embarrassing moments of wanting to pass gas in public, eat smaller meals at various times a day.

6. Constipation:

Just like fatigue, constipation also is going to stick around for a while. Try warm water with some lemon juice as the first thing in the morning. Drinking plenty of water and eating fibre rich food can also help immensely.

9 Weeks Pregnant Body Changes:

Along with the baby, your body will experience some changes. Here are some of the most common ones.

1. Headaches:

Headaches are very common in the 9th week. Hormonal and other changes in the body trigger headaches even at the most odd hours of the day. Stress and lack of sleep can also be the cause of a headache. Drinking plenty of water and talking to your doctor about this will help to a large extent.

2. Breast Tenderness:

Due to the increased blood flow, breast becomes extremely tender and starts to be oversensitive. Wearing comfortable bras will be a huge help.

3. Baby Bump:

Although it is not the exact time for a baby bump, 9 week pregnant with twins mothers might developing a baby bump.

See More: 10 Weeks Pregnant Development

4. Placenta:

This week, your placenta, one that carries all the nutrition to the baby from the food you eat, starts to develop. The placenta is gearing up to take shape and perform its duty.

9 Weeks Pregnant Baby Development: Fetal and Physical Developments

Your baby has now progressed from last week’s growth. Here is what is happening to your baby now.

  • The fetus is now called as a baby! This means, your baby is about 18 mm and weighs about 3 grams. The tail by now would have disappeared.
  • Human features start becoming more apparent now. The joints of the hands are now in a position for a flex.
  • Nipples and hair follicles start developing.
  • Taste buds begin to develop.
  • Primary tooth gums start to develop at this stage.

9 Week Pregnancy Diet: What To Eat And What Not to Eat:

Here are our suggestions on what you must eat now

  1. Fibrous food is an absolute necessity in this period. They will keep you full and will also make your bowel movement easier. This will be a major relief for all the mothers suffering from constipation.
  2. Fill your plate with a lot of green leafy vegetables. They will help you eliminate waste from your body, as well as, provide sufficient nutrition to the baby.
  3. Add more fruits to your diet. Fill your fruit bowl with fruits like kiwi, orange, apple and banana.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Include fresh fruit juices with less sugar and hydrate yourself with a lot of essential fluids.

What Not to Eat:

  • Keep away from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in this period.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine and other carbonated drinks.
  • It will be good to have less sugar in anything you eat. There are chances you may put on weight because of the consumption of sugar.

See More: 9th Month Pregnancy Diet

Exercises to do for 9 Weeks Pregnant Women:

As a part of 9 week pregnancy care, we advise you to follow some exercises that will keep you healthy throughout the day.

1. Planks:

Plank is one exercise that you can rely on throughout your pregnancy. They strengthen your abs and your lower back.

2. Squats:

It helps to maintain resistance in the hips, core and the pelvic floor muscles. Squats are an excellent exercise, that when performed correcting can even help and ease the birthing process.

3. Walking:

Brisk walking is another excellent way to keep yourself active. Pace your speed depending on your comfort. Some level of walking is an absolute must for a day.

Pains and Health Issues to Face in 9 Weeks Pregnancy:

1. Cramps:

Cramps are going to show up every now and then. There is nothing to worry though. This is only an indication that the baby is starting to grow.

2. Spotting:

Spotting is something that can freak you. Let us warn you that spotting blood or other white discharge is very normal. You should only be worried if you think it too much of a discharge. Otherwise, spotting is very natural.

3. Headaches:

These might be common in the 9 weeks pregnant baby growth period. Change of hormones, stress, sleeplessness can all trigger headache, or worse, migraine.

9 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound:

If you now observe your ultrasound, you will see that the baby now looks like a little bean! You will be able to hear the heartbeat too. The baby’s externals are developing in the stage and therefore it is too early for the doctor to confirm the gender of the baby.

What to do And What not to do When 9 Weeks Pregnant:

  • So not stress yourself by thinking about labour. Talk to other mothers and understand the procedure. This will prep you a little bit.
  • Keep yourself engaged every day. Do things that keep you energized. Keep yourself physically active by doing things you may like. Read books or listen to music. Do anything that keeps you a little stress-free. This is important for a good mental health.
  • Drink plenty of water. Always carry water with you when you travel. Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Acne and breakouts start appearing now. Talk to your doctor before using any particular product on your skin.
  • Do not be too casual with food. Watch what you eat. Whatever you eat, you contribute half of it to the growing baby. Therefore, it is a must that you watch what you eat.
  • Do not indulge in alcohol and tobacco. The implications are long term on the baby’s mental and physical health.
  • Do not get tensed about anything. Try to keep your peace with reality and work on it so that you can accept it.

Additional Tips During 9 Weeks Pregnancy:

  1. Get good sleep. Lack of sleep can trouble your body, both physically and mentally. Sleep whenever you feel like. Switch positions to see if you b What ca are able to sleep.
  2. Fight your heartburn by eating smaller meals, at intervals. Avoid spicy and greasy food. They are the root cause of heartburn.
  3. Start shopping for some comfortable clothes.

Checklist in Ninth Week of Pregnancy:

  • Start maternity shopping. You might soon find yourself unfit for your old pair of jeans.
  • Increase your intake of calcium and iron. Your baby and you will need that more.
  • Morning sickness can make you really sick. In any case, do not skip your breakfast. Try to eat a smaller portion.
  • Watch your posture and avoid any big jerks to your body.

What Care and Precautions Can be Taken for 9 Weeks Pregnancy?

  1. The first care that is highly important is to fill yourself with a lot of fluids. Water, juices and others can be extremely helpful.
  2. Combat constipation and bloating by drinking a lot of water, water-rich fruits and fibrous food. They help with constipation and facilitate easier bowel movement.
  3. Pick out a safe exercise to perform every day. Talk to an expert for better guidance.

9 weeks pregnant belly is a tiny one. Although the stomach may be tiny, the changes that are taking place inside are crucial and big. Your little one gets closer to human every passing day and this is most often reflected in the bodily changes you experience. Our piece on 9 weeks pregnant information has everything covered, all things you need to know, do and be aware of.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:

Q1. Can You Show 9 Weeks Pregnant?

Ans: At this point, the belly is too small for others to know or see. The baby is only growing. However, there is a lot of progress that happens inside the belly and to the baby in this period.

Q2. Sex During 9 Weeks Pregnancy Safe or Not?

Ans: Having sex in this period is perfectly safe. Make sure not to exert much pressure on the stomach. Soreness of the breast can also make sex a little difficult. Talk to your partner and understand what suits you now.

Q3. What Are The Chances of Miscarriage At 9 Weeks Pregnancy?

Ans: The chances are 50-50. It depends a lot on your health and food habits. Too much jerk to the body has also the potential for a miscarriage.

Q4. Are Cramps at 9 Weeks Pregnant Normal?

Ans: Yes, they are normal. In fact, these are the little signs that tell you that the baby is growing. Cramps are an indication of your pelvic area expanding in order to accommodate the growing baby.

Q5. When Should You Consult a Doctor in Nine Weeks Pregnancy?

Ans: Consult your doctor if you experience some serious and heavy spotting. Excessive bleeding or spotting is not good. Unbearable cramps should also be brought to the notice of your doctor. Any discomfort that puts you through a rough situation should be communicated to the doctor.

Q6. Travelling Safe or Not When 9 Weeks of Pregnancy?

Ans: They are safe. However, excessive jerks to the body is risky. Therefore, you may want to avoid roads that are too bumpy.

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