Asparagus – Benefits For Health


A diet of Asparagus is a must to have, especially for those who want to look good, feel good and to be well maintained, say experts. For a very long time, the Asparagus has been a perennial delicacy that comes from the lily family to our plates, just as garlic, onions and leeks do. They say that the humble Asparagus originated in western Europe somewhere, and is a shoot or a sprout in Greek terminology, which means tender and nice.


Asparagus is edible and the shoots are spear like in shape, which could also be an indication of war on health ailments and issues. In the world, there are three types of Asparagus found, namely;

a. White asparagus.
b. Green asparagus.
c. Purple asparagus.

The most common of the three and on almost every table and dish would be the green Asparagus. White Asparagus would be almost similar to the Asparagus in green, however the taste would be a notch milder than the former. In the case of purple Asparagus, the veggie has many differences when compared to green and white Asparagus. The colour purple in the Asparagus comes from the abundant source of potent antioxidants in them, which helps with beauty and skin care, say experts. Finally, Asparagus which is purple in colour is tender and sweeter than the other two, say experts.

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The Humble Asparagus:

The Asparagus is a very popular veggie which can be eaten raw, grilled, steamed, fried and in ways you can only imagine. However, most prefer it in salads or in the raw form, since it then brings to the body all the nutrients too. The veggie as mentioned is dense in nutrients, and has the following vitamins, such as;

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K
  • folate
  • fibre
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Niacin
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Chromium
  • NO fats
  • NO cholesterol
  • Minimal sodium

Benefits Of Asparagus:

Asparagus is known to be one of the healthiest in green vegetables family because it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Read the below article to know 15 best benefits of Asparagus for health, skin and hair.

Health Benefits Of Asparagus:

1. Thanks to the high amounts of compounds found in the Asparagus, the veggie is good to use as an anti-inflammation source. The veggie also would be great to use for those who suffer from type 1 diabetes as well, this is because it has plenty of vitamin B in it, which helps control the levels of sugar in the bloodstream, and also aids with the production and promotion of insulin as well.

2. Asparagus also is known to help bring down the risk of heart strokes, attacks and heart diseases too. This is because of the high levels of vitamin B in it, which includes folate that helps with the health of the cardiovascular system at large. When all of these issues are curbed or taken into consideration, high blood pressure, heart strokes and attacks and also the overall health of the body would be taken into account and cared for too. Hence, experts suggest the use of Asparagus in daily meals.

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3. After the age of thirty, men and women suffer from low bone mineral density. This means that the bones get weak and brittle too. Vitamin K is important for the bones and the humble Asparagus is a good source for the same. The vitamin K found in the Asparagus would help keep the bones strong, helps with bone density too and enhances overall bone strengthening as well, say sources. Hence have a bunch of Asparagus as a salad or in your meals everyday, to increase bone strength, say doctors

4. Rheumatism and arthritis too can be taken care off, and since the two can be very painful, a cup of Asparagus everyday would help bring down the aches and pains, say experts. The veggie has anti-inflammation properties, which helps bring relief to both the issues in due course of time, say experts.

5. Asparagus is also known to fight cancer, since it contains glutathione, and studies have shown that it is this antioxidant which is vital in the prevention of cancers, especially of the lung, colon and the breast.

6. Patients suffering from vision loss, poor eyesight and cataract too are advised to incorporate the consumption of Asparagus in their daily meals. This is because, Asparagus contains glutathione and antioxidants which help prevent cataracts and eye issues in the long run.

7. Want to slow down the ageing effects, stop using over the counter products which are costly, and which do more harm than good, say experts. You should have plenty of Asparagus in your meals or your salads, since the veggie has many antioxidants that would keep the skin protected from the UV rays of the sun, the free radical havoc and also the banishment of ageing process happening too soon as well. Asparagus is also known to boost the immune system and it would keep it healthy too.

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8. Pregnant women too should have enough of Asparagus in their daily meals, since it is high in folic acid, which helps during child birth and also keeps the little one in the stomach healthy, weight wise. Even birth defects are shunned away when the expectant mother eats Asparagus. Women suffering from PMS too or the symptoms of it.

9. If you want no stones in the kidney, you’d then need to have Asparagus in your meals. This is because the veggie has enough of diuretic properties in it, and that’s why salads or the juice of an Asparagus would be good to consume. The juice especially would help bring down the formation of oxalic acid crystals in the kidney, say sources.

10. Asparagus is a delicious vegetable, which helps brain to fight cognitive impairment. Asparagus provides our brain with folate, which along with vitamin b 12 stops cognitive decline in brain. It helps a person to maintain and improve their mental and speed flexibilities. You can find b 12 in foods like fish and poultry, meat and dairy. Eat them with asparagus and maintain a healthy brain.

11. Asparagus contains high levels of a distinctive amino acid called asparagines, which is an effective diuretic. It helps the body to get rid of excess fluids and salt in body. The fibers in them help in clearing out the gastrointestinal tract. It helps people who have symptoms of edema, accumulation of bodily fluids in the tissues. People having high blood pressure and other heart related diseases also benefit from this function of asparagus. But there is a side effect of eating asparagus. That is stinky urine. This establishes a direct connection between asparagus and urinary tracts.

12. Depression is one of the most commonly known emotional disorders. Asparagus also acts as a great anti-depressant due to its vitamins, salt and cellulose. An abstract called Asparagus Racemosus Linn, is an Ayurvedic medicine which is used as an adaptogenic drug. They are drugs which are administered on patients with stress and resistance in body. This abstract is also used in making anti-depressants by many Ayurvedic practitioners and also my big pharmaceutical companies. This abstract is prepared from the dried seed of the plant asparagus racemosus. Naturopathy also recommends this to the patients of depression and many other emotional disorders. It also helps in increased feeling of compassion and promotes fertility.

13. Asparagus is highly rich in fiber that enables intestinal transit and facilitates digestion. It is very gentle on the intestine and also aid in various stomach and motion related problems like constipation. In the process it does not harm the intestinal mucous membranes. It promotes regular motions and decreases bloating. Asparagus itself is easier to digest in comparison of some other green vegetables like broccoli. It also helps in detoxification of the body and eliminates any harmful substances.

14. Asparagus is also highly rich in iron. It is discovered that the root of asparagus racemosus exhibits anti-anemic properties i.e. it helps to fight anemia. It contains various blood purifying agents like polyphenols, phytosterols, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds. Asparagus can regulate blood circulation and encourage liver drainage. Healthy blood ensures healthy skin. Thus asparagus has an indirect positive effect on the skin as well.

15. Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is responsible for proper usage of energy from food by our body and its cellular functions. This vitamin plays a major role in converting the carbohydrates intake into energy, which is vital for metabolism strength and maintaining focus. Thiamine also actively participates in metabolism of body glucose, so they are necessary for blood sugar management. Hence this vitamin is called energy vitamin. Asparagus is a rich source of thiamine. Its consumption boosts energy and helps you to overcome tiredness and fatigue. It maintains energy level and supports thyroid functions of the body.

From the above discussion we can understand the importance of asparagus in our daily food habits. It helps us to prevent and also cure various life threatening diseases and also improves our overall health. But, patients of arthritis are advised to consult a doctor before incorporating this vegetable in their diet. These were the best fifteen reasons why we love asparagus. If you would like to share some of your tips and ideas with us, please feel free to write in or comment below. We love hearing from you as we love sharing with you.

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