Eating Onions During Pregnancy and Their Benefits

One of the most commonly used vegetables, onions is great flavour enhancers. But, is onion safe during pregnancy? If yes, how much should I include in my daily diet? Onions during pregnancy sure have benefits. But what are they? Here are all the things that you need to know about eating onion during pregnancy.

eating onion during pregnancy

Is Onion Safe During Pregnancy?

It belongs to the Allium family and is a frequently used vegetable in almost all households. It is widely used for its culinary and medicinal benefits in all parts of the world. Onion is a powerhouse of important vitamins and nutrients. That ensures a safer pregnancy. Therefore, you sure can eat onion during pregnancy, but watch on the quantity. Everything in moderation is always the best.

Benefits of Eating Onion During Pregnancy

1. Balances Blood Pressure:

Onions are dense in phytonutrients. That aid in regulating your blood pressure levels. This can help in lowering the risk of pregnancy complications. Such as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and premature labour.

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2. Helps Relieve Constipation:

Constipation is a constant worry during pregnancy. It has a very high content of dietary fibres. That assist in regulating bowel movements. Hence eating raw onions during pregnancy will help to ease your bowel movements.

3. Weight Management:

There is now no need to be really worried about your weight gain in this period. Onions are extremely low in fats and calories making. It an ideal choice for your pregnancy diet. Add them in your salad and include them in your daily food.

4. Prevents Gestational Diabetes:

It is known to be a superfood for preventing gestational diabetes. It contains important mineral, chromium that prevents insulin resistance and thereby assists in regulating the blood sugar levels in your body.

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5. Remedy for Sore Throat:

Sore throat and the common cold are common during pregnancy. Remember to use onions to fight this off. The anti-inflammatory properties in onions help fight infection and other diseases that you may be prone to.

Side Effects of Onions in Pregnancy:

  1. Onions are safe to be eaten during pregnancy. Yet many women avoid it during this time due to its strong smell, which can lead to nausea.
  2. Eating onions in excessive amounts can even lead to heartburns.
  3. Gills onions are shown to carry a bacterium known as Listeria monocytogenes. Which makes pregnant women at a higher risk of being infected with the same. Listeriosis infection during pregnancy, in worst cases, may cause infection in the newborn, premature delivery, miscarriage or even death. It was found that nearly 22% of cases of Listeria monocytogenes bacterial infection result in neonatal death or stillbirth.
  4. Breathing and allergic problems are other side effects of eating raw onion during pregnancy.

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What Are Spring Onions and Its Benefits During Pregnancy?

Spring onion is a plain long leaf with a bulbous ending, much like garlic. It adds a very unique taste to the food, a delicious onion crunch when added raw to the salads.

Spring onion during pregnancy has superpowers to cure a cold. It is considered to be an excellent source of vitamin C and calcium. It is safe to eat spring onions when you are pregnant.

So, you have no reason to be scared of eating onions while pregnant. Craving onions during pregnancy is common.

This time, add some spring onions to your salad or sandwich to quench yourself. However, while you do so remember that it is best to eat in moderation to stay away from the nasty side-effects of eating onions in excessive amounts.