How to Lose Lower Belly Fat?

A slim and trim midriff is what everyone wants. Especially since summer has almost arrived. It is the best time to flaunt those shaped abs to perfection by the beach. But it’s not just the external bit that should make you lose weight. Internally the lower abdomen is a place that covers the maximum organs in your body. With accumulation of visceral fat in this area one increases their health hazards manifold.

how to lose lower belly fat

So how do you know that your lower abdomen is a problem before it goes too far? Measure and check that the area around your hips does not exceed 35 inches. If it does, then you need to start working out and eating right.

How to Lose Lower Belly Fat:

What to Eat?

It is very rightly put when they say that the best way to lose unwanted fat is through the kitchen and not the gym.

See More: Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

• Healthy Fats:

Avoiding saturated fat and sustaining a healthy range of calories obviously helps a lot and aids the workouts. But some fats are also helpful for weight loss such as, monosaturated fatty acids or MUFAs. This also maintains a healthy heart and checks cholesterol levels. Dieter’s favorite MUFA-rich food is olive oil. This is because it is light and can be used to cook a lot of things. Other than these a healthy inclusion of Omega rich avocados and nuts not only provide the nourishment but also makes you look younger. One ounce of Pine nuts particularly contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids which makes you feel fuller for longer and if had before a meal it will keep you from over eating.

• Low GI Foods:

A higher level of cortisol hormones in one body can lead to excessive visceral fat. Foods which rank high on the glycemic index (GI) cause more rapid spikes in your blood sugar that triggers this hormone secretion. Also a constant fluctuation of blood sugar levels will result in the onset of Type 2 diabetes from insulin resistance. Try opting for foods with a rank of 55 or less on GI load to reverse these instances.

See More: How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

• Dairy Products:

Low calcium levels also result in cortisol secretion. Even those people who have a tendency towards PCOS are covered under this bracket. Here the visceral fat accumulates around the ovaries often creating irregular cycles and cysts. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium in our body so don’t just eat that low fat Greek yoghurt but also soak in some sunlight to help process it. End of the day body should be supplied with 1000mg calcium every day for an adult.

• Green Tea:

This is a anti oxidant rich food that contains a wonderful component called catechin. It is actually a group of anti oxidants that help burning fat. Brewing two to four cups daily will ensure enough acceleration to your weight loss regime.

• Aloe Vera Juice:

Known for its amazing nutritive benefits, aloe vera is ideal for any kind of weight loss. Having aloe vera juice in the mornings ensures that the enzymes and hormones are under check and the fat burning process is aided as far as digestion is concerned.

See More: How To Reduce Upper Belly Fat

Working Out:

• Cardio:

While one resorts to crunches for weight loss it only strengthens the abdominal muscles and does not make one lose stubborn fat. For this a thorough cardio routine is essential. This goes by the logic that the more you sweat the faster you lose. This is also because sweating will eliminate body toxins with the excretion. So along with a rough cardio circuit lots of lukewarm water will do the trick for your stubborn fat storage.

• Walking:

Brisk walking also has its benefits and it is very effective to pace the body between strict cardios and light weights.

So start working at your abs, because summer will take a full year to come back again.

Image Source: Shutter stock

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