Lauren Conrad Plans to Launch a Beauty Product Line

Lauren Conrad Plans to Launch a Beauty Product Line

She is mostly known for sharing her life publicly in MTV’s Laguna Beach and The Hills, yet gorgeous Lauren Conrad moved on from her reality star status and became a successful author and clothing designer. The 25-year-old beauty managed to create her own path, build a brand and materialize her dreams. Now, Lauren plans to launch a beauty product line and made the announcement in her lifestyle column in Forbes. “What’s next? Quite a bit! Right now, one of my main objectives is to expand into a product line. I am currently researching all of my options, but should begin the process of executing an actual line very soon—stay tuned,” Lauren wrote.

Lauren Conrad Plans to Launch a Beauty Product Line

Moreover, Lauren also says she wants to expand her other brands and finish her fifth book. “I’m also focusing on expanding my other existing brands: LC Lauren Conrad, and Paper Crown. On top of that, I’ll be working on completing my fifth book, The Fame Game,” she tells Forbes readers.

She is a talented fashion designer, New York Times bestselling author, she has two websites and was featured in numerous famous publications like Elle, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Rolling Stone, and Seventeen. Still, even though she became a true inspiration for girls around the world, Lauren Conrad admitted that building a trustworthy enterprise is not the easiest thing to do. She told Forbes that, “Being a young businesswoman is a challenge, especially when you’re an alumna of the vacuous world of reality fantasy. I am proud of the fact that I have parlayed what could have been a fleeting reality career into viable business ventures.”

In her final for Forbes Lifestyle, Lauren also shares some words of advice with her fans and readers. “If nothing else, remember this: Do something that you love, surround yourself with people you trust, learn from your mistakes, work hard, and don’t let other people’s opinions of you become your limitations,” she wrote.

She also tells that making mistakes is part of the growing-up and evolving process. “It’s important to make mistakes in your career, especially in the beginning. When you are just starting out you can make hasty decisions and take big chances since the stakes are rarely high early on. Trust me, it’s far better to learn those lessons sooner rather than later. By learning from failed opportunities, I’ve transformed past mistakes into flourishing brands and businesses. As basic as it may sound, learning from your mistakes is a vital part of becoming a successful entrepreneur,” Lauren says.

Well, with future looking so bright, we are excited to see all the things Lauren brings to life, from clothes and books to her latest adventure: beauty products.

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