Fat Burning

Fat Burning

Without a doubt, everybody knows the benefits that regular exercise brings to any weight management program. Not only are there benefits to be had when looking to change the overall body composition and body weight, there are also numerous health benefits that have been well researched, well documented and distributed on mass to the public.

However, exercise includes more than just cardiovascular activities such as group exercise classes walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, in-line skating, cross country skiing etc.

It should also include regular resistance training as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine with particular attention to the core strength and stability.By increasing the lean mass of the body, not necessarily just the muscle size, improving core strength and stability will help to maintain correct postural alignment and decrease the onset of lower back pain and poor mobility.

Fat Burning

Personal Training is a complex set of exercises put together by your trainer after a careful examination of the client’s fitness goals, current fitness level and state of health. It includes both cardiovascular and resistance training.

Cardiovascular activity elevates the heart rate, creating stronger and more efficient heart and lungs, burns body fat when working within your Training Heart Rate Zone (THRZ) and encourages a better exchange of gases at a cellular level. It is necessary to know what your THR is so that you can train effectively. If your heart rate is too low you may not achieve the desired effect and if it is too high you will create more toxins in the body.

Training Heart Rate ZoneIn order to find out your THRZ you first need to know you Maximum Heart Rate (MHR).

MHR = 220 – age

lower end of THRZ = 50% of MHR

upper end of THRZ = 85% of MHR

For example a 27 year old person has the MHR 193 and the THRZ is between 97 and 164 beats per minute (BMP).

Fat Burning

Resistance training will increase your lean body mass and your basal metabolic rate (BMR).A stronger, leaner body will use more calories.

The average woman loses 5lb of muscle every decade of adult life, and has reduced her muscle mass by one third by the age of 50. Because muscle lose typically doubles during the menopause years, a 60 year old woman may have less than half her original muscle tissue.

This means that the average 50 year old female has 15lb too little muscle and 45lb too much fat! The statistics are not much different for men – 7% less muscle and a 3 – 5% slower metabolism per decade results in 15 – 17lb more body fat each decade of adult life.