The Atkins Diet Food List

The Atkins Diet Food List

The Atkins diet menu is basically restrictive for the phase 1 and tends to become liberal from the second phase onwards. Read on the Atkins diet food list which contains rich proteins over which there is no quantitative restriction.

Unprocessed Meat, Fish & Eggs

• All kinds of unprocessed meat of pork, lamb, beef, venison, veal, mutton and ham and poultry of goose, turkey, and chicken. • Unprocessed fish and fish products such as of salmon, sardines, trout, sole, herring, catfish, snapper. • Shellfish such as of lobster, calamari, crab, oysters, shrimps, mussels are permitted. • Eggs of quail, chicken, goose are allowed in the form of omelet’s, poach, fry or soft-boiled.

The Atkins Diet Food List

Butter and Oils

Fat rich products such as butter, linseed oil, seed oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, walnut oil, soya bean oil, sesame and grape seed oil and oil extracted from sunflower are included in the Atkins diet food list.

Dairy Products

The approved Atkins diet food list contains dairy products which are rich in fat and are deficient in carbohydrate such as goat, sheep and cow cheese. Roquefort cheese, cream cheese, Swiss cheese, mozzarella and cheddar are encouraged. However, those rich in carbohydrates such as imitation cheese, diet cheese, and fresh cheese are strictly forbidden.

The Atkins Diet Food List

Atkins Diet Food List for Vegetarians

The vegetarian Atkins diet differentiates between two kinds of vegetables, namely salad vegetables and low carb vegetables. The salad vegetables which the Atkins diet food list allows are cucumber, lettuce, alfafa sprouts, olives, radacchio, escarole, radishes, fennel, celery, arugula, jicama, daikon, chicory, . The other type of vegetables include cabbage, onion, spinach, chard, turnips, tomato, zucchini, cauliflower, brussels, broccoli, eggplant, rhubarb, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, summer squash, avocado, artichokes, asparagus. However, those rich in starch or carbohydrates such as potatoes, green peas, corn and white rice are forbidden.

Although, most of the desserts contain sugar, yet, the desserts which Atkins diet food list favors are low carb ice creams, specially prepared cheesecakes with splenda and other “creative” homemade recipes which can satisfy one’s cravings.

See also:

Atkins Diet Recipes

Dukan Diet Attack Phase Sample Menu

Paleo Diet Breakfast: Recipes and Tips