Supermodel Diet Secrets

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Keeping your body fit for the runway isn’t easy and some of the biggest names in modeling have plenty of tips to share on diets, both short-term and long-term. Discover a few supermodel diet secrets, that include plenty of helpful tips on how to streamline your body for a sexy look. From Victoria’s Secret Angels to the biggest supermodels in the world, check out a few great diet tips that can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Miranda Kerr – Blood Type Diet

Australian-born Miranda Kerr is one of the highest-earning models in the world and she swears by the Blood Type Diet. Like other followers of the diet with Type A blood, Miranda is focused on a vegetarian-based diet.

The Victoria’s Secret Angel names low-GI, high-alkaline foods, filtered water, along with fresh produce and very little meat among her supermodel diet secrets. “Some of my favorite snacks are organic almonds and blueberries, half an avocado with sea salt, and I also love eating Fuji apple pieces with almond butter and agave – it feels like a treat but it’s really good for you,” Miranda explained to

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Karolina Kurkova – Lots of Protein

The Czech model believes that a high-protein diet is the best way to keep in shape and usually mixes protein powder in her shakes to keep hunger pangs away. Her supermodel diet secrets consist of a very simple and natural diet.

“I eat very clean and fresh. I wake up and I have a green juice with a little protein powder and glutamine mixed in. Then two hours later I have two hard-boiled eggs. Then, two or three hours later I’ll have 10 nuts, like walnuts or almonds. Then I’ll have grilled fish with vegetables and salads. And then again, a green juice. I just keep it simple,” said Kurkova to The Gloss.

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Adriana Lima – Lots of Liquids

Victoria’s Secret Angel Adriana Lima caused quite a stir when she revealed that she only drinks liquids nine days before the annual lingerie show. Protein shakes, that include powdered egg, make up her short term diet leading to an important runway show. In the last 12 hours before the event she stops drinking water altogether.

”No liquids at all so you dry out, sometimes you can lose up to eight pounds just from that,” she said to the Telegraph, before retracting and claiming a misunderstanding.

Liquid diets, one of the best supermodel diet secrets, usually last less than 9 days. A much healthier options is to try it between 3-5 days for fast results without any lasting consequences.

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Coco Rocha – Cereal

The Canadian fashion model has worked with some of the biggest names in the fashion industry, from Karl Lagerfeld to Chanel and Calvin Klein. The biggest of her supermodel diet secrets is eating cereal at least twice a day. High in fiber and with no sugar, whole grain cereal is a great way to get energy without fats and sugars.

“For breakfast, I’ll have a bowl of cereal followed by another bowl about an hour later. For lunch, I’ll have a salad or sandwich and then a big dinner around 5PM followed by a final bowl of cereal around 9PM,” she explained.

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Heidi Klum – No Carbs

Even if she stopped modeling lingerie on the runway, Heidi Klum still has a killer body and her main secret is staying away from carbohydrates… most of the time.

A low-carb diet, with no pasta, bread or corn, is a great way to lose weight, as long as you’re eating enough protein and fresh produce. However, even Heidi Klum has cravings and even the best supermodel diet secret can have a weak spot.

“If I want a banana, I eat a banana,” she told People Magazine.

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Naomi Campbell – Master Cleanse

One of the biggest supermodels in the world, Naomi Campbell doesn’t like to diet, but she swears by the master cleanse, a short detoxing diet based on lemonade and herbal laxative tea.

Even if it’s one of the top supermodel diet secrets, the Master Cleans can also be risky. 10 days of eating no solid foods, just liquids, can be very harsh on your body, especially if you burn a lot of calories daily.

The lemonade, salt-water drink and herbal tea don’t offer enough nutrition for most women, but if you’re looking for fast weight loss, can try the diet for 2-3 days, before gradually introducing solid foods.

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