Best and Worst Foods for Bloating

Best and Worst Foods for Bloating

Bloating and gas can be really unpleasant, but getting rid of it for good usually takes a few changes in your diet. Get rid of bloating for good, by getting to know the best foods that fight bloating and the worst foods for bloating, that you should eat in smaller quantities.

Beat the bloat and improve your digestion with these simple tips about the right and wrong foods to eat when you’re prone to bloating and gas.

Foods That Fight Bloating

Staying hydrated is very important when you’re feeling bloated. Water is the best choice and carbonated drinks should be avoided completely when you’re fighting bloat and gas. Don’t use a straw, because you might swallow air, add a touch of lemon to room-temperature water and start eating the right foods that fight bloating.


Natural yogurt, with active cultures, is one of the best things you can eat to improve your digestion. The bacteria in it will settle into your gut and help fight bloating and constipation. While some people with a mild dairy intolerance might avoid yogurt, it’s still one of the best foods that fight bloating, since the milk in it is already partially broken down by the beneficial bacteria.

Best and Worst Foods for Bloating


Fiber from whole grains is another great way to fight bloating, since it aids your digestion. Eat it for breakfast or pair it with natural yogurt to double up your anti-bloating weapons. It’s a much better alternative to other fiber-rich foods which can sometimes make you feel full and swollen.


Papain, an enzyme found in papaya, has a very beneficial effect on digestion. Similar to an enzyme produced by your pancreas, papain makes the exotic fruit one of the best ways to fight bloating. Improving constipation and gas, papaya should be a part of your daily diet if you deal with bloating regularly.


While celery is usually eaten raw, you can also cook it to benefit from its bloat-fighting power. When it’s raw, you get extra water, but the chemicals that help regulate your digestion and fight water retention are just as efficient when celery is boiled or steamed. Add some parsley to it and you’ll benefit from another great food that reduces bloating.


Rich in potassium and a natural diuretic, watermelon may make you feel full if you eat a lot of it quickly, but in the long run it fights bloating. Restoring the balance between sodium and potassium is one of the best things you can do if you’re looking to deflate your stomach.

Worst Foods for Bloating

Carbonated and acidic drinks will make you feel bloated, but another big factor are artificial sweeteners. They’re bad in all sweets, but when you’re chewing gum you’re also at a risk of swallowing air. Phase them out from your diet and stay away from the other bad foods for bloating.

Salty and Greasy Foods

A high content of sugar, salt and fats is the worst recipe for bloating and gas. Too much sodium also increased water retention, so junk food has to be the first to go when you’re trying to phase out the worst foods for bloating from your diet.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Raw cruciferous vegetables will make you gassy and bloated in no time. If you love broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, cook them well and exercise restraint when it comes to the size of your portions. They’re some of the worst foods for bloating, much more than beans, lentils and peas.

Best and Worst Foods for Bloating


For many people, a mild lactose intolerance goes undiagnosed, but creates bloating and makes you feel gassy. Yogurt and other dairy products with active cultures, like kefir, are the more beneficial dairy products, while processed cheeses can cause bloating even for people who aren’t sensitive to dairy.


Big portions of carbs (pasta, rice, cereal) definitely deserve a place on the list worst foods for bloating. Decrease your portion size and add a bit of protein to them to decrease the negative effects they can have on your digestive tract.


If you notice that eating a lot of fruit makes you gassy and bloated, the culprit might be a mild fructose intolerance. Apples, bananas and pears are some of the fruit with the most bloating potential, while apricots and melon have a lower fructose content and can be easier to digest. To take fruits off the list of the worst food for bloating, stop eating them after your meals. Eat them at least 30 minutes before a meal or at least 2 hours after it.

Related:10 Spring Vegetables for Weight Loss

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