The macrobiotic diet has not been developed as a quick fix for weight loss but instead it focuses on choosing foods that are nutritious, varied and healthy for an increased vitality and to prevent several types of diseases, including cancer. Therefore, it’s more a lifestyle than a diet. The macrobiotic diet was embraced by famous celebrities like raw foods as possible is recommended and generally this diet is a predominantly vegetarian one although it encourages the occasional consumption of fish.
Avoiding the overstimulating effects of certain foods and drinks like refined flour, coffee, alcohol, very hot spices, honey, chocolate or poor quality vegetable oils is also recommended.
The choices we make should be adjusted according to various factors like: sex, age, health condition, season, climate and levels of activity. For example: summer is the best time to eat more raw foods while in autumn we should choose root vegetables, cereals, pumpkin seeds or sweet rice.
If you are planning to start the macrobiotic diet you should know that the gradual approach works best as this might be a quite different from your usual diet so your taste buds might need some time to adjust.
Also, when it comes to beverages you should know that drinks that contain caffeine are usually avoided so coffee, black and green tea should be replaced with teas made from roasted grains or from dandelion greens or other caffeine-free teas and it is also recommended to drink pure, filtered water. Using vitamins and supplements might also be a wise choice.
Another important aspect is the daily exercise which is an essential requirement when trying to lose weight and get the fabulous body we desire. Proponents of this diet recommend yoga routines as they include whole body exercises and yoga is also a green form of exercise because it requires little or no equipment.
Tai Chi, swimming or running are also a good choices especially if you prefer a more dynamic forms of exercise. Try exercising outdoors with a buddy to make exercise more fun or try taking dance lessons. Making exercise fun is the best way to create the lifelong habit of exercise and with a little bit of creativity you will look forward to start your exercise routine everyday. Try various types of exercises to avoid boredom.