14 Amazing Pumpkin Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

Pumpkins are one of the oldest known vegetables to the Indian audience. In the good old days, Pumpkins were a common sight in every backyard. It is a culinary delight and is used to make curries, stews, soups and even juice. Pumpkin Juice is a lesser-known version of this amazing, but trust us! It does wonders to your health. Loaded with many vitamins and minerals, Pumpkin juice can act as a natural elixir, by treating a number of ailments. Let’s get to know more about Pumpkin juice benefits to your body.

Pumpkin juice benefits

What Is Pumpkin Juice?

Pumpkin juice is extracted from the flesh of Pumpkins. The hard skin is removed before making this juice. While sweet pumpkin juice is mildly sweet in taste, white pumpkin juice has a neutral taste. Both these variants work wonderfully in reducing many common health disorders.

Is Pumpkin Juice Good For Health?

Pumpkin Juice is phenomenal when it comes to nutrition. It is rich in Vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium and other important nutrients. It is also low in calories and is made up of 94 % of water content. Apart from hydrating the body, pumpkin juice also treats digestive disorders, prevents Cancers and even aids in weight loss.

How To Make Pumpkin Juice At Home?

Homemade Pumpkin juice can be easily made with just two ingredients – Pumpkin and Water. Check out the Pumpkin juice recipe below:


  • Pumpkin Pieces – 1 Cup
  • Water – As required


  • Peel the pumpkin and chop it into medium-sized cubes.
  • Blend them in a juicer with some water.
  • Extract the juice and transfer into a tall glass.
  • Serve immediately.

Serving Tip: You can even add some honey or palm sugar for extra sweetness and taste.

Pumpkin Juice Nutrition Facts:

Get to know the nutritional breakup of Pumpkin Juice prepared with 1 Cup of Pumpkin cubes (116 gm):

  • Total calories: 30.2
  • Total Carbohydrates: 26.4
  • Proteins: 1 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 0.6 gm
  • Vitamin A: 171 %
  • Vitamin C: 17 %
  • Calcium: 24.4 mg
  • Potassium: 394 mg
  • Phosphorous: 51 mg

How Much Pumpkin Juice Can I Take Daily?

Pumpkin juice can be had twice a day, with a serving size of the ½ cup. It is also recommended to have it after meals for better digestion and regulation of acid levels in the stomach. Consuming this juice beyond the recommended quantity may cause stomach upset.

Best Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Juice:

To know more about the pumpkin juice benefits that you can achieve for the health, skin and the hair, you need to read this list below. It will give you a range of reasons why pumpkin juice should be consumed. Check them out and see how it can help you:

1. Protects The Liver and Kidneys:

For those who have kidney stones or the same problems in the gall bladder or those who have any liver, issues can easily drink a half glass of freshly extracted pumpkin juice thrice in a day for the next 10 days. This helps in proper cure of the ailments and give you regulated functioning of liver and kidney.

2. Prevents Constipation:

One of the best Pumpkin Juice uses is to treat digestive disorders. Pumpkin juice has dietary fibre that helps in regulating the digestive system completely. It adds bulk to the bowels and thus ensures easy and convenient passing of stools which also leads to a cure of issues of constipation which is quite common among people.

3. Induces Sound Sleep:

Are you someone who is insomniac and not able to sleep at nights? A natural way to get rid of this problem is to drink a glass of fresh pumpkin juice with a little honey each day. This mixture calms your anxious nerves and gives a soothing feeling. It is bound to give you the desired outcomes with regular usage.

4. Keeps Blood Pressure In Check:

Using Pumpkin juice for Cholesterol reduction is one of the popular home remedies. High blood pressure can be reduced with drinking pumpkin juice. The pectin content in pumpkin juice is also quite high that aids in reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. Both these benefits help in keeping the heart healthy and free from diseases and risks of attacks and strokes.

See More: Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits

5. Reduces Signs Of Morning Sickness:

Pregnant women go through a regular issue of morning sickness during the 9 months. Drinking a glass of pumpkin juice each day in the morning can help it subside in an effective manner. Apart from treating nausea, White pumpkin juice benefits in treating the acid refluxes caused during this time.

6. Strengthens Immune System:

There are good amounts of minerals and rich levels of vitamin C in pumpkin that helps in boosting the immune system and helps inward off infections and diseases in the body. All you need to do is have a glass of pumpkin juice every day in the morning for attaining this goal.

7. Prevents Wrinkles and Dark Spots:

Vitamin C and vitamin E levels in pumpkin juice are known to be some of the essential nutrients for maintaining skin health. Beta carotene also helps in achieving the aims. This maintains beautiful, problem-free glowing skin. Pumpkin Juice is widely used in many creams and beauty products to reduce wrinkles, dark spots and signs of ageing.

8. Repairs Dry Hair:

For moisturizing the dry hair and scalp, the best is to drink some pumpkin juice each day. One can also prepare hair packs and conditioners from pumpkin juice to get this goal in an easy and convenient manner. By using Pumpkin Juice for rinsing your hair can lock the natural moisture levels and eliminate frizz.

9. Reduces Skin Inflammation:

The cooling effect of pumpkin juice is ideal for the treatment of inflammation on the skin as well as issues like insect bites. The antioxidants help in healing these issues in the right way. Well again, all you need is to drink a glass of pumpkin juice each day.

See More: Pumpkin During Pregnancy

10. Promotes Hair Regrowth:

If you are suffering from hair loss and thinning, try having Pumpkin Juice. This wonderful drink is known to treat receding hairlines by stimulating new hair growth. The high amounts of Vitamin A and Potassium encourage sprouting of hair follicles and reduce the area of bald patches.

11. Detoxifies the Body:

Looking for a natural way to detoxify your body? Try having Pumpkin Juice. This amazing drink can help in flushing out the toxins from the body. This gives a revitalized feeling, along with allowing your body to repair itself. Drinking Pumpkin juice on empty stomach can cleanse your system well. You can also use Pumpkin juice for weight loss.

12. Excellent Cooling Properties:

If you are dealing with high temperatures, Pumpkin juice can act as a best natural remedy. The cooling properties of this juice can help in bringing down the temperature and reducing the symptoms of fever. A mixture of Pumpkin juice and honey can work as an excellent cooling agent. This is one of the many benefits of raw Pumpkin Juice.

13. Prevents Arteriosclerosis:

Arteriosclerosis is a condition where the arteries get hardened and cause heart malfunctions. Pumpkin juice can cleanse the excess and unnecessary deposits in the arteries. The antioxidants present in this juice can relax the nerves while fighting cell damage caused to oxidative stress. Prevention of heart problems is one of the significant benefits of drinking Pumpkin juice.

14. Promotes Healthy Urinary Tract:

Of the many health benefits of Pumpkin Juice, encouraging healthy urinary system is quite important. It helps in cleansing the kidneys of waste materials and flushing them out of the system. Pumpkin juice also helps in the maintenance of Kidney health and prevention of Urinary tract infections.

See More: Pumpkin Face Packs

Pumpkin Juice Side Effects:

Pumpkin juice is generally considered to be safe for consumption. However, taking it in large quantities may lead to certain side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach Upset
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of Appetite

So, folks! Now that you are aware of these amazing Pumpkin Juice Benefits, it’s time you try it out. Pumpkin juice offers many therapeutic uses to our body, making it one of the best natural remedies. However, it is important to note that Pumpkin juice alone will not solve your problems and can only work as a support to medication. Time to grab a glass of freshly squeezed Pumpkin Juice!