Lindsay Lohan Back In Rehab

Lindsay Lohan Back In Rehab

Lindsay Lohan after reportedly failing the drug test could be charged again for probation violation which can end up with a more severe punishment. This time the actress decided to choose the rehab voluntarily. The persons in charge for her finances as well as the handling of the perfect conditions during her rehab are Dina Lohan, Lindsay’s mother as well at the business manager Lou Taylor. Access Hollywood claims that she wasn’t allowed to have at hand any substances that would sabotage her cleaning process as paraphernalia only with a valid prescription. Alcohol was also one of the ‘no-no’ things to consume and more purchasing was also banned to prevent the ruining of her rehab session. Lindsay Lohan Back In Rehab and the news agency state that Lindsay Lohan decided to choose a rehab center in southern California and would stay there until the next hearing planned for October 22.

The notorious busting as well as drug and alcohol scandals managed to ruin the rising career of the young actress who still has the chance to heal and recover as well as earn back her strong reputation as a talented actress, if the rehab as well as the trial takes a more fortunate turn. Indeed keeping track of her latest scandals might seem a challenging task however you’ll get a brief insight into the newest trouble she got herself into this time ending with a more severe consequence.

Last Friday night Lindsay Lohan was released from jail on a no less than $300,000 bail, soon after being taken into custody. It might have seemed that the storm is over however returning to rehab seemed imminent this time.

Lindsay keeps the media on its toes with the latest news and gossip from the rehabilitation center. Indeed the alcohol and drug monitoring device she was forced to wear can be named as the main culprit to reveal her violation which also influenced her decision to choose rehab as the ultimate solution to avoid jail time.

It might be a wise trick to show the judge that she is indeed firm of her ambition to quit this lifestyle or is indeed a desperate call for professional help due to her lack of power and motivation to say goodbye to this damaging routine of visiting rehab centers as a sport.

According to her Twitter messages Lindsay Lohan claims that she is: “ready to take responsibility for my actions and… prepared to face the consequences”.

Hopefully she will succeed this time.

Lindsay Lohan Back In RehabLindsay Lohan leaving Bardot nightclub, Hollywood back in July