6 Best Pomegranate Face Packs

Pomegranate is a fruit rich in juices and oils and phytochemicals and other elements which are all extremely beneficial for your skin. However, the reason why pomegranate is so excellent for skin is its richness in antioxidants. Antioxidants help regenerate body cells and keep you looking young and beautiful. With the judicious use of pomegranate juices and other such elements good for skin, you can concoct amazing face packs and enhance your beauty like never before! And what’s more, you can do this without using any harsh over the top chemicals or spending loads of money on skincare products! Here are the best face masks you can make with pomegranate.

pomegranate face packs

Pomegranate Face Packs:

Here are 6 best pomegranate face packs as follows

1. Citrus Attack:

As you know, pomegranates are rich sources of vitamin C. Combine them with other citrus fruits like Lemons and you have the perfect mixture to rejuvenate your skin with a little vitamin C therapy! To make this face pack, seed your pomegranate. Then grind the seeds with a pestle and make a thick paste. You made add some flour to help make the paste more compact. Next add lemon juice to this paste. Now apply it all over your face and neck. Leave it on for about half an hour before washing it off with lukewarm water. You will feel your skin glow and feel fresh. If you have pimples or cuts or any other sort of rashes, you must not use this face mask since the citric acid will make these inflammations burn. It is a good pomegranate face mask.

2. Yogurt Therapy:

Pomegranate and yogurts make an excellent combination. One helps tighten your skin while the other helps remove blemishes and improve its complexion – together they give you the best of both worlds! So seed your fruit and transform it into a thick paste. Then add yogurt and apply it on your face. Keep it on for half an hour before washing it off. Yogurt is also helpful in removing tan. So this face mask is an excellent whitening solution. This is the perfect pomegranate face mask for skin glow.

See More: Tips To Get Beautiful Face

3. Honey Glow:

Honey is mentioned quite a large number of times in relation with face products. This is because honey helps impart an ethereal glow to your skin. To make this face pack, begin with seeding the pomegranate and then proceeding to make a thick paste. Add a spoonful of honey to this mixture and then apply it on your face. The results are unbelievable!. This is the best pomegranate face pack.

4. Oatmeal To The Rescue:

Oatmeal is another eatable that proves to be useful when it is applied externally and not consumed orally. So use a mixer to make a paste of oatmeal, pomegranate seed, honey and buttermilk. Once you’ve got a thick past, apply it generously on your face. Let it stay for a while and then wash it off with warm water.

See More: How To Use Olive Oil For Face

5. Cocoa Magic:

Cocoa is delicious. It is out of this world! But what many of us don’t know is that cocoa is marvelous not just because of its taste but also because of its other beneficial properties such as its richness in antioxidants. Thus, adding cocoa to a pomegranate paste and applying it as a mask upon your face helps you look younger and more beautiful. These two products, both rich in antioxidants, help you mask your true age by making you look not only magnificent but also remarkably younger. It is one of the best pomegranate face packs.

6. Green Tea Retreat:

Green tea is also rich in antioxidants and is thus, excellent for skin. Drinking copious amounts of green tea helps flush out excess unwanted toxins from your body and thus, cleanse it from within. But green tea proves to be useful when applied externally too! Create a mixture of green tea, pomegranate paste and honey and apply it as a mask.

See More: How To Apply Aloe Vera Gel On Face

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