Handbag designs signed by Silvia Venturini Fendi have traveled around the world, while on the 19th of October 2020 the world was blown away with the Fendi fashion show on the Great Wall in China.
The Fendi House’s first big success was the Baguette bag (1997), created as a riposte to the polluting minimalism of the late ’90s, to rediscover fantasy. The Fendi Baguette is one of a long line of classic handbags which join the ranks of iconic purses.
The bag was inspired by the French’s manner of carrying the bread under their arms.
Other famous handbags from Fendi: the Doctor Bag (2020), the Spy (2020) with a secret pocket, Chef (2020), B. Fendi (2020), B.Mix (2020) or To You (2020).
The Fendi Patent Baguette (2020) has turned into a classic favorite.
The Fendi Bag De Jour (2020) is remarkably glamorous and pulled together.