Aromatherapy and Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Aromatherapy and Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Essential oils can be an important tool for weight loss, whether you use them as aromatherapy or even if you use them orally. Discover the most important oils that play a big part in aromatherapy for weight loss, both by cutting your appetite and helping you relax.

Whether you use them to scent your home, or your bath, you can also use up to 3 drops in a tissue and then inhale deeply. Go further by diluting 2 drops in a glass of water and drinking it, since many can help lose weight when you’re dieting in a direct way.

Grapefruit Essential Oil

This fruit is so good for weight loss that it’s a big part of many diets. The grapefruit essential oils has plenty of health benefits, but its main effect is increasing metabolism and burning fat. It’s rich in vitamin C, along with other important enzimes that can help detoxify your body. Its smell is enough to promote weight loss, but for a more powerful effect, use two drops in a big glass of water.

Bergamot Essential Oil

With a powerful effect in reducing cholesterol levels, bergamot essential oil can also play a big part in aromatherapy for weight loss. It can relax you while also stimulating the endocrine system. If you’re a stress eater, then it can definitely aid your weight loss efforts.

Aromatherapy and Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Peppermint Essential Oil

Excellent for suppressing cravings, peppermint essential oil has also been used to treat digestive problems. You can enjoy its powerful scent while you relax or you can dilute two stops in a glass of water after your meal to promote the feeling of fullness.

Lemon Essential Oil

Just like grapefruit essential oil, lemon is great for increasing the speed of your metabolism, while also helping with digestion. It’s a great addition to your aromatherapy for weight loss, but if you decide to use it to flavor water, you’re also benefiting from the high vitamin C content it provides.

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Cypress Essential Oil

A great diuretic, cypress essential oil can help you get rid of water weight, as long as you stay hydrated. It’s a great companion to other essential oils that are often used in aromatherapy, but it won’t help your relax or curb cravings on its own.

Tangerine Essential Oil

Another essential oil extracted from a healthy citrus fruit, tangerine essential oil delivers a wonderful and relaxing fragrance. You can use it for aromatherapy for weight loss or drink a couple of drops in a glass of water for its diuretic effects, but it can also promote the flow of digestive juices and clean your blood from toxins.

Cinnamon Essential Oil

Wonderfully fragrant, cinnamon essential oil can also be used for cooking. It can help control your blood sugar levels, while also reducing the risk of color cancer, thanks to its great effect in aiding digestion. Use it as a tonic or simply enjoy its pleasant aroma while you relax.

Aromatherapy and Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Orange Essential Oil

If you just want to enjoy it as part of aromatherapy for weight loss, orange essential oil has a great soothing effect, that can also have a good effect on your mood if you’re suffering from depression. If you drink a glass of water with a couple of drops, it can also promote secretions, including digestive ones.

More: Best Oils for Massage

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

The most direct way in which ylang ylang essential oil aids you in your weight loss effort is by helping your relax. Stress eating can become a thing of the past if you use this oil either in a diffuser or simply in a tissue in order to calm down.

Ginger Essential Oil

In aromatherapy for weight loss, ginger essential oil can have a soothing and relaxing effect, while also delivering a pleasant smell. It’s best to skip ingesting this one, since it’s must stronger than other essential oils.

Patchouli Essential Oil

Great for relaxation, patchouli oil is also a diuretic and tonic if ingested. Use it to relax when you’re feeling hungry, but want to avoid the temptation of foods that aren’t allowed on your diet.

Vanilla Essential Oil

Another great choice when it comes to aromatherapy for weight loss, vanilla essential oil has a relaxing and tranquilizing effect, which makes it perfect for a massage or a long soak.

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