Ayurvedic Treatments for Pimples (Acne) – 10 Ingredients That Work!

Who doesn’t dream of beautiful, flawless skin? Unfortunately, skin disorders like acne, blemishes take away your natural beauty and end up making you look older. Most of the skin products available in the market are loaded with chemicals and can give you side effects. This is why we recommend taking the Ayurveda route. Relying on ayurvedic treatment for pimples not only helps in treating the problem, but also eliminating it from the roots.

ayurvedic treatments for pimples

In this article, we shall learn how to achieve radiant and glowing skin, using some secrets of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Pimples:

Here are the 9 best Ayurvedic treatments for pimples, acne and scars to your face.

1. Tulsi Paste Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Tulsi Paste Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Tulsi or Holy basil is full of therapeutic benefits to the skin. It contains powerful antibiotic and antiseptic agents which can effectively fight bacteria and give you relief from breakouts. Besides, Tulsi also reduces the inflammation and redness on your skin and prevents future occurrences. This is the best Ayurvedic treatment for acne.


  • Tulsi Leaves – 1 Cup.
  • Water.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Make a paste out of Tulsi leaves and water.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Every day.

Precautions: No known side effects of this remedy.

See More: Pimples On Forehead

2. Honey and Lemon Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Honey and Lemon Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Among the many methods of Ayurveda for pimples, honey and lemon top the list. Honey and lemon mixture is an elixir for treating acne. Every day offers deep cleaning benefits to the skin, to remove dirt, oil and bacteria. It also hydrates your skin and makes it soft and supple. Lemon, on the other hand, balances the pH of your skin and absorbs excess sebum.


  • Honey – 1tbsp.
  • Lemon – 4-5 drops.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Add Lemon juice to honey.
  • Mix well.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the honey, lemon mixture on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice or Thrice A Week.

Precautions: This remedy contains lemon, which may not suit sensitive skin.

See More: Tips To Remove Pimple Marks

3. Dry Cinnamon and Honey Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Dry Cinnamon and Honey Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Cinnamon is a wonderful anti-acne remedy. It is an effective anti-microbial agent, which can kill bacteria instantly. It also reduces skin inflammation and lowers the severity of acne. Honey can balance the strength of Cinnamon and protects your skin from drying out. This is a proven ayurvedic pimple treatment at home.


  • Dry Cinnamon Powder – 2tbsp.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp.

Time to Prepare: 2 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Mix Honey and Cinnamon Powder together.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: Avoid this remedy if you have sensitive skin.

4. Neem Leaves Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Neem Leaves Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Another Ayurvedic treatment for acne and pimples is Neem. Neem Leaves are an effective way to get rid of pimples. They are loaded with antibacterial agents which can not only kill the existing bacteria but can also prevent them from coming back. It also helps in treating many other skin disorders, including removal of blemishes and spots.


  • Neem Leaves – 1 Cup.
  • Water – To make a paste.

Time to Prepare: 10 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Boil Neem leaves in water.
  • Make a smooth paste by blending them in a grinder.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 30-40 minutes.
  • Rinse with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Every alternate day.

Precautions: No known side effects of this remedy.

5. Sesame Seeds Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Another easy way to removing pimples with the help of Sesame Seeds. Sesame oil is enriched with minerals and vitamins to get rid of acne. The oils present in these seeds can lighten your blemishes, get rid of scars and give you a smooth skin. This is one of the best ayurvedic remedies for acne.


  • Sesame Seeds – 2tbsp.
  • Water – To Soak.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes + 4 hours soak.

Preparation Method:

  • Soak sesame seeds in water.
  • Once ready, blend them to form a smooth paste.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: This remedy may not suit oily and greasy skin.

6. Potato Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Potato Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Potato is well known for its skin lighting properties. Along with clearing hyperpigmentation, Potato can also remove acne by clearing the pores and controlling the excess production of sebum. It also gives you relief from redness and inflammation of the skin. This a best Ayurvedic cure for acne.


  • Potato – 1 Big.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Grate a potato and extract the juice.
  • Collect the juice in a cup.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the juice on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? You can do this every day.

Precautions: No known side effects of this remedy.

See More: Reasons for Acne and Pimples

7. Mint Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Mint Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Mint is one of the best Ayurvedic home remedies for pimples. In fact, nothing can refresh your skin than a sprig of Mint! Mint can also offer cooling sensation, but also reduce the intensity of acne. It can control the redness and irritation associated with Acne. Mint also works on eliminating the bacterial growth to remove pimples from roots.


  • Mint Leaves – ½ Cup.
  • Water – 1 or 2 tbsp.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Grind Mint leaves.
  • Add little water to form a smooth paste.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: No known side effects of this remedy.

8. Nutmeg Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

Nutmeg Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Another spice that not only makes your food aromatic but also treats acne is the Nutmeg. Nutmeg is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the breakouts. It can also heal scars and clear the black spots that come along with acne. This is a powerful ayurvedic acne treatment at home.


  • Nutmeg Powder – 2tbsp.
  • Water.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Add water to nutmeg powder.
  • Form a smooth paste.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: This remedy may not suit sensitive skin.

9. Cloves Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples:

The cloves are powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can cure even the stubborn acne. Cloves are best ayurvedic remedies for acne and pimples, which are rich in antioxidant agents which can fight free radicals and protect your skin from external damage. This is why many anti-acne products have clove oil as their key ingredient.


  • Cloves – 1tbsp.
  • Water – To Grind.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Make a paste out of cloves and oil.
  • You can also use diluted Clove oil instead of this paste.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes.
  • Wash with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Once a week.

Precautions: This remedy may not suit sensitive skin.

10. Moringa for Pimples:

Moringa leaves have antiseptic properties, which can clear any sort of skin infections. It also purifies your skin and can cure your blemishes, dark spots and even eruptions. The anti-inflammatory benefits of Moringa can treat acne and reduce its severity.


  • Moringa – 1 Cup.
  • Water – To Grind.

Time to Prepare: 5 minutes.

Preparation Method:

  • Make a paste out of Moringa leaves and water.

How to Apply?

  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with water thoroughly.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: No known side effects of this remedy.

Additional Tips to Follow Before Using These Herbs for Acne:

Before trying out these remedies, read these precautionary steps and tips to ensure you remain free from side effects:

  • Always check for allergic reactions. Do a patch test on a small area, before proceeding to larger areas.
  • Herbal remedies can be strong on sensitive skins. Stay away from them if they give you redness or rashes.
  • In case you are sceptical about using these herbs directly on the skin, you can even try using them in the forms of creams and lotions.

Ayurvedic herbs are key components of this ancient, traditional medicine. They are quite effective in cleansing the body, protecting the skin from bacterial infections and balancing the oil glands. Taking them internally in the form of spices and herbs can also cleanse your body from inside and remove all the doshas from the body. If you have tried any of the methods mentioned above, do let us know which one worked for you!

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

1. What Causes Acne According to Ayurveda?

Acne is caused due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha, which results in the production of sebaceous glands. The toxins under your skin get heated up, resulting in breakouts on your skin. This is why Ayurvedic experts suggest an internal cleansing to remove these doshas, along with using topical applications.

2. Which is The Best Ayurvedic Cream for Pimples?

One of the oldest and the most trusted Ayurvedic brands in India is Vicco. Vicco Turmeric, which is its signature product, is considered to the best anti-acne cream ever. It is enriched with the goodness of Turmeric and Sandalwood oil, which can fight bacterial growth and also soothe your skin.

3. Is There Any Ayurvedic Medicine for Acne and Pimples?

There is no dearth for Ayurvedic medicines in a country like India. Some of these brands are known for quality and reliability, which makes them so popular. Here is a list of top Ayurvedic medicines for acne, which purify your blood to make your skin blemish-free on the outside.

  • Hamdard Safi.
  • Dabur Active Blood Purifier.
  • Himalaya Neem Blood Purifier.
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