Numerous external factors can ruin the flawless condition of your hair especially if you neglect the basic steps of a textbook style hair care regime. Dry and dehydrated locks create a bad impression and deprive you of admiring looks. The following 6 home remedies for dry and damaged hair provide you with natural recipes to restore the revitalized condition of your strands. Showcase your beauty knowledge and combine various organic and nourishing ingredients into soothing treatments.
1. Coconut Oil and Almonds
Experts advise you to use organic remedies to restore the shiny look of your hair instead of exposing your tresses to the damaging effect of chemicals. Prepare a nourishing lotion by mixing ½ cup of coconut oil with 6 cloves of crushed almonds. Heat the lotion for 4-5 minutes then let it cool down. Then apply the treatment on your hair and scalp. Cover your head with a towel and wait at least 30 minutes for the organic ingredients to exercise their hydrating effect. Finally wash off the lotion with tepid water and a tiny amount of shampoo. See the vitality boost this mixture offered to your locks.
2. Olive Oil and Yogurt
Repair your damaged locks with a simple and natural treatment. Grab a medium bowl and mix ½ cup of plain yogurt with 2 tbs of olive oil. In order to make the mixture even more nourishing you can also add 6 drops of rosemary essential oil.
Use a blender to create a fine paste and apply the treatment on your damp locks. Cover your head with a plastic wrap and leave the hair pack on for 20 minutes. The final step is to rinse off the treatment with lukewarm water. Repeat this ritual at least twice a week for quick and amazing results.
3. Sunflower Oil
Dry and damaged hair can become a real burden if you don’t know how to get rid of this problem. Sunflower oil is one of the popular remedies you can use to hydrate your locks properly. Restore the shiny and soft texture of your strands by massaging a tiny amount of lukewarm sunflower oil into your locks.
Leave the treatment on for 20 minutes then wash off the lotion with a tiny amount of hair-friendly shampoo and tepid water. Include this ritual into your weekly hair care regime for dazzling results.
4. Maple Syrup
Prepare a fabulous deep conditioning treatment using this delicious ingredient. Revitalize your lifeless locks by using this simple natural remedy. In a small saucepan mix 2 tbs maple syrup, ½ tsp honey and 2 tbs lard. Let the mixture melt then put it aside until it cools down enough to be able to apply it on your scalp and locks. Massage the treatment into your tresses and scalp. Leave the hair pack on for 25 minutes then wash your hair as you would regularly do with shampoo and tepid water.
5. Aloe Vera
This time there’s no need to prepare a treatment. All you have to do to have shiny and happy locks is to add 1 tsp of pure Aloe Vera gel to your shampoo. Massage the lotion into your scalp and tresses for 5-6 minutes before you would rinse off the product. Use this shampoo on a regular basis to see the positive impact of Aloe Vera on your dry and brittle locks.
6. Sesame Oil
Experts in natural remedies experimented with zillion different ingredients rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The results of the experiments on dry hair revealed that sesame oil can be used as a top ingredient for deep conditioning dry and damaged locks. Create a simple mixture of 6oz of warmed sesame oil, 6 drops of sandalwood essential oil and the same amount of lavender oil. Apply the hot oil treatment on your locks and make sure you use a comb to spread the treatment uniformly all over the locks. Wrap your locks into a towel and leave the hair pack on for 15 minutes. Finish up hydrating your tresses by washing off the oily treatment with tepid water and a few drops of shampoo.
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