How to Get Rid of Calluses

How to Get Rid of  Calluses

Calluses are essentially a hardening of the skin in response to excessive friction. Typically occurring on the surface of the feet, this distressing beauty problem is a basic protective mechanism of the skin that can occur due to pressure that is applied on the feet by certain types of footwear. Although calluses are typically seen as relatively harmless from a health stand point, neglecting this issue can result in pain and even infection.

Understanding the causes is often helpful as it can reveal possible prevention strategies. The most common causes of this problem are: wearing high heels often or very tight fitted shoes, excessive body weight, highly ached feet or flat feet, short Achilles tendon or activities that increase the pressure normally applied on the skin.

How to Get Rid of  Calluses

Although not all of these causes can be eliminated, some simple changes, such as choosing more comfortable shoes or wearing socks that offer a better cushioning are easy prevention strategies that can be applied immediately. Padded shoe inserts are an equally good solution for those who suffer from recurring calluses due to feet deformities.

In addition to these simple tips, there are also some self care strategies that can help minimize this problem. Soaking your feet in warm water for approximately 20 minutes is not only relaxing, but also beneficial. Adding Epsom or seas salt, baking soda , chamomile tea or apple cider vinegar can help reduce swelling and deal with the calluses a lot easier. A paste of aspirin and lemon juice applied to the affected areas overnight is a home remedy that can be tried as well.

Using a pumice stone to lightly remove some of the hardened skin or a gentle exfoliator can also be helpful. Investing in a good moisturizing cream and applying it religiously will also help speed up the healing process. Looking for topical skin care creams that contain salicylic acid is recommended as this ingredient is believed to accelerate the healing process the most.

Although cutting calluses has become a rather common practice, this method is highly unrecommended as it can lead to injuries and infection. The risks are particularly high for those who have diabetes or cardiovascular problems who should consult a professional rather then trying to solve this problem themselves. Despite the fact that calluses are a relatively trivial problem for generally healthy people, as long as it is painless, there are some cases which might require seeking medical assistance. If calluses become painful or inflamed or worse, they start to bleed, seeking a podiatrist is by far the best solution for fast healing.

How to Get Rid of  Calluses

Photo credit: Thinkstock Photos

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