How To Use Lemon For Hair Growth? – 8 DIY Methods!

The importance of lemon to a healthy body needs no special mention. From strengthening your immune system to aiding in weight loss, there is very little that this citrusy fruit cannot do! But, did you know the benefits of lemon for hair? Yes, you heard that, right! There are numerous ways in which lime can promote stronger, shinier hair.

Lemon Juice for HairWhether it is dandruff or hair fall, greying or dullness, lemon or Nimbu can work as an elixir to your hair. Along with drinking lemon juice as part of your daily diet, trying out a few homemade masks with this ingredient act as sure-shot remedies for your hairy woes. So, why the wait? Read along to understand the various methods to apply lemon on hair, along with some of the major benefits and drawbacks of using it on your mane!

Benefits Of Lemon for Hair:

Many people believe that using lemons on hair can dry out the strands and also turn them grey. However, this is far from true! Lemons are actually good for your hair and scalp when used in the right way. Let us look at some of the major advantages of incorporating this sour fruit in your hair care routine:

1. Antioxidant-Rich Agent:

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, flavonoids and other antioxidants, which fight free radicals that damage your hair cells. They also protect your hair from damage from exposure to UV radiation and daily wear and tear. Besides, antioxidants also prevent oxidative stress to reduce the risk of premature hair greying and hair fall (1).

2. Anti-Microbial Properties:

Lemon is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent that can combat infection-causing microbes that lead to scalp problems. As per a study, Lemon juice is highly effective in reducing the growth of Malassezia, a type of fungus that causes dandruff (2). It can offer temporary relief from itchiness and white flakes on the scalp.

3. Balances pH Levels of Scalp:

A healthy scalp has pH levels between 4.5-5.5. When there is an imbalance in this scale, our hair becomes extremely frizzy and weak. Being acidic in nature, Lemon juice can strike a balance in the scalp pH, to save your hair from potential damage due to chemicals, dirt, bacteria and other environmental factors.

4. Improves Hair Elasticity:

Lemons are abundant in Vitamin C, which is important for the formation of collagen in hair. Collagen has important amino acids that build the structure of your hair follicles and improve their elasticity. It also strengthens and nourishes your roots to give a thick, voluminous mane!

How to Use Lemon for Hair Growth?

Lemon can treat many hair problems, including dullness, itchy scalp, hair loss, premature greying and more. Depending on the issue, you can combine it with a suitable ingredient for enhanced benefits and faster results. Take a look at these popular home remedies of lemon for healthy hair:

– Lemon Juice Hair Rinse – Lemon Juice and Honey – Onion Juice and Lemon Juice – Yoghurt and Lemon –

– Coconut Juice and Lemon Juice – Amla Juice and Lemon – Fenugreek and Lemon – Henna and Lemon Juice –

1. Lemon Juice for Hair Rinse:

Benefits of Lemon for Hair

If you have a greasy and oily scalp that needs frequent washing, say hello to your new best friend – the Lemon hair rinse! Powered with citric acid, this method can clarify your scalp cells and remove excess oil and product buildups. It can add life to your hair and make it bouncy and beautiful. Using it at the end of a hair wash can seal the cuticles and eliminate frizzy ends.


  • Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice – ¼ Cup.
  • Lukewarm Water – 1 Cup.
  • Preparation Time: 2 Minutes (if the juice is ready).

Directions to Use:

  • Add lemon juice to water. Mix well.
  • Now, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Rinse well to remove the product thoroughly from hair.
  • As a last rinse, pour the lime water, covering the entire mane (from roots to tips).
  • Leave it to air dry.

How Often Should I Do This? Once or twice a week.

Precautions: If you have a sensitive scalp, you may experience burning sensation after using this rinse.

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2. Lemon and Honey for Dandruff:

Lemon and Honey for Hair

By now, you must have already understood the role of lemon in eliminating dandruff. Adding honey to this juice can give you even better results. Honey is a natural moisturizer that can treat a dry and flaky scalp. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the itching and eruptions associated with dandruff. That’s not all! Honey can keep fungal growth at bay and support the action of lime juice to give you instant relief.


  • Fresh Lemon Juice – 1tbsp.
  • Honey – 3tbsp.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Mix honey with lemon juice.
  • Stir well to combine the ingredients.
  • Now partition your hair to reveal sections of your scalp.
  • Apply the honey and lemon mixture all over the affected area.
  • Massage for 1-2 minutes.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Use a mild shampoo to wash the mask and rinse with water.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: Avoid the treatment if you have bruised scalp or open wounds on the scalp skin.

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3. Onion & Lemon Juice for Hair Growth:

Onion Juice for Hair

According to a study, Onion juice is an excellent remedy for treating Alopecia Areata, which leads to hair loss and balding. By applying raw onion juice on the affected areas for a period of time, you can notice hair re-growth and a drastic reduction in hair fall (3). Adding lemon juice to this ingredient can improve the efficacy and restore normalcy of your scalp.


  • Fresh Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp.
  • Onion Juice – 2 tbsp.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Combine Onion juice with lemon juice.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply it all over the scalp, especially on the bald patches.
  • Massage for 2 minutes.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with a shampoo.

How Often Should I Do This? 3-4 times a week for 2 months.

Precautions: This method is not recommended for sensitive scalps.

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4. Yoghurt and Lemon for Hair:

Lemon for Damaged Hair

If you are constantly battling with parched hair that resembles a pile of hay, it could be due to hard water. Washing hair with hard water can leave limescale on the scalp and hair, leading to dryness, thinning and irreversible damage. Studies suggest that a topical application of Yoghurt and lemon can minimize these risks by preventing the metal ions from entering your shafts (4). The Dahi and lemon mask can also hydrate your mane and restore its lost glory.


  • Yoghurt – 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Mix Yoghurt with lemon juice.
  • Apply this paste all over the hair, covering roots.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Now use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.
  • Follow it with a conditioner.

How Often Should I Do This? Twice a week.

Precautions: If you have open cuts or bruises on scalp, you may experience a slight burning sensation with this mask.

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5. Coconut Oil & Lemon Juice:

Coconut Oil

If you have extremely damaged tresses, Coconut oil and lemon juice mix can bring them back to life. Coconut oil is an elixir when it comes to promoting healthy hair growth. It hydrates the hair follicles with the presence of Lauric acid and other fatty acids. Massaging your scalp with coconut oil stimulates better blood circulation to your strands. Adding the goodness of Vitamins and antioxidants of Lemon to coconut oil helps to curb hair fall and control the risk of damage.


  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Coconut Oil – 3 tbsp.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Add lemon juice to coconut oil and mix well.
  • Apply it all over your scalp and massage for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Use a shampoo to wash it off.
  • Follow it with a conditioner.

How Often Should I Do This? Once a week.

Precautions: No major side effects of this remedy.

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6. Amla and Lemon to Repair Hair:

Amla and Lemon for Hair

Imagine combining the power of Amla and Lemon? It’s double the Vitamin C and doubles the antioxidants, which means, the benefits are also doubled! Amla has excellent healing properties to repair the damaged tissues and prevent hair loss. Adding lemon juice can increase its efficiency in treating dandruff, along with leaving your scalp free from impurities.


  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Amla Juice – 2 tbsp.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Combine Lemon juice and Amla juice.
  • Apply it evenly on your scalp.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Using a mild shampoo, wash your hair well.
  • Rinse with water.

How Often Should I Do This? Once a week.

Precautions: Not recommended for sensitive skin.

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7. Fenugreek & Lemon for Hair Loss:

Fenugreek for Hair

Fenugreek or Methi is rich in phytoestrogens which encourage natural hair growth. The seeds contain a type of gelatinous substance called Mucilage. This substance provides excellent moisturizing benefits to keep your hair smooth and supple. When combined with lemon juice, Fenugreek can clarify scalp cells and strengthen the roots.


  • Fenugreek Seeds – 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water.
  • Once ready, grind them to form a paste.
  • Add lemon juice to this paste.
  • Apply the mixture all over the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Use a shampoo to wash off the residue.
  • Rinse with water.

How Often Should I Do This? Once a week.

Precautions: Generally safe for use. However, Fenugreek paste can be difficult to remove from your hair. Wash it the second time to remove the buildup completely.

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8. Henna & Lemon Juice for Conditioning:

Lemon and Henna for Hair

A mask with Henna and Lemon juice can treat your oily scalp and balances the sebum production. Henna is a natural conditioner that softens your mane and provides nourishment. With regular use, you can notice an improvement in the texture of your hair. Also, this pack can treat dandruff, itchiness and other scalp related disorders.


  • Henna Powder – 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Warm Water – 1 Cup.

Preparation Time:5 minutes.

Directions to Use:

  • Add water and lemon juice to the henna powder.
  • Make a thick paste that is easy to apply.
  • Section your hair and apply this mask evenly.
  • Leave it for 1 hour.
  • Once dry, wash off the pack with shampoo and water.

How Often Should I Do This? Once every fifteen days.

Precautions: If you have per-existing grey hair, this mask can turn those strands into reddish-brown color.

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Is Lemon Have Any Side Effects On Hair:

While lemon does offer a myriad of benefits to your hair, it is not completely free from side effects. You may experience these possible risks with excessive topical application of lime juice on scalp or hair:

  • Burning sensation or irritation on sensitive scalp.
  • Dryness if used without conditioner.
  • Mild discoloration of hair, if left on overnight.
  • Can cause hair brittleness and frizz with overuse.

Are you impressed with the benefits of lemon for hair? This amazing fruit can do wonders to your mane and give most commercial hair care products, a run for their money! To maximize the benefits, always use fresh lemon juice within 30 minutes of extraction. Any later, it can get oxidized and lose its effectiveness. Have you tried any of these methods before? If yes, do let us know which one worked for you!