Best Pick Up Lines Ever: How to Get His or Her Attention

Best Pick Up Lines Ever: How to Get His or Her Attention

You’ve definitely been here before. While enjoying a relaxed evening with your friends or maybe while at a party, you are suddenly approached by a funny looking guy that makes a silly comment about how you look or worse.

While you might still be cringing at the very thought of it, you probably know that meeting new guys – or gals, for that matter, if you’re a man – doesn’t necessarily have to go through the “bad pick up line” awkward phase.

So, whether you’re a guy looking to find new ways to impress girls, or a gal willing to test the waters, here are some of the best pick up lines ever you may try or interpret to your own liking, so that they fit your personality.

Best Pick Up Lines for Guys

You probably know by now that there are no set-in-stone rules when it comes to picking up women. A pick up line that works like a charm for a type of gal might get you a slap in the face from another.

But if you want to make sure your chances stand high, you may want to take a look at the following choices, listed as some of the best pick up lines ever.

Best Pick Up Lines Ever: How to Get His or Her Attention

And remember: whatever you say, it should sound natural, not phony. And if you gathered up the courage to approach that gal, well, then make sure you are full of confidence all the way (even if that means covering your shaky legs and hands!).

And let’s not forget about cheesy: gals dig that, even if they state the contrary. Just as long as it is the right kind of cheesy – and definitely not the creepy, sick kind!

Last but not least, an almost sure way to get a girl to give you a chance is to make her laugh. So play the funny card – if your pick up line is witty enough, you stand a good chance of taking her on a first date.

– Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by once more?

– Do you have sore feet from running through my dreams all night long?

– Damn it, my phone is broken. It doesn’t have your phone number in it!

– I lost my phone number, can I have yours?

– I think you look a lot like someone. Like my next girlfriend, that is.

– People call me X, but you may call me Tonight.

– Would you go to bed with a stranger? No? Then hello, my name is…

– I’m not a photographer, but I can definitely picture us together.

– Are you going to give me a kiss or do I have to make that part up?

Best Pick Up Lines Ever: How to Get His or Her Attention

Do you think the best pick up lines are still a bit far-fetched? Then play the simplicity and honesty card and go for pick up lines of the sort:– I think you are beautiful.– Do you want to go out for a drink?– Do you want to dance?

Best Pick Up Lines for Girls

More often than not, girls wait for guys to make the first move. But that sometimes can lead you nowhere. So, if you lay eyes on a hot guy that you won’t see again unless you do something about it, take the bull by the horns and approach him!

The best pick up lines should make you feel comfortable saying them out loud (if you cringe at the thought of saying them, you’d better drop it and go for something else) and make the other person – the hot guy, that is – at least smile.

Of course, if you’re a self confident, powerful gal, you may try bold pick up lines – just as long you’re sure they won’t intimidate your ‘target’.

Best Pick Up Lines Ever: How to Get His or Her Attention

So, if you lack inspiration, here are some of the best pick up lines you could go for:

– Are you good at maths? If so, could you replace my X without asking Y?

– I’m not tipsy, I’m just intoxicated by you.

– Do you see my friend over there? She wants to know if you think I’m cute.

– If I’d say you’re cute/hot, would you hold it against me?

Under the best pick up lines label could also go some more natural icebreakers, such as “Do you come here often?” or maybe even a more daring “Do you care to buy me a drink?”.

Whatever pick up lines you go for, try to avoid going to extremes – unless all that you want is a one night stand. Sometimes, all you have to do is be yourself, put on your gorgeous smile, make eye contact and let things follow their natural course.

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