Body Piercing Types

Body Piercing Types

Before you choose the place where you want to flaunt your piercing, you should think about your lifestyle. Start by asking yourself if the piercing is a practical day-to-day item or if there are certain dress codes at your work place that can interfere with your choice. Here are some of the body piercing types that can help you make the right decision when it comes to body art!

Body Piercings Names

Did you know that each piercing has a special name, depending on the area you’re planning to have it? If not, check out these particular types of piercings and get ready to take notes.

Above-the-Neck Body Piercings

Have you decided to ask your body piercing artist to pierce the area just about your neck? If this is the case, you must have chose one of these interesting body piercing names.

Body Piercing Types

The Nape piercing is a surface piercing that’s done in the back part of your neck. This type of piercing is a very stable one, however, you should make sure that it’s placed properly, otherwise, it might be rejected by your body.

A Madison piercing is a body piercing that is placed through the skin at the base of your neck, in the front part. If you choose this type of piercing you should know that body art pros in the industry claim that it has a very high rate of rejection and also a long healing time.

Lip Piercings Types

Are you planning to get a piercing in the lip area? Then you should definitely check out these famous lip piercing types! This way, you’ll choose exactly the one that suits your style!

Body Piercing Types

The Labret Lip Piercing is performed on the lower lip, being usually placed on its center. They’re very popular among women and you can choose to place the piercing near the edge of the lip of just further down, depending on your face shape and choice.

Snake Bites Piercings represent a set of two lip piercings, which are placed on each side of the lower lip. They can be done either separately or at the same time. Moreover, its name can also refer to twin tongue piercings (or venom piercings).

Ear Piercing Types

Body Piercing Types

There are a couple of ear piercing types you should take a look at! The ear weaving piercing represents a spiral barbell that’s usually placed along the edge of the ear. Another great ear piercing to take into account is the scaffold piercing that’s made of two piercings connected with a barbell.

Nose Piercing Types

Body Piercing Types

Last but not least, if you’re thinking of getting your nose pierced you should take these types of nose piercings into consideration: the septum piercing (or the ‘bull ring’), the Austin bar piercing (a horizontal nose tip piercing) and the bridge piercing (this is an horizontal piercing that passes through the bridge of your nose).

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Photos: Bodypiercing SK

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