Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

Even if they could afford some of the best makeup artists in the world, plenty of celebrities want to be in full charge of their makeup. For some it’s a matter of convenience, while others just know what they want and how it takes them less time to get it perfect.

Find out more about some of the biggest celebrities who do their own makeup, and learn the reason why they prefer to do it themselves. From models to actresses and even royalty, here are the celebs who don’t usually hire makeup artists.

Gisele Bündchen

Even though she has to spend a lot of time in the makeup chair for photoshoot, Gisele Bündchen always does her eyelashes and eyebrows herself. 

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

“I’ve always attempted to do my own lashes because it’s hard for me to have somebody with a wand right near my eye. I have blond, invisible eyebrows, so I try to make them with this gray-brown pencil from Pout, Blonde Bombshell,” she told Elle magazine.

Kate Middleton

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

The Duchess of Cambridge is also one of the celebrities who do their own makeup. She took lessons from a makeup artist before completing her own look on her big wedding day. Middleton was also in charge of her makeup for the official engagement photoshoot, and does it on her own before any royal engagements, according to People magazine.

Blake Lively

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

She always looks her best on the red carpet, but Blake Lively doesn’t need any help. “I like doing my own makeup and hair for events. I think it’s fun,” she told The Cut. She may have to rely on a makeup artist now that she’s a busy mom, but Blake Lively knows what looks best on her, and hasn’t ever tried to get tip from YouTube makeup tutorials.

See also: Best (or Worst?) Celebrity Makeup Fails!

Carrie Underwood

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

The singer is also one of the celebrities who do their own makeup, and she’s also in charge of her hair, whether it’s for red carpet events or for her concerts. “It’s quiet on my bus, and being able to put on my makeup and do my  hair is almost therapeutic. I know that sounds kind of weird, but it really is! I love makeup, and I like the time I get to spend doing it, so it’s nice to get that time for myself to play with new things,” she told InStyle.

Gwen Stefani

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

One bad experience with a makeup artist was enough for the singer turned fashion entrepreneur to stick to her own skills. “I learn from makeup people now, but in the past I had a real problem with makeup artists. I remember my first experience with a makeup artist was doing the first No Doubt album, the one that was shelved. Go back and look at how ugly I look. It is the worst makeup. From that time on, I’m thinking, I’m not going to let someone do my makeup, because they don’t know how to do it,” she told Elle.

Kate Winslet

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

Many celebrities who do their own makeup simply avoid working with makeup artists because they already know all the tricks that work for them. “I rarely rely on one foundation – mixing two colors can make a big difference. I never use too much powder, only in the right areas. I have peachy fuzz on my cheeks, so I have to be careful with powder,” Winslet told InStyle UK.

Emmy Rossum

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

“I feel like I learned it from YouTube tutorials. Just trial and error. I would sit at home and Google ‘How-to smoky eye.’ And try it, and it would be a disaster, and I’d be like “Why do I have sparkles on my nose?” Emmy Rossum explained to Glamour magazine.

Kate Hudson

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

Some celebrities who do their own makeup even help their friends when they need to look their best. Kate Hudson has always been passionate about it, and even joked about it being a back-up career plan. “Doing makeup is one of those things that I’ve always done since I was a little girl,” she told the Beauty Editor.

Don’t miss: They’re Just Like Us! If Not Worse: Celebs Without Makeup


Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

The Colombian singer-songwriter has a very simply argument about why she doesn’t work with makeup artists, and prefers to get ready for concerts herself. “Because I’m good. I’m cheap. I’m fast,“ she told Yahoo!

Michelle Obama

Celebrities Who Do Their Own Makeup

Even the First Lady is one of the celebrities who do their own makeup. After learning the tricks from a makeup artist friend, Michelle Obama is in charge of her look for her many public appearances.

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