Celebrities Who Left Twitter

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

Twitter has brought celebrities closer to their fans, but it also exposed them to plenty of negativity. While some manage to ignore the trolls, others are more sensitive to the online vitriol, and decide to leave the social media platform, either temporarily or permanently.

Find out why the biggest celebrities who left Twitter decided they’ve had enough. From Iggy Azalea and Chrissy Teigen to Ashton Kutcher and Miley Cyrus, here’s why these celebs quit Twitter, even though some of them eventually returned.

Iggy Azalea

The Australian singer decided to leave her social media accounts in the care of her managers, after reaching her limit for negative comments. 

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

“I feel the hatred and pettiness I see online at all times is at making me become an angry person and I cannot be that,” Azalea wrote in one of her last personal tweets, adding that “The Internet is the ugliest reflection of man kind there is.”

Chrissy Teigen

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

John Legen’s model wife Chrissy Teigen also decided to quit Twitter, after her messages about gun control lead to death treats. The Sports Illustrated swimsuit model was one of the celebrities who left Twitter but came back pretty quickly. “Bye Twitter. Taking my talents to Instagram,” she wrote in October 2020, but she was back by November.

Nicki Minaj

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

In 2020, Nicki Minaj also took a break from Twitter. The singer got into a dispute with fans over links to her leaked music, and deleted her account after writing that “Like seriously, it’s but so much a person can take. Good f****** bye.” She eventually cooled down and returned to the social media site.

Ashton Kutcher

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

After being one of the celebrity pioneers of the site, Ashton Kutcher became one of the celebrities who left Twitter in 2020, when he faced serious backlash over a tweet about the Jerry Sandusky scandal. Kutcher decided that he’d had enough of Twitter and handed over his account to a media management firm, who’s been handling his promotional posts ever since.

See also: Biggest Celebrity Twitter Meltdowns

Miley Cyrus

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

After Miley quit Twitter in 2020, rumors started circulating that her fiance, Liam Hemsworth, asked her to leave the social media site. She denied them, saying that “I hope my true fans know how stupid that is. I had mentioned to him that someone made a fake twitter with his name and we both starting chatting about how ridiculous it is,” and returned to Twitter.

Megan Fox

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

While many celebrities who left Twitter did so after a lot of negative attention, Megan Fox was just bored. The actress abandoned her account less than a week after creating it, and explained on Facebook that “I thought that 2020 might be the year I finally blossomed into a social networking butterfly… but as it turns out I still hate it. Love you guys but I can never be that girl. Facebook is as much as I can handle.”

Alec Baldwin

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

He’s had plenty of big scandals that made him pull the plug on his Twitter account in 2020 and 2020, but Alec Baldwin always made his way back. His latest decision about the site was that he would just retweet and now write any original tweets and he’s stuck with it in the past year.

Demi Lovato

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

Few celebrities who left Twitter managed to take a break longer than a month, but Demi Lovato did just that in 2020. She explained that her “Twitter break” was “for the best”, but returned after a few months and thanked her fans for the support. Lovato also took a break in 2020, and made headlines in 2020 when she unfollowed Selena Gomez on Twitter, signaling a very public end to their friendship.

Chris Brown

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

Quitting Twitter not once, not twice, but three times, Chris Brown definitely holds the record for most public breakdowns on the site. He left in 2020, 2020 and 2020, and all three incidents were caused by comments from followers who never forgave him for beating Rihanna.

Keira Knightley

Celebrities Who Left Twitter

The English actress is one of the celebrities who left Twitter without anyone knowing at the time, because she made an account under a fake name. She only stayed 12 hours on the site before deleting her account and confirming the fact that Twitter is just not her cup of tea.

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