Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

There’s a lot of pressure to stay young and beautiful in Hollywood and sometimes it leads to a lot of bad decisions when it comes to plastic surgery. Some celebrities go too far, becoming almost unrecognizable after going under the knife.

Check out 10 celebrities who look completely different after plastic surgery, either because they changed too much or simply because they messed with a single feature that was part of their defining look.

Renée Zellweger

When the actress made an appearance at the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards, she shocked most of her fans with her brand new look. While the shape of her eyes is completely different, and that changes her entire face, Renée claims there was no plastic surgery involved.

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

“My friends say that I look peaceful. I am healthy,” Zellweger told People and claiming that the drastic change in her look should only be attributed to a healthier lifestyle.

Joan Rivers

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

While most celebrities who look completely different after plastic surgery have before and after pictures, Joan Rivers face has been in constant flux for decades. The comedy legend joked about having more than 700 procedures: “I get a 10th one free. It’s a little like coffee, you just keep going.”

Meg Ryan

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

While she’s never confirmed or denied the plastic surgery rumors, Meg Ryan went through a big transformation that also impacted her career. While her lips getting unnaturally plump got the most attention, Ryan also seems to have gone through an eye lift, as her features barely resemble those from the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, when she was considered box office gold.

See also: Celebrities Before and After Veneers

Lara Flynn Boyle

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

With “Twin Peaks” coming back in 2020 for a limited series, it’s hard not to be shocked by Lara Flynn Boyle’s dramatic change. First came the lip filler, then other changes that put her on the list of celebrities who look completely different after plastic surgery. While Lara Flynn Boyle didn’t lose her thin frame, her puffy face looks completely out of place.

Katie Price

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

British celebrity Katie Price has also gone though a major transformation, but she’s never denied getting plastic surgery and plenty of Botox. The rhinoplasty changed the proportions on her face in the most obvious way, but lip injections also helped. “I liked my nose before and now. If I had a cupboard with both noses, I would alternate between them!” she told The Guardian.

Mickey Rourke

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

Unlike most celebrities who look completely different after plastic surgery, Mickey Rourke actually had a good reason for his facial reconstruction. After focusing on his boxing career for a few years, the actor tried to fix the damage, but ended up looking very different, after rhinoplasty and cheek reconstruction. He still managed to score a few big roles after his transformation, but his versatility as an actor is definitely long gone.

Jennifer Grey

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

After her big break in “Dirty Dancing”, Jennifer Grey decided she needed not one, but two nose jobs. They resulted in one big celebrity plastic surgery fail and the ended up hurting her career. “I went in the operating room a celebrity – and came out anonymous. It was like being in a witness protection program or being invisible,” she later confessed.

Lil’ Kim

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

Many celebrities who look completely different after plastic surgery still deny they had any work done and the most obvious example is Lil’ Kim. The rapped looks completely unrecognizable after altering her nose, cheeks and lips.

More: Best Nose Jobs in Hollywood

Axl Rose

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

Disappearing from the spotlight after the split of Guns N’ Roses, Axl Rose apparently used that time to work on his face. Rhinoplasty and cheek implants seem to be responsible for his dramatic change in appearance, but Botox definitely helped and there were even rumors of a face lift.

Courtney Love

Celebrities Who Look Completely Different After Plastic Surgery

The singer and actress joined the list of celebrities who look completely different after plastic surgery when she had an early facelift. She admitted to the procedure in a 2020 interview with Canadian magazine Fashion, explaining that: “I took advice from Goldie Hawn when she said I should get a facelift at 35!”

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