Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

While many celebrities try their hand at fashion by either endorsing a collection or even designing part of it, others can actually execute their vision on their own, from the design stage to the finishing touches.

Discover a few of the biggest celebrities who make their own clothes, and find out how they got into sewing and why they enjoy it.

Gwen Stefani

With her own clothing line L.A.M.B. still going strong, Gwen Stefani certainly has a flair for design, but she can also execute her sketches on her own. “I can sew – it run in the family. My grandma made my mom’s prom dress – mom didn’t have a choice! And mom would take us to the fabric store and we’d pick out Vogue and McCall’s patterns.”

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

“When I got older, I was very anti-fashion. I was into thrift stores and making my own stuff. I had my own sewing machine, glue guns and projects everywhere. My room was a danger zone,” Stefani explained, quoted by Contact Music.

Helen Mirren

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Dame Helen Mirren never actually wore one of her creations on the red carpet, but she’s still one of the celebrities who make their own clothes. The actress created dressing gowns for herself, and she even made clothes for her loved ones. “I do dressmaking. I’ve got my mother’s old sewing machine, which I love. I make horrible things that are awful – although I did make my sister a good skirt, she liked her skirt,” she told Notebook.

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Eva Longoria

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Sewing and creating Halloween costumes for her nieces and nephews comes naturally for Eva Longoria. “I’m a 1950s housewife. I love baking. I love sewing. My mother was like that. Always took care of her husband. I always admired and wanted to do that,” she told Latina Magazine before divorcing Tony Parker. But even if the husband is out of the picture, her love of sewing probably isn’t.

Leona Lewis

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Not many celebrities who make their own clothes wear them in public, but British singer was photographed more than once on the red carpet wearing tops and skirts designed by herself. She even set up a label with her ex boyfriend, LOA Clothing, but she didn’t end up pursuing a secondary career in the fashion world.

Chris Martin

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Even though many of his fans consider him a rock star, Coldplay’s Chris Martin spends his time with the rest of the band sewing their own stage outfits. “Making clothes together in our studio makes us feel complete. We probably sound like a group of grannies in a knitting circle but it’s the truth and it gives us some control over our visual identity,” he told Mirror.

Julia Roberts

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Claiming that sewing keeps her mind agile, Julia Roberts also might be one of the celebrities who make their own clothes. She certainly sews for her home and even made pants for her husband. “There’s one little room in my house which is filled with all my clutter and bits and pieces. My sewing machine is up there, and all my knitting stuff. It’s a place where I can go to relax and unwind. I don’t get to spend a lot of time up there, but at least I know it’s there,” she explained, quoted by BANG Showbiz.

Hillary Duff

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

A big fan of sewing, Hillary Duff has even collaborated with McCall’s Patterns on a line of fashionable sewing patterns.

George Clooney

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Clooney definitely has the skills to be one of the celebrities who make their own clothes. The actor used to work on menswear, particularly suits, and he even stepped up to help his ex-girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis, when a zipper on her dress broke right before the 2020 Academy Awards.

Katie Holmes

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

After receiving a sewing machine from Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes worked on different projects with her daughter, and even created the Holmes & Yang label with stylist Jeanne Yang. “My mom grew up making curtains and pillows and everything, and it made our home very warm, so I like to do things like that with my daughter,” she told People magazine.

Marie Osmond

Celebrities Who Make Their Own Clothes

Some celebrities who make their own clothes started out as children. After learning to sew at a very early age, Marie Osmond created many looks for herself and even published a book on it, Marie Osmond’s Heartfelt Giving: Sew and Quilt for Family and Friends.

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