Celebrities with Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows

Celebrities with Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows

Since dark eyebrows are like the biggest beauty trend of the hour, combining blond hair with bold eyebrows is no longer a mistake. Actually, celebrities with blond hair and dark eyebrows are very good examples of the style’s charm, uniqueness and advantages.

Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows Worn by Celebrities

Beyoncé is one celebrity with blond hair and dark eyebrows who proves us wrong when we say the two style options don’t really match. The gorgeous singer tinted her hair in a lighter color than we would expect, a caramel-brown blond shade, without discoloring her emphasized eyebrows. The result is quite amazing: her hair color makes her traits a lot sweeter, while her eyes are well enhanced by the trendy shape of the eyebrows.

The list of celebrities with blond hair and dark eyebrows continues with Gwen Stefani, who has been wearing this look for several years and doesn’t seem to get tired of it. Even if the contrast between Gwen’s platinum hair and dark brunette eyebrows is extreme, it still looks so good on the singer, that we couldn’t say otherwise.

Celebrities with Blond Hair and Dark EyebrowsCelebrities with Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows

Singer Rita Ora has made her blond hair and dark brows her style signature, and Scarlett Johansson teaches us that blond hair and dark eyebrows can really keep your face sweet and feminine, with no weird allure.

Want more celebrities blond hair dark eyebrows? Actress Kate Winslet has gone from red hair to blond hair, but never gave up her gorgeous bushy dark eyebrows, that emphasize her natural traits. Ashley Olsen is also a blond celebrity with dark eyebrows that make her big beautiful blue eyes pop. Emma Watson and Lindsay Lohan also style with pride blond hair and dark brows, this look being their “thing”, that makes their beauty unique.

Celebrities with Blond Hair and Dark EyebrowsCelebrities with Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows

Advantages of Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows

Believe it or not, there are plenty advantages of wearing dark eyebrows with blond hair. The biggest one is the less makeup you have to use, because the well emphasized brows help define the features and keep your face from looking washed out, even if you don’t use an eyeliner, mascara or dark eyeshadow.

Celebrities with Blond Hair and Dark Eyebrows

Another advantage is that you don’t have to maintain or dye your eyebrows to match your blond hair, which can become a really expensive and annoying process. Also, when your hair is blond and your brows are dark, you look wonderful with no makeup on, so you can forget about waterproof mascara when going to the pool: you’re natural face will be pretty enough to be seen by others.

See also:Different Types of Blonde Hair ColorsHow to Get Perfect Eyebrows

Photos: PR Photos, Getty Images

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