Emma Stone Covers New York Magazine June/July 2020

Emma Stone Covers New York Magazine June/July 2020

We’re seeing more and more of Emma Stone now that the movie premiere is rapidly approaching. This time New York magazine is helping us find out a few more interesting details about the star’s life. A playful cover, which aims to highlight the star’s easygoing personality and an interesting interview are all the necessary ingredients to capture everyone’s attention. One of the first things we manage to discover is her attitude regarding success.

She has a tendency to take things lightly especially when it comes to the unpredictable nature of success: “I’m just trying really hard not to imagine what will happen. Because the way you picture things are never the way they turn out, really, ever.” When it comes to her love life, she isn’t generous with details: “It’s just not necessarily stuff I want the whole world to read and have an opportunity to comment on.

I’m sorry, I hate to be that actress who says”—girlish voice—“?‘I don’t talk about my personal life,’ eeesh. I was such a fan as a kid, and there were so many people I wanted to know about. I understand it; I just can’t bring myself to do it. I freak out having a Facebook.” This is why she only goes as far admitting that her boyfriend Andrew Garfield moved into her Chelsea apartment and rhetorically asking: “Not too shabby, eh?”

Emma Stone Covers New York Magazine June/July 2020

One incident she does open up about is the notorious video where Jim Carry publicly states his desire to have ‘chubby, freckly babies’ with her. The same easy going attitude shines through as she states: “I was so flattered I can’t even tell you. Honest! I was really flattered, I really was!” She even goes on to say that she always felt connected to older guys: “But I’ve always liked weird connections with men in their forties and fifties. I mean, not in a creepy way. I’ve never been attracted to them. But I have always become, like, pals with guys in that age group.”

She also feels comfortable talking about one of her personality quirks: “I ­project things onto situations that aren’t necessarily happening. I’m really going to go there. This is like a historical ‘I have dealt with it in therapy’ type of thing. I’ll think that someone is saying something or thinking something, and I’ll react emotionally as if that were the truth. Sometimes I think someone is whispering to someone else about me, and I get sad, and then I’m reacting like I’m sad for hours when it really isn’t happening.” Confirming her resistance to share private things she adds: “For the rest of the night, I’m going to think about how I told you that.”

Her modesty shines through as she discusses her looks: “The pretty thing … It was never a value to me growing up,” she says. “I always thought I was like the goofy, wonky one”, a rather surprising aspect if we think about all the attention she’s getting now precisely because of her aspect.

Emma Stone Covers New York Magazine June/July 2020

Photos courtesy of New York Magazine