Childbirth Checklist – Packing for Hospital

Childbirth Checklist – Packing for Hospital

With a few weeks before your due date, it’s time to think about that bag for all the essentials you’ll need during labor and after your baby is born. It’s better that you do it now, while you still have time, energy and enough attention for it.

Here’s a list containing the most important items:

For you – Slippers, socks, dressing gown and old nightdress or a T-shirt to wear in labor (things get really messy and dirty) – Massage oil or lotion if you would like to be massaged during labor.– Snacks and drinks for you while you are in labor, or some glucose tablets to keep you going. – Watch with a second hand, to time contractions. – Relaxation materials: books, magazines, games etc. – Toiletries and some water spray to keep you cool. – Nursing bras, breast pads, maternity pads, towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Childbirth Checklist – Packing for Hospital

For the baby – One outfit for the trip home (all-in-one stretchy outfits are the best). – Two to three baby gowns and vests for baby to wear while you are in hospital (for winter babies, a jacket or a snowsuit). – Baby blanket (a warm one if weather is cold). – Dippers. – Socks or booties, hats.

Remember also to take a digital camera, so you can record all these magic moments you’re going to experience. Good luck!

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