Chrissy Teigen Receives Death Threats After Criticizing Chris Brown

Chrissy Teigen Receives Death Threats After Criticizing Chris Brown

It seems that messing with the fans is never a good idea as Chrissy Teigen recently found out after taking it to Twitter to criticize Chris Brown for his performance at the 2020 Billboard Music Awards. Apparently, numerous celebs and spectators decided to slam Chris Brown for his performance, claiming the ‘Turn Up The Music’ singer lip synced during his performance. However, despite the fact that even Pink turned to Twitter to write to her fans that “one day if i lipsync, i hope i do it as well as him….”, Team Breezy fans dropped all their fury on model Chrissy Teigen.

The Sports Illustrated model tweeted prior to Chris Brown’s performance that she’s “so excited to see Chris Brown! I love loud and surprising background fits of rage I can hear from the audience!”, and after the singer, who received nothing but praise from Brandy, showed up on stage pedaling away on his bike and rocking the stage with his swaggy moves, Chrissy wrote yet a few more messages which hint that she wasn’t impressed with the performance. She wrote consecutive messages saying:

“I TOLD you I hate cyclists” followed by “Team breezy has to be diddling at a frantic rate right now” and ending with the message that seems to have pushed Team Breezy fans to the edge, “Why sing when you can dance?”

Chrissy Teigen Receives Death Threats After Criticizing Chris Brown Chrissy Teigen Receives Death Threats After Criticizing Chris Brown

As expected, a Twitter battle started between Chrissy and Chris Brown’s fans who apparently went a bit overboard with their hateful Tweets, threatening the model. Some of the texts displayed lead to accounts being deleted as they revealed threatening content such as:

“all you do is talk s%$t, you need to be raped and murdered”, “i hope you are the next ‘celebrity’ to die”, “you have the brain capacity of a turtle, just die”.

After being ‘flooded’ with the negative messages, Chrissy wrote “Let’s go team breezy. I got a lonnng flight”, but after observing that the situation is spiraling down out of control, she decided to say that:

“Reallllly makes me sad that 99% of the most disturbing comments come from young girls. I’ll end it there but it make me sad.”

Chris Brown turned to twitter with an apparent subtle message meant to tackle all the negativity surrounding his performance and said “Anyone who is upset obviously is upset with their lives… Make your music…make a difference.. Be better than me! Godbless!”

Do you think Chrissy was too harsh with her word choice or was she right by sincerely expressing her point of view?

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

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