Covering a Tattoo with Makeup

Covering a Tattoo with Makeup

You pride yourself with your discreet, but cool tattoo or with the impressive, intricate artwork you’ve gathered all over your skin. Still, there are certain circumstances when your tattoos are better be covered, e.g. when attending a job interview, or when visiting your lover’s parents.

Hiding your tattoos by wearing long-sleeved shirts or blouses, and long pants is always an option. But, especially during the summer, you may also go for tattoo covering makeup. Here are some of the best cover up makeup tips that you could take into account!

How to Cover a Tattoo with Makeup: Use Foundation

Foundation is one of the best makeup products that covers tattoos. If you have several shades of foundation at hand, mix a lighter with a darker hue to get an even tattoo coverage. Try to apply a moderate amount of foundation. Otherwise, you will be left with a tattoo covering makeup that looks unnatural and is easily detectable.

Make use of tattoo covering makeup products such as W3LL PEOPLE Narcissist Foundation Deluxe Set, Fair Golden, mixed with bareMinerals READY Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 20, Medium Deep.

Covering a Tattoo with Makeup

Makeup to Cover Tattoos: Concealer

If you are the proud owner of a very small tattoo in a visible area, you may not need to use a foundation to hide it – a concealer will usually do the trick! Once more, if you have at least two different hues of concealer at hand, use them both.

Mix a fair concealer, such as Ellis Faas Concealer, S201, with a medium dark one, such as Ellis Faas Concealer, S207.

Keep them in your pocket or in your purse so that you are able to reapply the concealer if the coverage fades.

Makeup That Covers Tattoos: Powder

Powder cannot be used on its own as a tattoo covering makeup, but as a complementary product. You may use powder to finish the makeup that covers tattoos, after applying foundation and/or concealer.

Use a loose powder, such as NARS Loose Powder with Applicator Puff, Flesh that you should dab evenly to get the desired result.

Covering a Tattoo with Makeup

Best Tattoo Cover Up Makeup For Men: The Men Pen

The Men Pen is a type of concealer designed specifically for men who do not wish to use their girlfriends’ makeup products. Just in case you do not feel comfortable with using makeup, you should know that The Men Pen is used by male models and actors to cover their imperfections. Choose multiple shades that you may blend in order to get a perfect coverage for your tattoos.

See also:Numbing Cream for Tattoos

Photos: Thinkstock

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