D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

Autograph hunters make yearly rankings of the most likely and least likely celebrities to sign an autograph, and some of them have been in the bottom for a long time.

Whether you want a personal memento or you want to sell the autograph on eBay for a few extra bucks, discover the biggest celebrities who won’t sing autographs. Some of them are always rude to their fans, others simply got tired after decades of doing it, but regardless of the reason, you’re not likely to get an autograph on the street from any of these stars.

Paul McCartney

The former Beatle announced in 2020 that he’s done with signing autographs on his free time. He’ll still be gracious to fans when he’s on the red carpet, but he wants to be left alone when he’s not. 

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

“Most people are very understanding because they understand privacy,” he explained on Radio 4’s Today.

Cameron Diaz

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

Few celebrities who don’t sign autographs get mad about it, but Cameron Diaz has a reputation for it. The actress doesn’t seem that interested in meeting her fans, and her lack of availability for signing autographs has placed her on Autograph Collector Magazine’s worst signers for a few years in a row. Diaz’s excuse? She claims that if she stops to sign one, a mob will quickly form and everyone will want one!

Will Ferrell

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

The actor also has a bad reputation when it comes to fan interactions that involve autographs. While Will Ferrell isn’t a curmudgeon, he does like to mess with fans who ask him to sign anything. If you ever approach him for an autograph while he’s not “on the job”, promoting a project or on the red carpet, expect to be mocked and taunted according to Autograph magazine.

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Tobey Maguire

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

One of the most renowned celebrities who don’t sign autographs, Tobey Maguire has a strict no signing policy and won’t even budge if children ask him. The actor has been singled out by Autograph Collector magazine and even by sites aimed at children for his lack of patience. However, when approached during a promotional tour, and even at the “Late Show with David Letterman”, Maguire usually obliges.

William Shatner

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

The original Captain Kirk deals with Trekkies all the time, but he’s not particularly giving when it comes to signing autographs. He’s also known to refuse to sign memorabilia for fans, instead focusing on just signing his books. Shatner is also rumored to be difficult at his own book signings, with a one autograph per person rule.

Rosie O’Donnell

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

Returning co-host of “The View”, Rosie O’Donnell is also usually among the celebrities who don’t sign autographs. It’s not a decent decision, since Rosie pretty much refused to sign anything ever since her talk show became a hit in the ‘90s. The one exception to Rosie’s rule seems to be when children ask her for an autograph.

Bruce Willis

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

Another Hollywood A-lister who cherishes his privacy, Bruce Willis isn’t very approachable when it comes to signing an autograph. According to Autograph Collector magazine, he can even seem icy and dismissive. However, signing stuff is a given during a promotional tour or on the red carpet, when Willis plays nice with his fans.

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D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

Few celebrities who don’t sign autographs put their distaste for signing things in a song. The rapper was very clear about what he thinks of fans approaching him in inappropriate situations. In the lyrics to “The Way I Am” he explains: “And I’m thankful for every fan that I get / But I can’t take a shit, in the bathroom / Without someone standing by it / No I won’t sign your autograph / You can call me an asshole.”

Bill Murray

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

While Bill Murray isn’t a fan of signing autographs, the reclusive actor certainly seems to love interacting with stranger and even photobombing them. Murray seems to be a lot warmer when he meets fans who are “cool” and don’t make a big deal about his celebrity status.

Ringo Starr

D-Bag Celebrities Who Won’t Sign Autographs

Another member of “The Beatles” who joined the ranks of celebrities who don’t sign autographs, Ringo Starr made it very clear on his website in 2020 that he’s done with signing anything, and he doesn’t even want fan mail anymore.

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