Diet Plan for 8th Month Pregnancy – Foods To Eat & Avoid

You have reached the 8th month of your pregnancy. Where you feel heavy, you have gained enough weight and have started experiencing several problems of pregnancy. Such as acidity, constipation and heartburn. At this time, it is crucial that you eat proper nutritious food. So that you can satisfy the needs of your growing baby and also you yourself don’t go deficient in the same. In this article, we have rounded the foods you can and cannot eat in your 8th-month pregnancy diet as well as a typical diet plan for 8th-month pregnancy.

Importance of diet and foods for 8th-month pregnancy:

One of the important aspects of pregnancy is to eat the right food that too in the right quantity. No single type of food can suffice all the needs of your growing baby and hence it is important that you include a variety of food in the right quantum in the 8th-month pregnancy diet plan and spread it over the day in smaller portions to suffice the frequent hunger pangs during the pregnancy. Eating right is important to assure healthy growth and development of the baby in your womb.

8th-month pregnancy diet chart:

The following is a typical 8th-month pregnancy diet chart from the nutrition point of view where you can know what your body requires all nutrition at this stage and which foods can provide the same. This will help you decide what all should be included in your 8-month pregnancy diet and what all should be avoided.

Foods to eat during 8th-month pregnancy:-

8th Month Pregnancy Diet

Iron-rich Foods:

Eating sufficient iron during 8th-month pregnancy will ensure that you are safeguarded from any types of haemorrhage during delivery. You are recommended to consume 27 mg of iron by daily basis. It is very compulsory to include the iron mineral in 8 Month Pregnancy Food to prevent the effects of bleeding, which results in anaemia. The foods that are rich in iron are Eggs, fish, apricots, beans, various seeds and red meat.

See More: 9 Month Pregnancy Diet

Calcium-rich Foods:

Calcium is one of the basic minerals required by a pregnant body, especially during the third trimester. You need to control your Diet during 8th Month of Pregnancy, including various food items which carry the calcium content. You have to take a minimum of 1000 mg calcium as it helps to construct the skeleton structure of the upcoming baby and make the bone marrow strong. Some of the food sources that are rich in calcium are nuts, fish, bananas, lean meat, green leaves, eggs, vegetables, dairy products etc.

Foods rich in potassium:

The potassium level of the body needs to be balanced to control the blood pressure, muscle functions, body fluids, as well as cellular activities. You must have to include this mineral component in your 8th Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart with the minimal dosage of 1500 per day. The potassium can be easily found in cantaloupe, grains, bananas, milk, watermelon, legumes etc.

Protein-rich Foods:

Protein is an invaluable ingredient in pregnancy third trimester. It provides muscle strength, iron balance, and proper development of the foetus. You need to involve a-n average of 60 to 75 grams in your Diet in 8th Month of Pregnancy, per day basis. In case of high risk and typical situation, you may even have to increase your routine dosage of proteins. Some valuable sources of proteins are fish, soy milk, beans, egg whites, milk, lean meat, yoghurt, tofu etc.

Carbohydrates rich Foods:

Complex carbohydrates are very much suitable for a third-trimester pregnant lady than simple carbohydrates. It is far better and perfect nutrition content for the little baby inside. Some common and available sources of carbohydrates are berries, vegetables, whole grain breads, legumes, pasta, sweet potatoes, beans watermelons etc.

Fibre-rich Foods:

Fibres are an essential element in the last stage of pregnancy to prevent constipation due to excess weight and excess hormone secretion. You need to balance your diet chart, including the foods rich in fibres. Some of the most common foods that are a rich source of fibres are black beans, celery, brown rice, corn, whole wheat bread, cauliflowers, avocados, white beans, broccoli, green leaves, etc. You also advised taking lots of water or fluid to balance the water in your intestine.

Fat Enriched Foods:

Fat is important in the third trimester of pregnancy within a very acceptable amount. It should never be consumed beyond 30 % of total calorie. High fats are strictly banned at this stage. It is just a need to provide the body with some vital fatty acids like omega 3. Some trusty sources of fats are peanut butter, eggs, fish, nuts etc.

Foods rich in Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is essential for increasing the soaking up of iron in the body. You can take up to 80 mg of vitamin C per day. It works for connecting tissues in a new collection of baby. Some remarkable sources of this vitamin are strawberry, tomatoes, grapefruits, oranges, cabbages, broccoli etc.

Folic Acid Enriched Foods:

Folic acid contributes to various roles in a new developing body. It helps to formulate red blood cells, DNA, nervous system, and so on. It is the essential compound which has the power to prevent the neural defects in a baby. Every pregnant woman, especially in this last stage, needs to include folic acid in amount of 600 to 800 mg per day. It is very easy to avail the quality of folic acid by several natural foods like papaya, chicken liver, green leaves, cereal, lentils, asparagus, oats, oranges etc.

Phosphorus Enriched Foods:

It is a basic component that provides a strong bone structure to the body of a baby who is lying inside the mother’s uterus. Circulatory paths and muscle joints also need this element for perfect development. You can take it from 800 to 1200 mg depending on body fitness. A very common source of phosphorous is collard greens, pumpkins, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms etc.

See More: Diet In 7Th Month Of Pregnancy

Foods to avoid during 8th-month pregnancy:-

foods to avoid-8th Month PregnancyUnpasteurized Milk:

You should strictly avoid the milk products which are not pasteurized. Any kind of cow or sheep milk can be dangerous for you which are not processed by pasteurizing. Moreover, goat milk is the product you should avoid at the time of last stage pregnancy because it contains a high-risk element like toxoplasmosis.


Caffeinated items should be avoided by you to reduce the tendency of constipation during this last stage of pregnancy. You need to rectify your daily habit. Apart from this, you can also make a good habit of taking a large amount of water.


Pate is one of the top things one must avoid during pregnancy. It carries listeria and may be the reasons of listeriosis that can make damage the mother body by severe flu attack. It can cause fatal baby birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, or some severe sickness in the time of delivery.

Alcohol and Tobacco:

Alcohol and tobacco can damage your uterus strength of breeding a baby. So the consumption of alcohol or smoking tobacco can be dangerous for you. You should avoid all such things at any cost.

Soft Cheese:

You should take care of this pregnancy stage by avoiding ripened cheese like brie, blue veins etc. It carries a listeria amount, which is a dangerous component for the delivery case. It may create difficulties during pregnancy. If you are crazy about cheese, then go for hard cheese.

Indian Diet plan for 8th month pregnancy?

To ensure that what you eat helps your baby grow healthy. We have tried to summarise how a typical Indian diet plan for 8th-month pregnancy looks like and what foods to eat during 8th month of pregnancy:

Pre-Breakfast:– Any of the following is equally nutritious, and a must have as a pre-breakfast.

  • A glass of A2 cow milk
  • Almond milk
  • Milkshake
  • Dry fruits
  • Apple juice
  • Tomato juice

Breakfast:– A healthy breakfast for 8th-month pregnancy could be

  1. A bowl of fresh fruits
  2. Vegetable Daliya
  3. Oats porridge
  4. Whole wheat butter toast with complete
  5. Stuffed paratha with curd
  6. Cutlet
  7. Vegetable sandwich
  8. Bambino Upma

Mid-morning snack:-

Any type of soup such as:

  1. Tomato soup
  2. Spinach soup
  3. Chicken soup
  4. Carrot, beet and drumsticks soup

Lunch:– Lunch should be any one or a combination of the following:

  • Roti with a bowl of vegetables, dal and rice
  • Paratha with a bowl of vegetables, dal and rice
  • Stuffed paratha with a bowl of curd
  • Dal tadka and jeera rice
  • Chicken soup with rice
  • Curd rice


  • Corn cheese sandwich
  • Stuffed idli
  • Samosa
  • Vegetable Cutlet
  • Cheese or vegetable sandwich
  • Peanut chat
  • Vegetable uttapam
  • Vegetable upma


  • Dal, rice and green salad
  • Roti, Dal, khichdi
  • Vegetable khichdi
  • Stuffed paratha and a bowl of curd.

See More: 2Nd Month Of Pregnancy Food

Supplements that are to be taken and not to be taken during 8th-month pregnancy:

The two supplements that every pregnant lady needs to take throughout the pregnancy are the iron supplement and folic acid supplement. An iron supplement is required so that you have a sufficient amount of blood produced and you do not go anaemic while the folic acid supplement is vital to prevent any congenital disabilities in the newborn. Apart from these, whether any kind of supplement is required to be taken or not during the 8th-month pregnancy will depend on case to case basis. Your doctor on the examination will decide what types of supplements will be required to be taken by you.

Weight gain during 8th month pregnancy diet:

For pregnant women with normal body weight gaining 1 pound each week during the 8th month of pregnancy is important. If however, you are already overweight, then gaining a little lesser amount of weight would also be ok.

Additional tips for 8th-month pregnancy diet:

  • Now that you are moving towards the end of your pregnancy, eat only those foods that add nutritional value to your diet.
  • Drink a lot of fluid as that would aid you in managing your constipation.
  • Do not avoid sea-food on the whole. Fish contain Omega-3, which is very vital during pregnancy for the healthy growth of the foetus.

Those above are the healthy foods for an 8-month pregnant woman. They should be included in her diet to assure the healthy growth of the baby and manage her body weight. Include all the necessary nutrients mentioned above and avoid the foods to avoid list mentioned above for a safe and happy pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. What diet should be taken in 8th month pregnancy?

Ans: While deciding upon the 8th month of pregnancy, diet focus should be laid on real foods. Real fruits and vegetables, whole food grains, legumes and milk should be a part of the daily intake. Besides, a moderate dose of a multivitamin as well as a minimum of 400mcg of the folic acid supplement is a must have to cover up the deficiencies of the days when you don’t eat perfectly.

Q2. How many calories should an eight-month pregnant eat?

Ans: A normal weight pregnant woman should consume 1800 calories during the 1st trimester, 2200 calories during the 2nd trimester and 2400 calories during the 3rd trimester. As the 8th month falls in the 3rd trimester, the 8th month of pregnancy diet should include a minimum of 2400 calories.

Q3. How can I increase my weight during the 8th month of my pregnancy?

Ans: The following are some of the key points that will aid in a controlled gain in the body weight during the 8th month of pregnancy:

Eat proper portions of food.
Eat frequently rather than eating more in a single sitting.
Avoid excessive sweets and calorie-rich foods
Use low-fat methods for cooking

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