Do You Know What Cheap Foods to Eat to Lose Weight?

Do You Know What Cheap Foods to Eat to Lose Weight?

With all those cheap ‘ready-to-go’ meals available in supermarkets, a healthy, weight loss diet is usually considered an expensive lifestyle choice. Luckily, it doesn’t need to be that way! With a bit of planning and some savvy food choices, leading a healthy lifestyle might as well be budget friendly.

Here are some nutritious, cheap foods for weight loss that you should buy next time you go shopping!

Cheap Foods for Weight Loss: Eggs

Eggs are cheap and nutritious and may even help you get rid of those stubborn pounds! They are must haves in basically any healthy diet as they are chock full of proteins. You may eat the egg white, as well as the egg yolk, just don’t go over the board!

If you love eggs and care for your cholesterol, go for an egg white omelet, for instance. Mix 2 or 3 egg whites, add some spinach and onion and you get a delicious, healthy breakfast.

Other protein cheap foods for weight loss are natural peanut butter, chicken breasts and lentils.

Do You Know What Cheap Foods to Eat to Lose Weight?

Cheap Foods to Eat to Lose Weight: Nonfat milk

Nonfat milk is amazing because it provides a high amount of calcium without having to worry about the calories! Drink roughly a glass of nonfat milk a day to make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs, but also that you lose weight.

If you don’t really like milk, remember that you don’t have to drink it as such. Mix it with oatmeal, dried fruits and nuts for a tasty and healthy breakfast.

Other calcium-filled cheap healthy foods are nonfat Greek yoghurt and other types of low or fat-free yoghurts.

Cheap Diet Foods: Apples

You know what they say: an apple a day keeps the doctor away! And it definitely doesn’t empty your wallet, as apples are some of the cheapest fruits out there. Besides being listed among the cheap diet foods, apples are also very healthy: they are packed with powerful antioxidants and other amazing ingredients that help you fight heart disease.

But even if you love apples, don’t ignore other cheap fruits such as bananas, grapes and berries (be they fresh or frozen).

Do You Know What Cheap Foods to Eat to Lose Weight?

Cheap Healthy Foods: Nuts

Nuts are highly important for a healthy diet – and they don’t even have to be on the expensive side, as long as you go for the right type and the adequate quantities!

Splurge especially on almonds that are chock full of fiber, protein and vitamin E. For a healthy lifestyle, don’t indulge on more than 1/3 cup of almonds daily.

See also:5 Best Low Carb DietsDecoding Food Labels

Photos: Thinkstock

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