Drink Honey And Lemon Water For Weight Loss: Get The Best Results

How Lemon Helps | How Honey Helps | Are Honey And Lemon Good For Weight Loss | How It Reduces Weight | Benefits | Easy Recipes | What Time To Drink | Side Effects

Lemon and honey are rich in nutrients. Now mix these two readily available ingredients with lukewarm water. There is your elixir for weight loss. Among all other benefits, lemon and honey water help maintain your weight. Drinking honey and lemon individually or by making a concoction, it is beneficial to lose fat.

Having a slim figure is always a fad. Once appreciated, curvy voluptuous bodies are things of the past. With every generation, there is still a fresh new trend. Though many are not in the race of the final zero figure, now it is a crazy trend for the slim and trim.

How Lemon Helps Weight Loss:

Lemon, along with being a rich source of vitamin C, also has numerous phytochemicals, including polyphenols, terpenes, and tannins. The primary ingredient in any detox diet is lemon, and so the more you consume, the faster you lose weight. (1) Some benefits of lemon

  • It regulates metabolism.
  • It helps restrict the absorption of excess sugar.
  • Lemon is a healthy aid for bile production in the liver.
  • It helps detox our bodies.
  • It provides instant energy.

See More: Incredible Benefits Of Lemon For Weight Loss

How Honey Helps In Weight Loss:

Honey is a high energy booster. The pure sugar in honey is easily absorbed into the body, giving us energy. We all have a childhood memory of eating honey with Tulasi leaves to address cold. Similar to lemon juice, honey also contains essential nutrients that help lose weight. (2) Some merits are:

  • It is rich in amino acids and minerals.
  • It is useful in metabolising fatty acids.
  • Fructose in honey gives an energy boost.
  • These are simple carbohydrates that are easy to digest.

Lemon And Honey for weight loss

Are Honey And Lemon Good For Weight Loss?

Yes! Honey lemon water works magic for your body. Just like tea and coffee, many of us start our day with a warm cup of lemon honey water. Lemon is a significant source of vitamin C that works as a detoxifying agent. The antioxidants and in honey help boost immunity. It has a low glycaemic index, and so does not contribute to calories.

How Honey And Lemon Reduce Weight

The primary cause of weight gain is the accumulation of toxins in our system. Lemon and honey act as detoxifiers. They help us break down these toxins resulting in no excess fat. For effective results, it is necessary to avoid all toxic food like white sugar, trans fat, junk food, dairy products, chocolates, etc. Experts say that this potion cleanses the colon and flushes out undigested food and other toxins from the body, improving overall digestion, which further helps in weight loss. (3)

See Also: Health Benefits Of Honey

Benefits Of Honey And Lemon For Weight Loss:

1. Lowers Cholesterol:

Rich source of vitamin C honey and lemon water is often associated with weight loss. Studies show a significant reduction in weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM). Study results suggest that the drink may be useful for the reduction of body weight, which helps prevent obesity. It helps reduce triglycerides.

2. Boosts Metabolism:

It helps regulate metabolism by keeping our digestive system under check. Do you want to maintain your energy during a work out session? Drink a cup of warm honey lemon water. Regular intake of this potion helps to metabolise the fats in our body.

3. Speeds Up Weight Loss:

You can maintain a healthy weight by drinking a glass of warm honey lemon water. It can soothe the digestion process, thereby improving your bowel movements. Honey and lemon is an excellent combo for healthy weight management. This mixture reduces your unhealthy cravings and makes you full for long periods resulting in weight loss.

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4. Prevents Constipation:

Drinking honey and lemon in lukewarm water helps relieve constipation. To keep stools soft, especially in kids, flavoured beverages like honey lemon water can be helpful. The pectin fibres in lemon slow down the digestion of sugars and starches and improve gut health. Improper digestive health can affect weight gain.

5. Improves Digestion:

Both honey and lemon can cleanse the colon and flush undigested food. Sluggish digestion, a slow metabolism, can contribute to weight gain. But having a sound digestive system can effectively help you shed extra fat, ensuring that your weight loss plan will be successful.

6. Detoxification:

The healthy drink kick-starts your system by removing toxins and helps body fight infections. Honey lemon water has essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. It flushes out internal wastes along with harmful toxins.

7. Prevents Free Radical Damage:

The fantastic and wide range of antioxidants present in both the lemon and the honey has profound impacts on avoiding any free radical damage in the body. Excess free radicals destroy healthy cells in our body, thereby increasing the risks of cancer. Honey and lemon water does promote the eradication of those free radicals.

8. Liver Cleansing:

We all know very well; a healthy liver is the key to longterm health and maintaining proper body weight. The liver is the organ that helps in cleansing our bodies so that it functions effectively. Honey, lemon, and water are cleansing in nature. Drinking a warm cup of the lemon honey water does the trick.

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Easy DIY Recipes Of Lemon And Honey Water For Weight Loss

Taking into account the plethora of benefits lemon honey water provides, here are some easy recipes that help you lose those extra pounds naturally.

Lemon Honey Water


  • One cup of lukewarm water.
  • Juice from one lemon.
  • One teaspoon of honey.


  • Mix a spoon of honey to a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Add the freshly-squeezed lemon juice to the water.
  • Mix it well and drink it first thing in the morning.

Ginger Honey Lemon Water


  • 2 One inch slices of ginger.
  • Juice of a lemon.
  • One teaspoon of honey.
  • A cup of warm water.


  • Crush the slices of ginger and mix it in the bowl of warm water and let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the ginger from the water and add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Add lemon juice to the concoction and mix it well.

Cinnamon Honey Lemon Water


  • One teaspoon of fresh ground cinnamon.
  • Juice of one lemon.
  • One teaspoon honey.
  • A cup of warm water.


  • Add one teaspoon of cinnamon, lemon juice, and honey and mix them to make into a paste
  • Add warm water to the dough and mix it thoroughly.
  • For effective results, drink it regularly, and early morning.

By following some tips, you can make this drink an elixir.

  • It is best if the ingredients are entirely natural.
  • While lemon is readily available in the natural state, honey is often processed. Try sourcing them from bee farms if possible.
  • Use distilled water for better taste.
  • Drinking honey lemon water every morning within 30 minutes of waking up and 30 minutes before bedtime, we can ensure the desired results.
  • Exercise and a balanced diet are also necessary since this is not a cure-all. It boosts the system to act fast and responds to exercise.
  • It is more effective to consume this solution in lukewarm water regularly early in the morning with an empty stomach.

Simple Benefits Of Honey And Lemon For Weight Loss

When Is The Best Time To Drink Honey And Lemon Water For Weight Loss

To achieve the best results for weight loss, drink honey lemon water early morning on an empty stomach. You can enjoy a cup of this warm potion any time of the day, even as a pre-bedtime drink. As it contains lemon juice, rinsing your mouth with plain water is suggested after drinking this beverage. It is essential to help neutralise the acid and prevent tooth enamel erosion.

Side effects

  • Although honey lemon water can help you lose weight. But it might not be so for everyone.
  • The high acidic value of lemon may not sit well with people with a low ph level.
  • People with diabetes should refrain from consuming honey as its sweet nature might increase their sugar level.
  • Also, specific allergies should be looked into before following this diet. Other than a few points, this is a perfectly healthy diet, which helps you lose the extra weight.

With a hectic schedule all around, many of us don’t have the time to follow a strict diet plan and an exercise regimen. The junk we eat doesn’t help either. Honey lemon water is a natural solution for weight loss. Lemon and honey teamed up with warm water initiate less intake of calories, provide you with the natural process for weight loss. In this article, we have discussed the benefits of lemon and honey and also with how it helps weight loss. Hopefully, this article will help you and let us know your feedback.

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