Easy Way To Lose Weight Fast – One Week Diet Plan

Open the internet, flip through the pages of a magazine or head to any gym or workout sessions nearby, one word which you will probably hear and see everywhere is dieting. There are various diet plans available in the market today and moreover new comes up with each passing day.

Well it is always recommended to choose diet as per body type because not every diet suits everyone. Weight loss is always accompanied by exercise and diet. A healthy combination of good diet and good exercise helps us to lose weight easily without affecting the internal functioning of the body.

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To many people diet means eating less and cutting down on food. But from a general point of view a diet can be defined as eating the right amount of food at the right time in right quantity. Generally people find dieting very difficult as there is a shift in the type of food of food we eat. Unprocessed food, frozen food, junk and fried food are to be kept at bay which is indeed difficult for almost all of us, thanks to the era and lifestyle we live in.

Today we are going to discuss a diet plan which helps us in losing weight in just a week. It sounds like so unreal. Well frankly speaking one week isn’t enough to lose weight however if consumption is restricted one may find changes in body weight. The calorie intake should be checked as one has to see changes in just a week.

1 Week Diet Meal Plan to Lose Weight Fast:

Here is a replica one week diet plan menu for you to lose weight in 7 days. Necessary changes can be made by keeping in mind your height, weight and definitely the Body Mass Index.


  • One type of low calorie fruit like orange
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Muesli with milk.

Either have muesli with milk or yogurt as milk and yogurt cannot be consumed at the same time.

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  • Two chapattis / 2 brown bread.
  • Roasted chicken/ a cup of boiled veggies.
  • Dal can be consumed by vegans.
  • One can also go for fresh salads instead of veggies.


  • Boiled soyabean/ roasted chicken
  • One bowl yogurt.
  • Some veggies which are low in calories.

Mid snacks:

Whenever you are hungry in between you can consume juices and salads. There are various fruits which are high on calorie so avoid consuming them.

Few tips on the go:

  • Before starting this diet a diet chart should be prepared with the names along with essential nutrients it contains and the amount of calories. This diet chart should include all sorts of food you generally indulge in.
  • Unprocessed food, outside food and all sorts of junks are a big no during any diet you do.
  • Cutting down or truncating the calorie is essentially important for any diet or losing weight plan. But calories are essential for the body as well. One should not forget that calories are required by the body in order to perform various activities like running, walking etc. so do not cut down on calories completely.

See More: Diet Snacks Recipes

  • Never stay hungry and keep your stomach empty. This situation may not work in your favour and you may end with a bloated stomach. So during the meals eat fat free biscuits and indulge in some protein bars as well.
  • 1 week diet plan should also be accompanied by 1 hour exercise daily in the morning. Exercising and toning up is essential in losing weight.

Following a strict regime like this for an entire week without fail will definitely show you good result.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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