Emergency Whitehead Remedies

Emergency Whitehead Remedies

Whiteheads are some of the common consequences of an inappropriate skin care routine as well as an excessive functioning of the sebaceous glands. Whereas the first factor can be eliminated or changed, the second one might make us face a real challenge. Acne can be easily generated if we neglect the use of basic methods and formulas that provide the skin with a protective shield against skin enemies.

The white spots are undoubtedly the most severe forms of acne. In order to eliminate them, skin specialists experiment with various treatments. These emergency whitehead remedies will furnish you with the secret recipe on how to cleanse your complexion from pimples and any other skin problems. Follow the basic instructions and learn how to grant your pores and skin cells with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Aloe Vera

More and more people have Aloe Vera in their garden or home as it can be used as the perfect emergency remedy for loads of problems. Emergency Whitehead Remedies


Thanks to the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of this herb you can use it with confidence when handling pimples. All you have to do is take 4-5 mint leaves and crush them with the help of a pestle.

Then you can rub the soft and soothing leaves into the zits enjoying the cooling effect of the juice. Leave the treatment on for at least 5-10 minutes. Finally, you can wash off the spot with cold water. The beneficial effect of mint leaves will be visible only after a few sessions.

Avocado Paste

Mash a medium-sized avocado to get a fine paste. In order to make it milder, mix it with a few drops of water. The next step is to rub it into your whiteheads and leave it on for at least 10-15 minutes. Finish up your skin care session by rinsing the paste off with cold water. The various vitamins and anti-oxidants from Avocado are some of the most powerful remedies to treat whiteheads and even blackheads with. Use this trick with confidence and embed it into your weekly beauty schedule.


Sugar can be used to reduce the inflammation and redness caused by pimples. In this case the magical recipe is made up of the mixture of 1 tbs of brown sugar and 2 tbs of white sugar. Add a few drops of water to this mixture, then start rubbing your whiteheads with it. Proceed gently, rather than causing any long term damage to your complexion. Massage the sugar into your pores, then wash the paste off with cold water.


You’ll find this common ingredient in all households, therefore, why spend a fortune on cosmetics when you can use it as the most efficient remedy against pimples? Boil 4-5 leaves of basil in a medium bowl, then keep it in there until the water cools down. Then use a cotton ball, dip it into the lotion and start applying the treatment to your whiteheads. The result will be almost immediate as the inflammation and the redness will disappear. Use it as one of the most powerful emergency remedies for whiteheads and acne in general.

Emergency Whitehead Remedies

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