Face Cleansing Brush Types and How to Use

Face Cleansing Brush Types and How to Use

Power facial-cleansing brushes come in different shapes and sizes and promise to get your face cleaner than ever before. Discover the best face cleansing brush types and find out why so many women swear by them.

Face Cleansing Brush Types

Meeting halfway between dry brushing for the body and electric toothbrushes, face cleansing brushes promise the best facial cleansing and exfoliation.

Some women prefer the classic brush, but the latest trends are all about the electric face cleansing brushes and their amazing effects on the complexion.

Face Cleansing Brush Types and How to Use

Clarisonic Plus

The most popular option for face cleansing brushes is the Clarisonic line, that includes the more expensive Clarisonic Plus, along with the Acne Clarifying Collection, that offers extra fighting power against breakouts and blemishes and Mia, the travel-sized face cleansing brush.

Celebrities like Lady Gaga, Mindy Kaling and Lea Michelle are big fans of the Clarisonic cleansing brushes, that remove dead skin cells and let cosmetics nourish and soak the skin for better results.

Differences Among Face Cleansing Brushes

According to experts, the more brush movements there are per second, the better, since that means less abrasive action on the delicate skin of your face. While the Clarisonic Classic has bristles that move more than 300 times a second, the drugstore versions move or rotate only 4-5 times a second. However, Clarisonic isn’t the only good option when it comes to face cleansing brushes. Check out a few other excellent products, that fall into different face cleansing brush types.

Face Cleansing Brush Types and How to Use

Proactiv Deep Cleansing

With only one speed, the Proactiv Deep Pore Cleansing Brush doesn’t spin, but it vibrates for excellent cleansing and is waterproof. The speed of vibration is slightly slower than the Clarisonic, but the price is smaller as well.

Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleaning System

Rotating brushes are the Olay Pro-X‘ secret weapon and it also offers 2 speeds and is waterproof. It’s much less expensive than the Clarisonic face cleansing brushes and it might be the best choice for a beginner.

Neutrogena Wave

The cheapest product out of the most well known face cleansing brushes, the Neutrogena Wave has disposable pads with cleansers that don’t really move, but rather vibrate in a gentle way. It’s the budget option, but it’s not really a good face cleansing brush.

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