10 Makeover Dos and Don’ts

10 Makeover Dos and Don’ts

Whether you’re planning a new look that involves a hairstyle change, new makeup options or a whole new wardrobe, your makeover should be scrutinized carefully before you spend too much on stuff you might not enjoy in a few weeks.

Discover the most important makeover dos and don’ts in order to make a big change that you’ll be happy with. From choosing the right moment to considering if you’re ready for a huge change or if you should approach it more gradually, here are the most important makeover tips that can help you out.

Do Control Your Impulses

A huge makeover after a breakup might seem like a good idea, particularly when you’re going for a look that you love and your ex would hate, but don’t make rash decisions. Taking the time to consider what really works for you and what doesn’t will reduce the chances of regretting your makeover the next day.

Don’t Pick a Look That’s Not You

When it comes to makeover dos and don’ts, you should always aim to expand your limits, but don’t push for something that isn’t really that flattering. Consider hairstyles and colors carefully before making a big commitment. You can use makeup apps to help you decide which products will work best for your new look.

Do Consider the Long Term Consequences

If you’re getting a makeover after a breakup, you should definitely try to postpone it until you’re over the hardest part, that can push you in the wrong direction. When you’re making a drastic change, always consider how it will affect you in the long run. A pixie cut can take forever to grow out and switching to an all black look might not be a good idea if you’re living with a white cat.

10 Makeover Dos and Don’ts

Don’t Splurge on All Sales

When you’re considering the makeover dos and don’ts, you should keep in mind that buying a whole new wardrobe on sale isn’t always the best idea. Always make sure that you check the return policies. If you change your mind or decide to scale back, you should be able to return some of your impulse buys.

Do Try Something Fresh

Staying in your comfort zone won’t exactly lead you to a great new makeover. You should know how to combine what works for your silhouette and face shape with something new and trendy. Unless you bring in some exciting and unexpected elements, your makeover won’t have the big impact you want. But you shouldn’t allow yourself to get completely lost in trends and lose tracks of what’s really flattering.

See also: 10 Fashion Mistakes That Make You Look Fat

Don’t Invest in the Wrong Size

One of the biggest makeover don’ts is buying clothes right before doing on a diet. At the same time, you shouldn’t invest in clothes that are one or two sizes too small in the hopes that you’ll lose the extra weight soon. If you think that would help you stay motivated, stick to a single item of clothing that’s in your ideal size.

Do Give Some Thought to Maintenance

When your makeover involves some big wardrobe changes, make sure that you’re making the right choices in the long run. Buying expensive clothes can also lead to hidden costs. If all your new clothes are dry cleaning only, you’ll have to invest both money and energy into having them cleaned regularly. Focus on your lifestyle when you choose a new look.

Don’t Change Everything at Once

Even when you paid attention to the most important makeover dos and don’ts, you can still get carried away and change too much at once. A new hairstyle and some new clothes can work well together, but revamping your whole wardrobe completely while also making a drastic change for your hair can end up feeling like too much.

10 Makeover Dos and Don’ts

Do Be Careful with Makeup

Buying a lot of new makeup and skincare products at the same time can make it difficult to spot that could be causing any skin issues. Try to add new products gradually into your routine and look to be able to control any problems.

More: 10 Signs Your Wardrobe Needs an Overhaul

Don’t Max Out Your Credit Card for Clothes

Finding a new look you love, then getting it in every color and maxing out your credit is definitely one of the big makeover don’ts. It’s important to wear your new clothes at least a few times before going back for more, so you know that they fit both your style and function standards.

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