Fixes for Common Nail Problems

Fixes for Common Nail Problems

Nail problems are one of the main things that stop us from creating the manicure styles we dream of and display it with complete confidence. Weakness and peeling are the most common problems women complain about but they are not the only ones that can cause frustration in the long run.

Maintaining nails healthy is quite complicated at times, especially when you are prone to developing certain nail problems. However, if you learn how to to design your care routine in order to be able to deal with these problems effectively you will see improvements right away. Fixes for Common Nail Problems

Split or peeled nails

This is by far one of the most common complaint women express. Many times lifestyle and aging are the main factors that can be blamed for this frustrating phenomenon. Extensive use of hand sanitizers, frequent contact with water and harsh chemicals from various detergents as well as acetone based nail polish remover are some of the main factors that influence the way your nails look on a daily basis.

You might be tempted to think that applying conventional nail hardener is the fast fix that will give you the strong nails you want but this is rarely the case. A more complex approach is needed in order to be able to tackle this issue. Switching to alcohol free cleansers and moisturizing the nails on a daily basis are much more efficient ways to deal with this problem. Olive oil is a great inexpensive natural moisturizer that has proven to be effective for this problem. Brittle nails can also be strengthened with a daily biotin supplement. Keeping the nails short will also help with this problem making it less visible.

Stained nails

Over time nails can get stained for a variety of reason. Smoking is the most common reason for yellow stained nails but other bad habits can manifest themselves in a similar manner. For example, wearing dark nail polish shades frequently without applying a protective base coat can have this unpleasant effect. Fortunately, this problem is easy to correct by using lemon juice to whiten the nail surface and wearing a protective base coat. Fixes for Common Nail Problems


Ridges are a common problem mainly for those used artificial nails and removed them recently or those who prefer frequent manicures. Genetics and certain medical conditions can also play an important role in determining whether you get these ridges or not. To deal with this problem you will need to adopt some of the following strategies.

Use a nail buffer to provide a gentle exfoliation at the surface of the nail and to increase shine. Make sure however that you don’t overuse this technique as it might actually make the matters worse. Cutting the nails short and applying an emollient cream at least once a week are two basic rules you should take into account as a long term approach and as a prevention tool. Conventional brush on products can also be useful when dealing with this problem.

Slow nail growth

Slow nail growth is quite a problem for those who like sophisticated nail designs yet are not willing to use artificial nails to get the results they want.

Getting stronger nails and healthier nails faster is generally a process that takes time and that involves a series of steps that can all ensure success in a variety of different ways. Protecting your hands whenever you are dealing with factors that might diminish moisture such as hot water or detergents, moisturizing the cuticles daily, hydrating properly or avoiding filling the corners of the nails can make a huge different. Increasing you intake of foods that are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin B or essential fatty acids is also highly recommended in order to boost nail growth from within.

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