Foods that Fight Belly Fat

Foods that Fight Belly Fat

When it comes to fighting belly fat and losing weight in general there are various approaches that can be applied with varying degrees of efficiency. While almost everyone seems to know the basic requirements for weight loss, most people struggle profoundly and often fail to achieve this goal because they don’t have a clearly defined strategy. While reducing calories is one of the first things that many people think of when trying to fight belly fat, this is only part of the equation. Before even thinking about starting a diet, a person who is truly determined to fight belly fat and lose weight at the same time should take time to learn about the science behind weight loss from various perspectives. It might seem like an obvious thing to do but many of us are always tempted to go for shortcuts and find an approach that delivers results without a lot of efforts.

Foods that Fight Belly Fat

Unfortunately, this type of mentality often backfires leaving us even more dissatisfied than we originally were. It’s a well known fact that the path to a flat stomach starts with a healthy diet but what not many people know is that certain foods work more efficiently than others in reducing belly fat. However, it should be mentioned that without a healthy eating meal plan as well as a tailored exercise plan these foods alone will not be very efficient in flattering our belly. Here are the most efficient foods that fight belly fat:Green tea has proven to be an effective weapon for weight loss as well as for fat burning. Studies show that those that drink green tea regularly have at least 10% more chances of losing belly fat than those who prefer other types of beverages. The explanation for this incredible fact is that green tea has components that help raise the basal metabolic rate of our body, making it easier to burn fat. What’s more, green tea also has the ability to regulate glucose, making it easier to fight sugar cravings or even completely eliminating them. In order to get the benefits, a daily consumption of 4-5 cups is required. Avoid drinking green tea in late afternoon to prevent sleep problems. Eggs have earned a bad rep in the past when it was thought that they could raise your cholesterol level. More recent studies have infirmed this theory, showing that eggs have a quite insignificant impact on our cholesterol levels. Eggs are a valuable tool for fighting belly fat being a good source of high quality protein. Due to the high content of vitamin B12 which helps break down fat cells more effectively, eggs are a perfect choice for a healthy breakfast. If you really want to cut calories and get the same benefits, you can take out the egg yolk.

Foods that Fight Belly Fat

Whole grains can help you get rid of twice as much abdominal fat compared to other simple carbohydrates even if the number of calories is identical. Very nutritious, they can help curb hunger effectively being a necessary requirement for those who are trying to build muscle. Whole grains help lower your insulin levels which in turn will help speed up the fat burning process. Low fat dairy products can help you burn up to 70% more fat if consumed 3 or 4 times a day. The explanation for this amazing effect relies on the fact that a high amount of calcium helps break down fat cells more effectively and what’s more, it can even prevent it from forming. Not only that, but low fat dairy products can help lower cortisol levels, a hormone that is partly responsible for belly fat. Aside from being an excellent source of protein, products like yogurt or kefir contain probiotics that might help speed up fat burn even more.Mushrooms are the only plant based food that contains vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for weight loss because the proper absorption of calcium depends on it. Those who have low levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream have trouble burning fat effectively. It has been found that as little as three ounce serving of mushrooms can ensure 100% of the daily requirements of vitamin D. They do not contain any cholesterol, having only 44 calories per cup. Moreover, mushrooms are an excellent source of zinc that is essential for many cellular metabolism processes.

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