French Women Beauty Secrets and Tips

Want to attain an effortless beauty? Ask the French how they do it. Over the years French women have been known for their chic looks and elegant sense of style. While other cultures are concerned with looking perfect, French women have been more concerned with looking natural. With their perfectly undone hair and minimal makeup, French women have mastered the art of carrying out a natural look to perfection. It’s not as effortless as it seems though, for French beauty has its own share of secrets. Today we uncover for you some of the age-old beauty rituals that have made French women seem so irresistible.

Beauty Secrets and Tips for French Women:

french women beauty secrets

Skincare Regimen Beats Makeup:

French women like to keep it simple. You will never find them caked with makeup. They stay as far away as possible from foundation and base makeup sticking to just the basics – lipstick, mascara and blush. They prefer naturally glowing skin and therefore place greater emphasis on skincare. Their focus is more on skincare products rather than cosmetics. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing are a daily ritual and they would gladly repeat it as many times if they had to to keep the skin hydrated and prevent skin aging.

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Face Masks and Massages:

French women have been known to use face masks for their skin and hair from a very young age. They prefer to repair, soothe and rejuvenate the skin rather than recreating layers of new skin through excessive exfoliation. Homemade face masks made from natural ingredients is the key as the French love to take a natural approach to beauty.

Facial massages are another obsession with French women to relieve stress and obtain healthy glowing skin. If you get a facial done in France you can be sure of getting a really good face massage as well. French women give themselves a gentle face massage daily when applying moisturizer.

Toning Waters:

When it comes to toning, the women of France take to the waters opting for cornflower water and rosewater to do the job. Furthermore, thermal spring waters which are gentle on the skin are hugely popular rinsing agents used after cleansing to substitute for the hard water in France.

We Heard it From The Grapevine:

Red wine as most of us know is loaded with antioxidants that have increasing health benefits on the body and anti-aging effects on the skin. An important part of the French culture, wine is to the French what water is to us.

See More: Moroccan Beauty Tips

French Women’s Hairstyles Secret:

French Women's Hairstyles Secret

A French woman’s naturalistic approach to beauty is also extended to her hair. They don’t do too much to their hair in terms of styling and styling products but opt instead for treatment products. For them prevention is better than cure. They don’t wash their hair everyday but every other day and they forego the blow-dryer allowing their hair dry out naturally. Most of all, if anyone can carry out a tousled look in svelte fashion, it’s the French woman.

See More: Beauty Secrets Of Pakistani Women

Fitness and Diet of French Women:

The petite frames of French women are the envy and desire of many around the world. Like everything else, they take the natural way out to staying fit by a daily bout of physical exercises which include parking a few blocks from their work entrance or getting off the train a few stops before their destination to walk and making use of the stairs instead of the lift to keep their hearts ticking.

Fitness and Diet of French Women:

As far as their diet goes, French women do not believe in dieting. They eat their hearts out yet they don’t get fat. Their secret is to eat less of the very best at mealtimes while snacking on small proportions of healthy foods at regular intervals during the entire day. They know what’s good for them, settling for fresh produce rather than processed and packaged food. They tend to eat more fish than vegetables, more vegetables than fruit, and yogurt twice a day.

If there’s anything to learn from the french women beauty secrets and living, it’s to be sensible about it and embrace your natural beauty.

Images Source: 1, 2, 3.

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