Give Your Diet and Exercise Routine a Summer Makeover

Give Your Diet and Exercise Routine a Summer Makeover

Working out in warm weather, whether it’s over 80F/27C with high humidity or over 95F/35C, can be dangerous if you don’t take care of yourself. Following the right exercise and diet guidelines during the summer months can help you achieve sustainable results, without giving up because you’ve had enough or hurting yourself in the process.

Get familiar with the best diet and exercise tips for hot weather, whether you’re working on toning your muscles or losing the extra pounds during summer.

Work Out In the Morning or Indoors

If you can avoid exercise during the hottest times of the day, it would be wise to do just that. Getting up earlier to exercise in the colder hours of the morning is best, but that doesn’t mean you should skip sunscreen. 

If you prefer exercising indoors in an air-conditioned room, it’s a good way of avoiding the risk of dehydration and other heat related issues, including heat cramps and hear exhaustion.

Get Used to Good Hydration

When you’re working out outdoors or without air conditioning, act before you feel thirsty, because you’re already dehydrated when you feel it. For an intense workout, drink up to 20 ounces of water in the two hours before working out, then around 10 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise. This is one of the best diet and exercise tips for hot weather and it applies to every activity, even swimming.

Give Your Diet and Exercise Routine a Summer Makeover

Eat Fresh as Often as Possible

Fresh, seasonal produce is your best bet for weight loss during summer. Make sure that your diet includes fruits and vegetables of every color, from white (cauliflower) to green, yellow, red, orange and even purple (blueberries and grapes). Replace all your snacks with fresh vegetables and fruits for a successful summer diet.

Avoid Alcohol 24 Hours Before a Workout

One of the best diet and exercise tips for hot weather is to cut off alcoholic beverages completely. Alcohol gets you dehydrated fast and fills you with empty calories, but it’s especially important to avoid drinking it in the 24 hours before an outdoors workout in hot weather.

Give Your Diet and Exercise Routine a Summer Makeover

Don’t Restrict Calories Too Much

Juice cleanses and crash diets can also be more dangerous in the hot months of the year, when you’re more likely to lose fluids. Even if the heat is affecting your appetite, don’t restrict your calories severely. When your body is undernourished, it will also be more sensitive to the effects of the heat, so restricting your calories too much is a bad idea.

More: Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

Dress Correctly When You’re Exercising Outdoors

If you plan on working out outdoors, stay out of the sun between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M., when the UV radiation is at its peak. However, your exercise equipment is always important and making sure it protects your skin is one of the best diet and exercise tips for hot weather.

Go for lightweight and loose fabrics, that will allow air circulation. Moisture wicking synthetic fabrics might be a good idea, even if you’re not an athlete. Sunglasses that block over 99% UVA and UVB radiation are another important element, but you can also protect yourself by wearing a hat with a brim of at least 4 inches, with an optional sun skirt that also protects the back of your hear and your ears.

Replace Red Meat with Beans

When you’re on a protein rich diet, beans are the perfect replacement for red meat in hot summer days. You can eat them in salads, soups or even rice and pasta dishes and they’ll keep you feeling full without the sweat an body odor associated with a diet that’s rich in animal products.

Give Your Diet and Exercise Routine a Summer Makeover

Don’t Ignore Signs of Heat Exhaustion

One of the best diet and exercise tips for hot weather is to forget about powering through your exercise routine when you’re feeling down. Symptoms of heat cramps are often dismissed, but ignoring them and continuing your intense workout can lead to heat syncope, lightheadedness that can be followed by fainting, or even heat exhaustion.

Try Cold Vegetable Soups

Vegetable soups, whether they’re meant to be served chilled or warm, are best eaten cold when you’re dealing with hot weather. They’re a good staple many weight loss programs and if you eat them cold, you’ll burn more calories, while also fighting the heat. Among the best diet and exercise tips for hot weather, making a meal out of them every day is one of the most efficient both for losing weight and keeping cool.

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