Great Workout for Long Lean Muscles

Great Workout for Long Lean Muscles

Long lean muscles are a very common goal that women ask their personal trainers because they want to look fit yet feminine. But what is the key to reaching this? We have the solution for you! We did some diggings and we came up with several examples of lean muscle building workouts.

Lean Muscle Workout Training

You should use a foam roller when stretching your muscle. This way, you are not just loosening your ligaments and tendons, you will also stretch the myofascia, or the cover that keeps your muscles in place. You should know that your muscles stay tight and compact when your myofascia are tight and compact.

This way, every time you stretch the cover of your muscle, you give your muscle room to grow and it takes a different shape: it becomes longer, leaner and less bulky.

Great Workout for Long Lean Muscles

An essential key to reaching a toned and athletic body is mixing flexibility exercises with heavy lifting. This way, your body muscles will grow harmoniously thus avoiding the risk of bulkiness.

One of the best ways to reach the desired result is to combine flexibility exercises with. So, for 20-30 minutes a day, you will improve your flexibility and respiration, and your body will look nicer and become well proportioned.

Moreover, your lean muscle workout plan should also include a combination of cardio and resistance exercises. If you go for this type of workout, remember that you should not consume protein right after gym, because protein increases water in the muscles and makes them bulkier. Our suggestion would be to start consuming protein shakes 2 hours after you exercise. Also, you should do some stretching while your body is still warm, after working out. This way, your muscles will elongate.Great Workout for Long Lean Muscles

Long and Lean Prenatal Workout

For all those mommies-to-be out there, we have a DVD recommendation: Long And Lean Prenatal Workout by Suzanne Bowen ($14.99 on This is a very useful Pilates – based workout for pregnant women.

This DVD is divided into 3 sections: the standing section (20 minutes), the mat (20 minutes) and stretching (10 minutes). The first part has ballet-inspired elements meant to warm you up (leg elements that are joined by arm movements). The mat section has several abdominal exercises that are meant to build up strength. Finally, in the stretching part, Suzanne Bowen invites the future mommies to do some hip, back and leg exercises that will make them feel better, stronger and more relaxed.

See also: Best Arm Toning Workouts for WomenThe Best Workouts for Lower Abs

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