Gwyneth Paltrow Released Her Second Cookbook ‘It’s All Good’

Gwyneth Paltrow Released Her Second Cookbook ‘It’s All Good’

Gwyneth Paltrow released her second cookbook called ‘It’s All Good‘, a big collection of delicious, easy recipes that the Iron Man 3 actress did with her pal Julia Turshen. Once again, Paltrow manages to cause quite a stir and this is no news whatsoever since her eating habits have became subject of debate over the years. Well, it seems that Gwyneth’s new book is the result of a health scare when she felt like she “was going to die” and doctors recommended her an elimination diet.

“My philosophy is: eat good, fresh food that is totally delicious. It has to taste great and be fulfilling to all of the senses. We know so much now about how inextricably linked our food is to our overall health. The bottom line is, our bodies have a hard time with anything processed. That doesn’t only mean kool-aid and goldfish. White flour, white rice and soy milk are all heavily processed as well. I know from my own research that the more whole the diet, the better I feel. I wanted to do this book so I would have a mini encyclopedia of truly delicious recipes that were healthful and nourishing, and above all easy (I am an insanely busy working mother!),” the actress says.

Gwyneth Paltrow Released Her Second Cookbook ‘It’s All Good’

But what does the elimination diet mean? According to Gwyneth Paltrow this requires saying bye bye to coffee, alcohol, dairy, eggs, sugar, shellfish, deepwater fish, potatoes, tomatoes, bell pepper, eggplant, corn, wheat, meat, soy, and all things processed. In ‘It’s All Good’, the 40-year-old actress, who has recently been named People’s most beautiful woman in the world, included recipes that are just right for the way we are meant to be eating these days, meaning cleaner and healthier, without sacrificing any flavor or satisfaction.

“My food comes from me and so it is true to me. I just know what I want to eat. And if I want something, or my family wants something, and it’s on the restricted food or allergy list, I love to find my way around the obstacle. I’m all about finding my way around an obstacle,” Paltrow says.

Chicken burgers, gluten-free fish fingers, millet ‘falafel’ with avocado, Japanese chicken meatballs… You can find all these delicious, easy recipes that will make you look good and feel great in Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook ‘It’s All Good’.

Gwyneth Paltrow Released Her Second Cookbook ‘It’s All Good’

You might also want to browse through:The Gwyneth Paltrow Elimination Diet

Photos: Getty Images, Goop

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