Health Benefits Of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil – Which Is Better ?

To begin with, the difference between the coconut oil vs olive oil, let us get the required information about their definitions and scientific names.

Coconut oil, in general, is the fatty oil that is obtained from the flesh of the coconut. Coconut oil is used for cooking purposes as well as for enhancing the beauty of the users. You can also just make coconut oil at home and fulfil your requirement. This is the primary point to cover when focusing on what is the difference between coconut oil and olive oil. The scientific name of coconut oil is Cocos Nucifera.

Now, to compare olive oil and coconut oil, let us understand the information about olive oil. Olive oil is a liquid fat which is obtained from the olives. Olive oil is less fatty as compared to the coconut oil and thus is used more in cooking. The scientific name of olive oil is popularly known as oleic acid.

Quality Comparison of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil:

One of the significant factors of comparison between olive oil vs coconut oil which is better is their quality. You would never prefer any oil that is not high-quality, isn’t it? Let us have a look at the health benefits of coconut oil vs olive oil in terms of quality.

  • Olive oil has more amount of good fat along with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat as compared to coconut oil.
  • Coconut oil delivers more quantity of saturated fat than the actual requirements of the body as compared with the olive oil.
  • Both the oils, when consumed in the natural form, delivers the needed benefits to the health of the users.

How Much Dosage Use per Day of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil:

When it is important to understand what is the difference between olive oil and coconut oil, it is also essential to have an idea about their daily consumption. Though the regular consumption of coconut oil vs olive oil cooking depends upon the needs of the users, in general, you should use:

  • You can take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil daily which can be increased to 2 tablespoons slowly and gradually. Maximum of 2 tablespoons of coconut oil is enough for getting the health benefits.
  • To reduce the risk of health, consuming 23 g or 2 tablespoons of olive oil is sufficient, as per the health experts’ suggestions.

Nutritional Information of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil:

It is quite essential to understand the difference between the coconut oil vs olive oil nutrition if you want to be sure about the health benefits that both the oils deliver. Keeping a check on the nutritional value of both oils is one of the important aspects of knowing what the difference between olive oil and coconut oil is.

Here is the required information for comparing the coconut oil vs olive oil nutrition that makes olive oil a better choice out of the two options:

  • Both coconut oil and olive oil have the same amount of calories to offer to its uses. They both have about 120 calories in them.
  • Talking about the importance of antioxidants, olive oil contains several antioxidants as compared to coconut oil and thus can be more accurate in benefiting the health of its users.
  • Coming to the saturated fat, it has been observed that the total intake of saturated fat in the body should not be more than 7%.
  • The total amount of saturated fat offered by olive oil to its users is 1% whereas the saturated fat offered by coconut oil is around 12% which makes olive oil little more beneficial for the health.
  • Olive oil also contains more amount of good fat as compared to coconut oil. The good fat is that fat that is needed by the body for its normal functioning without hindering any of the health aspects.
  • As coconut oil contains less amount of good fat, they may have to be consumed in more quantity to satisfy the daily good fat needs of the body.
  • Both olive oil and coconut oil has no cholesterol in them and thus can be trusted on this need.

Compare The Health Benefits Of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil:

Along with keeping a check on the calories in coconut oil vs olive oil, it is also important to know the health benefits of both the oils. Most of the users choose their oil based on the health benefits that their oil can deliver them. Checking the health benefits is one of the essential factors to decide on the worth of the oils. If the oil has fewer health benefits to offer to its users, it is seen as less worthy than the other oil.

Health Benefits of Olive Oil:

  • Olive oil is rich in the quantity of healthy unsaturated fat.
  • Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It prevents the risk of strokes and other heart problems along with opening the blockages of the heart arteries.
  • Olive oil has a good amount of antioxidants.
  • It can reduce the bad cholesterol levels and can help in improving the immunity of the users.
  • Cooking your meals in olive oil can also help in losing the weight.
  • The regular use of olive oil can reduce stress.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil:

  • It reduces the cholesterol levels of the body.
  • It helps in better functioning of the brain.
  • Coconut oil helps in killing the fungus, bacteria and other infections from the skin.
  • It helps in losing weight.
  • The regular use of coconut oil moisturizes the skin thoroughly.
  • It is used for enhancing hair growth.
  • Coconut oil is also used along with various other natural ingredients to treat scalp infections like dandruff, itchiness, etc.

In general, olive oil is the clear choice for getting the maximum of health benefits as,

  • Talking about coconut oil vs olive oil for weight loss and effective heart functioning, you can use any of the oil.
  • Coconut oil is more preferred for skin benefits amongst the comparison of coconut oil vs olive oil for skincare.
  • Talking about olive oil vs coconut oil for hair, again coconut oil is given more value for hair care.

See More: Olives Uses

Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil for Hair:

We all love to hair gorgeous hair, don’t we? But for taking the extra care of the hair, we need to choose the best oil from olive oil vs coconut oil for hair. It is always a tough choice to choose between coconut oil vs olive oil for hair growth but knowing the hair benefits that these oils can deliver, would make it easy.

Let us compare the hair benefits of olive oil and coconut oil for hair:

Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair:

  • Moisturizes and protects the hair from damages.
  • Make hair much softer.
  • Help in managing the hair along with treating the problem of dandruff.
  • Adds shine to the dull hair.
  • Works effectively for the problem of split ends.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair:

  • Offers ultimate protection for hair from all possible damages.
  • Treats the problem of dandruff along with improving the scalp health.
  • Treats the problem of dry scalp and itchiness.
  • Helps in hair growth along with improving the hair quality.
  • Provides the necessary sun protection for hair.
  • Prevents and protects the hair against the problem of lice.

Overall, coconut oil would make a better choice when thinking about choosing suitable oil out of the two for getting the desired and effective hair care.

Olive Oil and Coconut Oil for Skin:

Though the choice between coconut oil vs olive oil for skin depends on the type of skin that you have, you should always be sure of choosing the right oil amongst the coconut oil vs olive oil for skincare to get the maximum benefits.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin:

  • Deeply moisturizes the skin.
  • Prevents the growth of fungus and infections on the skin.
  • Cleans the skin deeply.
  • Easy removal of make-up.
  • Freshen up your skin from dullness.
  • Highlights the cheeks.
  • Makes the skin glowing and radiant.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Skin:

  • Thanks to the antioxidants available in it, olive oil lets the skin breathe properly.
  • Works as a face mask.
  • Reduces the growth of bacteria on the skin.
  • Delivers the needed vitamins to the skin for making the skin glowing.
  • Fights against the early signs of ageing.
  • Reduces the dryness of the skin.
  • Makes the skin softer and smoother.

Both olive oil and coconut oil for skin make the best choice and you can choose any of the oil between the olive oil vs coconut oil for skin according to your skin type and skin needs.

See More: Olive Oil Uses

Olive Oil and Coconut Oil for Face:

Who doesn’t want a glowing face? An attractive and bright charming face is everybody’s need and requirements, and thus most of us take the maximum time to choose between olive oil vs coconut oil for face. But if you are comparing between olive oil and coconut oil for the face, then you should get a clear picture of the benefits of olive oil vs coconut oil for face moisturizer.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Face:

  • Cleanses the face deeply.
  • Moisturizes the face thoroughly.
  • Gets deeply absorbed by the face.
  • Reduces face infections and problems.
  • Delivers the desired glow to the face by removing dullness.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Face:

  • Reduces the dryness of the face and makes it more radiant.
  • Makes the face skin soft and glowing.
  • Reduces the signs of ageing.
  • Delivers the needed vitamins and minerals to the face skin.
  • Can be used as a face mask for improving the face skin quality.

Different users have different needs and various types of facial skin; therefore, they can choose any of the oil between olive oil and coconut oil for face. Both the oils have the essential benefits for improving the facial skin and thus stand equal in this parameter.

Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil for Weight Loss:

It is always difficult to lose weight and what makes it more difficult is the choice of things we eat. If we don’t eat the right quality of food or don’t cook our food in the quality oil, then losing weight will become more difficult. Therefore, it is essential to choose wisely between the olive oil vs coconut oil for weight loss.

Both the oils are effective in helping the users to lose and manage their weight. Here are some of the benefits of the oil for weight loss:

  • Olive oil gets less consumed in making the food and thus works effectively well in keeping the weight under control.
  • Coconut oil, on the other hand, is consumed in more quantity as compared to olive oil and thus may be a little slow in managing the weight, though it will also show some positive response for losing weight.
  • Olive oil helps the body to get the desired amount of good fat while not overdosing the amount and thus again gets an edge over coconut oil which delivers more amount of saturated fat to the body.
  • Overall, olive oil is the most preferred choice of most of the people when it comes for a decision between olive oil vs coconut oil for weight loss.

See More: Olive Oil For Psoriasis On The Scalp

Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil Cooking:

To choose between cooking with olive oil vs coconut oil is the real decision as it helps the body to get the required benefits for its effective functioning. Both olive oil vs coconut oil cooking has their advantages as well as shortcomings, and therefore the users should get the relevant information on both before making the final choice between the two oils.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Cooking:

  • It is packed with antioxidants and thus enhances the quality of the food.
  • The regular consumption of olive oil helps in reducing the risk of any heart problems.
  • It delivers various vitamins and minerals to the food which increases the food’s nutrient value.
  • It gets less consumed while cooking the food and also has more amount of good fat for the body.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Cooking:

  • Coconut Oil delivers instant energy to users.
  • It improves the functioning of the brain and heart with its regular consumption.
  • Coconut Oil reduces the cholesterol level in the blood.
  • It gets more consumed while cooking and also offers more amount of saturated fat to the body with its consumption.

Based on the analysis of olive oil vs coconut oil cooking, olive oil makes the best choice for preparing all your meals.

The choice between the coconut oil vs olive oil depends upon your needs and requirements. Both the oils are so effective that they can deliver the needed benefits to the body, skin, and hair without any side effects. Though, to understand the difference between coconut oil and olive oil, you would need to have an idea and clear understanding of your body type and its allergies. Though, in this case, olive oil gets an edge over coconut oil in various aspects.

See More:  Olive Oil For Nails Growth

If you still need any information about olive oil vs coconut oil which is better, then do comment below all your doubts and concerns. We will provide you with the best and relevant information that would clear the doubts regarding the health benefits of coconut oil vs olive oil.

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