13 Easy Ways to Increase Height Fast at Home (for Girls and Boys)

Stuck to figure out the best way and how to increase height? We know that being tall can enhance how an individual feels about himself or herself. Short-heighted people, especially males, may be self-conscious about it and feel less confident about it. Genetics, to a large extent, determines the height of a person, but it is not necessarily the only determinant. There is a height-regulating hormone in the body known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH). The pituitary gland produces HGH, and it is significant for long bones and cartilage development.

how to increase height Your Height

Several variables, such as smoking during pregnancy, inadequate postnatal care, low birth weight, and adverse health during adolescence, play a primary role in determining the height. People often believe that when they enter adulthood, they stop growing. But even after turning 18, an individual may become a few inches taller. By integrating certain healthy habits into your lifestyle, this can be achieved. So we have for you, some tips and ways to increase height the natural way.

A good height is always a strong point when it comes to one’s personality. We are in an age where good looks are essential in various walks of life. Beauty can be enhanced; thanks to so many new cosmetic innovations; however, height is hereditary, and nothing much has been invented so far to increase the height.

Ways to Increase Height At Home

Height is, however, a very crucial part of your personality. However, nobody can make any drastic changes in terms of height. There are specific solutions which can be implemented to achieve a bit more height. No, we are not talking about any cosmetic procedure that has been invented. We are talking about various exercises that can help you achieve your desired height without any stress. In this article, we have explained the procedure on how to increase height fast.

How to Increase Height At Home

First of all, you have to know what are the factors affecting particularly height increase of men and women. Before everything else, let us understand the factors that influence the height of a person. Yes, several factors influence the height of a person, particularly genes.

Factors for Increasing Height:


The genes are said to be primarily responsible for most of the physical attributes of a person like the weight, complexion, body structure, hair colour, and of course, the height. Let us know which other factors are responsible for height increase.

How to grow height at 18? Genetic factors determine about 60 to 80 percent of the difference in height between people, whereas environmental impacts, primarily nutrition, can be attributed to 20 to 40 percent.


The next consideration is hormones- hormones do play a significant role in the growth of the body. Hormones take care of the activity of several organs of the body. They decide the amount of activity of particular organs of the body. Endocrine glands produce hormones, and they are sent to the bloodstream. In this way, hormones play a very vital role in the growth of a person.

The pituitary gland is a structure inside our brain which generates various specialized hormone types, including growth hormone (also called as human growth hormone or HGH). Growth hormone roles include affecting our height and helping to construct our muscles and bones.

See More: Importance of HGH for Women


Nutrition is essential for the growth of a person. Right from early childhood, a child has to be fed appropriately with proper food that contributes towards the increase in height.

While the incorrect diet may add inches to the waistline of a child, the correct diet may add inches to the height of the child.


The person’s race does majorly contribute towards the height. Racial factors do bring about the difference in terms of physical appearance in different human beings. The body structure, eyes, hair color, and height increase all depend upon the race an individual belongs to.


Studies have proved that pollution causes a lot of issues for human beings, and mainly it is because of the damage it brings about in human growth. Pollution is negatively affecting human growth in every sense.

So we have understood the factors that influence the height growth of an individual now let us know the ways to increase the height of a person in the most natural way and how to grow 2 inches height at least.

Top Ways To Increase Height Naturally:

Below are the best tips and ways that are very helpful for increasing height.

  1. Healthy Diet To Increase Height.
  2. Food Products To Increase Height.
  3. Herbal Remedy To Increase Height.
  4. Good Posture For Height Increase.
  5. Yoga for Gaining Good Height Naturally.
  6. Simple Exercises To Increase Height.
  7. Good Sleep To Grow Taller.
  8. Get Your Dose Of Vitamin D.
  9. Keep Your Body Hydrated.
  10. How To Dress To Look Taller Tips & Tricks.
  11. Boost Your Immune System.
  12. Build Your Confidence.
  13. Things To Avoid For A Better Height.
  14. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

1. Healthy Diet:

Healthy Diet to Increase Height

Although the height of the body is genetically determined, it is also a well-known fact that growth depends on some external variables, and one of them is nutrition. Poor height may be the result of slow growth due to inadequate nutrition. Thus, to get a well-built body, following a balanced diet is absolutely essential to improve conditions for growth, especially during the adolescence years. Proper food and exercise are necessary to achieve optimum height and body weight. To attain the optimum height and body weight, adequate diet and exercise are needed. To build strong muscles, ligaments, and tendons, make sure your body receives different types of nutrients.

Eating right is what we mean because eating is something anyone would do without much of a fuss. But what you eat is what counts. It is not the quantity of food but the quality that matters. From the beginning, make sure your diet includes all the right things and of course make sure you maintain a regular time to eat food daily. Include a whole lot of green leafy vegetables as well as dairy products. A healthy diet includes all the vegetables and some dairy products that may take the lead for how to grow height for kids as well.

They provide an ample amount of calcium to the body, which is essential for the body. Make sure your diet includes proteins, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus as these are the chief requirements to increase a person’s height. Also include fish, chicken, eggs, soybeans, Oatmeal, potatoes, beans, carrots, etc. in your diet. Apart from that, nuts are also very good for increasing height.

[Read More: Vegetables That Help You Grow Taller]

You must say NO to all sorts of aerated drinks, excessive sugar, and saturated fats. It is advised to follow the six meals per day plan to ensure that the body gets required food at the right time and also for the fact that this improves the metabolism. Consumption of less food regularly will ensure that less fat is stored in the body. As a result of which the person’s height will increase naturally.


2. Food Products for Increasing Your Height:

Health specialists feel that by adding certain kinds of food to the daily diet, height can be improved by a few inches. Just how to eat certain foods in a particular way can help you lose weight; likewise, some foods increase your height. Here we have attempted to decode such food products and how to eat them. It also requires a strict routine of physical activities to support such food items to enhance the height.

Below are some foods and food products which will help us on how to grow taller at 16 or any age along with all the other rules and exercises here.

A) Milk And Dairy Products:

Dairy Products For Height Growth

The best way, especially for how to grow height for girls or boys is to consume two glasses of milk every day and also other dairy products such as cheese, butter, curd, paneer, and such other things. Milk and its products are said to contain all sorts of necessary nutrients which give strength to the body and also help in bone and muscle development. The main nutrients which are there in milk and all the other dairy products are proteins, calcium and Vitamin A, B, D, and E. Not only children but these are good for teenagers and other people too.

B) Eat Eggs:

Eggs to Grow Taller

Not a single list which tells us the best way to gain height can ever be complete without mentioning the goodness of eggs in them. Eggs are the cheapest source of proteins available in the market. Eggs contain precious nutrients such as protein, calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin D2, which is also known as Riboflavin in them. These are very helpful as they provide strength and also help in bone density development. There are ways in which you can eat the egg, and the best is to boil it hard. Now if you are fat conscious and do not want to consume the same, you can leave the yolks and consume the white or the albumin portion of the egg regularly for best results.

C) Chicken:

Chicken to Grow Height Fast

Want a solution on how to grow height after 25? Chicken is a magical tip for height increase, even if you are over age. Overage as in if you are above 24 or 25 years then the chicken is the best way to proceed. It has some magical natural contents of proteins which are very fast sources to speed up muscle and tissue building and development in the body. To get the best results, you should not cook this chicken with lots of oil and spices because that way, you will gain the weight and the nutritional value will decrease due to the spices and oil. You should consume a minimum of 65 grams of chicken every day.

D) Soybean And Soy Products:

Soy Products to Increase Height

This is the best news for the vegetarians out there who do not want to consume chicken and eggs but still want to increase a few inches or want to learn how to grow 5 inches height. Soybean is one of the best ways to increase height, and you should include at least 55 grams of this in your diet every day. Soybean contains essential nutrients and is a whole nutrient product. The nutrients in soybean and its products include proteins, foliage, fiber, vitamins, and carbohydrates. You can soak the beans overnight and then boil to consume them or make them a part of your everyday salads and soups. Soy milk and tofu are also equally good.

E) The Benefits of Bananas:

Bananas to Grow Tall

This is one fruit which we know is bad because we gain weight due to the consumption of this. But the benefits of banana anytime overpower this one disadvantage. The fruit is very rich in potassium, manganese, and calcium. There are also a lot of probiotic bacteria in bananas which protect the calcium in bones and muscles from decreasing and also prevent the adverse effect of sodium in bones. Other than height increase, bananas are also known as natural hair conditioners and also good for your gastrointestinal problems.

F) Awesome Oatmeal:

Oatmeal to Increase Height At Home

Do you want to know how to increase height naturally with Oatmeal? This is one more vegetarian ingredient which helps to increase height and also helps in bone capacity building. Oatmeal are rich sources of fiber and protein, which increases bone density and mass and also repairs muscles and tissues in the body. The amino acids which are richly found in oats help in new tissue formation as well. Recipes with oats are also effortless to prepare and also very tasty at times. If you are trying to increase your height soon, then do not forget to include at least 50 grams of this in your regular meals.

G) Nutty Tales:

Nuts and Seeds to Grow Height

Nuts and seeds should be made a regular part of your everyday meal plan, especially if you are trying to find some ways to increase height. There are essential minerals in nuts and seeds such as cashews, almonds, apricots, pistachios, pumpkin and flax seeds and others too. These help in increasing growth hormones, thus speeding up the process of becoming taller. These minerals also help in the building of newer tissues inside the body. Try adding these nuts and seeds to your salads, soups, and smoothies too. You can also make a paste and add them to your milk for a nice flavour or snack on them.

H) Eat Greens:

Greens to Grow Taller

Wondering how to grow taller after 21 with green veggies? Green leafy vegetables are one of the best ways to increase height because they contain a variety of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and proteins which are very useful for muscles and tissue repairing and also for growth development in people of all ages. Besides, green leafy vegetables are good to keep us fit and healthy too. Some specific vegetables to make us grow a little taller are spinach, collard greens, peas, coleslaw, and so many more.

I) Fishy Platter:

Fishy Platter to Increase Height

We all love to have fish, and we cannot say no, especially if these are sea fishes. The good news is that fishes like tuna, sardines, and salmons are also excellent ways to increase height with all sorts of minerals in them. Fish contain a lot of minerals and proteins which are helpful to absorb nutrients from other foods and help in the process of activating hormones, which in turn are responsible for growth and height development. The nutrients and minerals contained in fish are also helpful in repairing of bones and muscles which otherwise get eroded due to time and age.


3. Ashwagandha Remedy:

Ashwagandha Remedy For Height Increase

You may have heard this solution on how to grow height after 20? So, what is it?

This is one of the most efficient herbal home remedies for increasing height in adolescents, and this ingredient can be purchased from any pharmaceutical or drug store.

Scientifically known as Withania Somnifera, this is also known as Indian Ginseng and is a perfect way to increase height. This is not a food ingredient but a herb which should be used in dried and powdered form. There are many minerals in this one, which help to increase height and also protect bones and tissues. You have to make sure that you are not consuming any oily and spicy food during this period.

  • Mix powdered Ashwagandha in a cup of cow’s milk, and you can add a little sugar to this.
  • Have this drink before going to bed every day for 45 days and see the difference.

Particular Advice While Using Ashwagandha:

  • Avoid excessive use of coffee and tea.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Stop drug addiction.


4. Good Posture:

Good Posture to Increase Few Inches

How to increase height is also depends on the right standing posture. Following a good posture can make a lot of difference to the personality of a person. A bad posture will give rather adverse consequences to your body. Always ensure that your head, as well as the neck, are aligned completely minus any slouching or bending. A bad posture will practically result in affecting the spinal cord and demote standard height in the person. Maintaining a proper posture with straight pose will help you in achieving the proper growth and height of your body.

A strong back will enable you to stand as high as 2 inches, walking with round shoulders and a hunched back will not make you appear as tall as you are, and over time this may even result in permanent height loss.

To add 2-3 inches, bear in mind the following points:

  • Keeping our back straight while walking, head up and shoulders down and wide (lighten the load if you’re carrying a bag).
  • While sitting, without slouching, keeping your back straight, a persistent effort will routinely get this habit.
  • Spread your legs while standing, and stand straight while holding your hands close to your body (keeping your hands in the pocket will cause your shoulders to slump).
  • Get a mattress that is not soft enough to sink your back and hard enough to trigger uneven body fat distribution.


5. Yoga for Gaining Good Height Naturally:

Yoga for Gaining Good Height Naturally

How to grow taller for boys /girls with Yoga Asanas? Not sure?

Perhaps one of the most efficient ways to boost your height without artificial, chemical, or surgical techniques is to practice yoga regularly. Not only does it help you to increase your height, but it also enables you to attain the optimum body weight, and it also makes you feel peaceful and focused. In essence, yoga can lead to improved physical and mental health.

Several asanas concentrate specifically on the muscles of the spine and back. In such places, they release the tension, enabling your bones to grow stronger and help extend your body to promote growth. One such asana is the Surya Namaskar, which stretches the body to its maximum limits without stressing it. Exercises like these, if you practice them frequently, can assist you to increase height in no time.

To increase your height, it is quite essential that you choose a good workout and do it appropriately. Working out can be in any form, either exercise or yoga. Choose whatever is comfortable for you and make sure you regularly practice it. Practising yoga particularly is proved to be more beneficial as it is specifically designed to enhance the mental and physical ability of a person.

The yoga poses like cobra pose (Bhujangasana), tree pose (Vrikshasana), mountain pose (Tadasana), triangle pose (Trikonasana), pleasant pose (Sukhasana), are specially designed to increase the height of a person. Another very beneficial asana is the Surya Namaskara, which takes care of the overall welfare of the body. Yoga is useful and gives fast result exercise for how to increase height.

  • Surya Namaskar:

This asana comprises of 12 different postures which are performed chronologically.

  • Tadasana:

Tadasana is basic yoga asana to strengthen your arms, spine as well as your legs.

  • Trikonasana:

This yoga asana aids in enhancing your balance. The asana is known as the triangle pose, and it gives you a good posture.

  • Sukhasana:

Sukhasana is supposed to be the central position, and it is from here that the other poses originated. Through this posture, you will be able to control your breathing as well as tone up your hips and your lower back.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana:

This particular asana is also known as the downward-facing dog. This particular asana helps to increase the blood flow towards your neck and face.

  • Bidalasana or Cat Position:

Your spinal cord will be expanded in forward and backward directions following this asana. It extends every single cartilage disk in the spinal column that ultimately increases height.

  • Chakrasana or Wheel Position:

Even after age 21, this can assist you in achieving height. You have to bend forward and backwards to pursue this practice. The workout enables your body to smooth the spinal cord and increase a few additional inches.

  • Sarvangasana and Headstand:

Both are called Shirshasana, and these poses involve a gravity inversion. This directly exerts pressure on the pituitary gland.


6. Simple Exercises To Increase Height:

Simple Exercises To Increase Height

We have so many ways to increase height. In those, there are many exercises which will help you to increase your height. Some of them are listed below:

Simple exercises such as skipping, hanging from an overhead bar, and stretching your body on your toes should be a part of your regular exercise routine. Furthermore, sporting activities such as basketball, football, and swimming are also useful to height increase.

i) Hanging On A-Rod:

Hanging Exercise to Gain Height

If you want to know the answer for how to grow height men or for women, then follow the below exercises. Most of the time in your day is spent in a vertical position. To grow tall, gravity is a big hurdle as it compresses the joints, spine, crunches the cartilages a result of which you become shorter.

Therefore you can enhance your chances of becoming taller by the simple exercise of hanging on a rod. This exercise if done regularly will help you achieve that extra 2 inches which otherwise you may not be able to. By doing this exercise, you are practically stretching your spine through the weight of your lower torso.


Take a horizontal rod, place it at a height enough for hanging on it by holding it firmly, and allow your body to extend completely. Bend your knees slowly until you hang yourself upside down freely. Hang in this position for at least 20 minutes and repeat it many times.

ii) Pelvic Shift:

Pelvic Shift to Grow Tall

This exercise is very common and one of the favourite exercises of the gym instructors. This is a straightforward exercise which will require a lot of stretching up of your hips as well as your spine.


Lay on your back, place your shoulders as well as your arms on the ground firmly. Bend your knees slowly and get your feet as close as possible to your buttocks. Arch you back in such a way that your pelvic thrusts upward. Maintain this position for at least 20 seconds initially and then increase the count.

iii) Dry Land Swim:

The Alternate Leg Kick exercise or the dry land exercise focuses on your lower back.


Lie on your stomach with your body completely extended. Place your arms straight in front and let the palms face the floor. Raise your left arm much higher compared to your right arm lift your right leg off of the floor as much as possible. Keep the other leg straight on the ground. Maintain the position for good 4 to 5 seconds. After that, raise the other leg and repeat the exercise.

iv) Swimming:

Swimming to Grow Height Fasr

Swimming is a very recommended exercise if you want to increase your height.

Although there are several exercises explicitly intended to raise a person’s height, there is nothing like swimming. If it is started at an early age, it can contribute immensely to good height growth.

But if you are an adult, it is not too late to get started. Swimming is a wonderful way to make sure your body receives the general height-growing workout it requires. Swimming is a complete body workout that aims at strengthening and building muscles. You must practice breaststroke if you want to increase height naturally. It is recommended to swim for two hours daily for at least 4-5 days a week if you want to reap benefits.

[See Also: Cycling To Increase Height]

v) Rope Jumping:

Rope Jumping to Increase Height

Rope jumping, also known as skipping is not just a fun game but also the best way to gain height. When you jump always make sure that your body is straight and your spine and back are stretched. Rope jumping exercise helps in building bone mass in your lower legs, and this eventually contributes to height gain. It is a high-speed activity.

While skipping all the muscles and ligaments in your body are stretching and contracting. This causes them to be elastic, and eventually, they stretch. When you are skipping your body is also stretching the muscles of the spine and back entirely upright. The continual knee bending while skipping creates the vertical expansion of the calf muscles. Skipping also increases bone mass by making it longer. That is why skipping can help you gain a few inches. Another effect of skipping is making our whole body slimmer. You look taller when you have got a leaner body.


7. Good Sleep To Grow Taller:

Good Sleep To Grow Taller

A healthy life has to be maintained for the well-being of the body. So does sleep have a connection with how to become heighted? To have a great life, sleep is vital. To get a perfect sleep, you need to make sure you have healthy food and follow a healthy lifestyle. A night of inadequate sleep or a disturbing half-sleep can adversely affect the health of a person.

The quality of sleep is very vital for increasing height! Why? Well, because it is during the rest that the regeneration of the tissue takes place. Besides that, the growth hormones in the body are produced during a person’s sleep. If you are not able to get a good sleep at night, use these tips to rest and to sleep peacefully at night:

  • Drink a cup of chamomile tea just before retiring to bed. This will relax your mind and also induce sleep.
  • Take a warm bath just before sleeping, and you will be able to notice the difference. According to various studies, a sudden fall in body temperature helps induce sleep.


8. Get Your Dose Of Vitamin D:

Increase Height With Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a very crucial substance for the development of the bones of a person. Vitamin D is also essential to the structure of the skeleton. It gets absorbed into the bones and works with other nutrients such as calcium to produce a more potent structure for growth hormones to have their impact, and for you to develop more physically. Naturally, the best source of vitamin D is the sun. Soaking in some sunlight is the best and easiest way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.

Early morning sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. For your body to be able to absorb the correct quantity of vitamin D, it is advisable to spend at least one hour in direct sunlight every day. You must also ensure that you go outdoors in direct sunlight as early as possible in the morning so that you are not exposed to the sun’s UV rays and other harmful rays.

The body can also absorb vitamin D via other mediums. Vitamin D-rich food products include milk, eggs, fish, cheese, and so on. Effective vitamin D supplements can also be found in capsule form in drug stores. Some of the vegetables are very rich in vitamin D, which is very useful for how to increase my height.


9. Keep Your Body Hydrated:

Keep Your Body Hydrated to Grow Fast

Water is another critical, valuable thing for how to increase height.

Water is one of the most unassuming height-increasing home remedies. However, it is no less efficient than the growth supplements that pretend to boost your height.

Water is very important for the body. The body contains a lot of toxins that require to be flushed out, and water helps in that process.

Once your body can work correctly, you can see an instant difference in your health and thus your growth rate.

It is advisable to drink 2 liters of water daily. This will ensure the body is well hydrated and check on the metabolism as well. The body has to have proper metabolism to achieve good height. Improper metabolism interferes with height development.

Water is also essential for a healthy digestive system; the medium by which nutrients for growth are absorbed into the body. It is best to drink 2 liters of water every day to see a noticeable impact. You can also eat water-rich foods such as celery, cucumber, watermelon, etc.


10. How To Dress To Look Taller Tips & Tricks:

If you are short already and want to look taller, you can do that through dressing up in vertical designs. It will give an impression of looking taller.

Apart from that, we have got some more info on dressing tips for men and women to look taller:

6 Women’s Best Fashion Tips On How To Look Taller:

  1. Wearing mini skirts or dresses will always make your appearance taller.
  2. Color blend your footwear with your pants/jeans.
  3. Wear a one-piece outfit.
  4. In the fall and winter, wear a solid long coat.
  5. Wear a single-colour outfit.
  6. Wear shoes without ankle straps that make you look taller.

6 Ways Men Can Dress To Look Taller:

  1. Wear well-fitting clothes.
  2. Add high-up positioned accessories to the body.
  3. Ditch the belts, waistcoats (vests) and long hair.
  4. Keep the waist button (button posture) above the navel on your coat.
  5. Wear shorter jackets, and have no break on the legs of the pant.
  6. Wear monochromatic clothes.


11. Boost Your Immune System:

Boost Your Immune System

Various studies have revealed that specific illness during childhood can also be a cause of stunted growth. Also, your ancestry and wherever you grow up, nutrition and medical care (around 20 percent) will determine your height. Hence it is vital to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system. This can easily be achieved by routine immunization and consuming a balanced nutritious diet. It should be remembered that a healthy diet is imperative to a stronger immune system.

Therefore add plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes to your daily diet. To maintain the smooth working of the immune system, it is important to get a healthy dose of Vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants from your diet. Poor diet, stress, inadequate sleep can affect your immunity, so get a stronger immunity by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

[See Also: Ayurvedic Medicines To Increase Height]

12. Build Your Confidence:

Build Your Confidence to Grow

If you are short, you may have feelings of paranoia, inferiority, and excessive mistrust.

However, if you desire a good height, you need to keep your confidence level high.

Also, in the case of a taller person who lacks confidence stands nowhere in this world. Hence it is important to teach self-confidence from the beginning. This will help you to participate more in physical activities at school and club and also plays a decisive role in choosing your hobbies or pursuing your interests. By building your confidence, you will be able to make a mark for yourself, irrespective of your stature. Isn’t this the most straightforward answer to how to grow height in a month?


13. Additional Tips/ Few Things To Avoid For A Better Increase In Height:

There are few things that you need to avoid to increase your height growth, they are:

a) Avoid Smoking And Drinking:

Avoid Smoking And Drinking to Gain Height

Smoking is going to stunt your development. It is a warning that has gone from parents to kids for generations. But is the assertion supported by science? Researchers have discovered that cigarette smoke can influence growth throughout the lives of a person, sometimes in ways that might surprise you. But it should not be surprising that cigarette smoke poses the greatest threat to children and unborn babies’ development.

Smoking and drinking, as everyone knows, are hazardous to health. The issue is that the person who smokes gets so addicted to smoking that he tends to forget or ignore the consequences of this habit. The effects that we are talking about are, of course, the damage it does to the vital organs of our body. Drinking, as well as smoking addiction, can interfere in the growth of a person in terms of height. If you aim to achieve great height, then you should most definitely bid goodbye to your smoking habits. How to grow height after 20 depends on the routine actions of humans like drinking and smoking.

b) Say No To Growth Inhibitors:

Say No To Growth Inhibitors For Height Increase

There are several growth inhibitors or pills which claim on how to increase our height like magic. Understand the fact that height cannot be increased just like that within a fortnight. It is a natural process, and only natural things can help us achieve that. Taking these unnatural pills can only cause harm to your body and also cause many side effects. Consuming any growth hormones are also very bad for health; it can cause stunted growth or retardation too.

Adults cannot grow faster using the synthetic growth hormone. Instead of lengthening them, high doses will thicken the bones of the person.

c) Avoid Caffeine:

Avoid Caffeine to Grow Taller

Caffeine intake, as everyone knows, is very harmful to the body. Too much caffeine can interfere in the height growth process and adversely affect the body in several ways. Caffeine also interferes in the sleep pattern of a person.

So how does this happen? If caffeine is consumed later in the day, it can result in trouble falling asleep, lower total sleep time, decreased slow-wave sleep, limited release of growth hormone, and stunted growth.

d) Avoid Steroids:

Avoid Steroids to Increase Height

Steroids most definitely alter bone growth, particularly in young kids, as well as teenagers.

In adolescents who still have to grow, the use of steroids can stunt growth and prevent the full development of bones, joints, and muscles.

e) Avoid Excess Sugar:

Avoid Excess Sugar For Height Increase

Sugar is also very bad for health. The excessive usage of sugar can result in stunted height too. Excessive sugar intake by a person will interfere in an individual’s physiological processes. It does not allow the normal functioning of storing and utilizing calcium.

For children specifically: Eating a lot of sugar will not hamper the growth of your child on its own, but if your child eats a lot of sugary foods or drinks such as sugar-packed beverages at the expense of other nutritionally-rich foods that he/she must have, the sugar habit may affect the child’s height. If the tummy of your child is full of sugar, there may be no space for the balanced combination of whole grains, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products he requires for proper growth. Babies and infants have small stomachs, so filling them with nutrient-rich foods is essential.


These are the many options available for how to increase height. You can implement these in your life and reach great heights, quite literally! Genes are something that one cannot alter, so you need to think practically before everything, and so we have listed for you the most practical things possible to improve your height. To sum it all up, all you need to do is follow a very healthy and clean lifestyle. Eat healthy and nutritious food, get proper sleep, do the exercises regularly, and say no to all artificial things. Perseverance and patience can ultimately lead you to success.

Where on one hand, indeed, our height is not really in our hands, and it is more than challenging to increase height in a few months. You can, however, try these tested and proven ways which will help you.

Now that you have got a solution on how to increase height fast, do not worry make a move! Create a proper schedule, which includes a good diet, exercise or sports, yoga asanas, and the requisite amount of sleep. This will help you to gain the vital inches you have strived for. Tell us how you got benefits from this post. Do you know any other best way to increase height? Feel free to share your comments with us below.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. Is it Possible to Stop Growing at 15?

Ans: It is possible at any age to stop growing. The age you stop growing is mostly determined by genetics… If you are an early bloomer (beginning puberty before age 12 and getting a spurt of development before age 12), then you are likely to stop growing at age 14-16.

Q2: Can Height Be Increased After 26?

Ans: It is not impossible to grow taller or longer after 26 years of age. Scientifically, however, it is very hard due to the limited production of growth hormones after a certain age (less than 24 years of age), but natural attempts can continue to be made to allow the height to rise.

Q3. Does Stretching Exercise in The Morning Make You Taller?

Ans: Do a few stretches every morning right when you get out of bed to get taller by stretching. By doing exercises that stretch your body, such as swimming and Pilates, you can also get taller. Eat a healthy diet as well as perform stretching every day and make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep to assist your body to grow.

Q4. Does Sunlight Boost Your Height?

Ans: According to new research, insufficient vitamin D can stunt development and promote weight gain during puberty. Even in sun-drenched California, vitamin D deficiency in women at the peak of their growth, spurt was discovered to cause greater body mass and shorter stature. Yeah, not only do we get vitamin D from the sun that our bone wants to get stronger and longer that leads to growing taller, but we need sunlight to survive more than anything else.

Q5. What Exercises Can Prevent an Increase in Height?

Ans: Overhead weightlifting may stop height growth. Lifting heavy weights above the shoulders and overhead might stop the growth of height. After turning 20, the time to start weight lifting is right. Yoga and stretching are the best exercises to increase height if you want to start exercising at an early age. Running, skipping, swimming, cycling, etc. are, and apart from that, any type of active sports such as badminton, tennis, soccer is great for height gain.


Q6. Can Body Building in The Gym for a Guy Influence His Height Growth?

Ans: Bodybuilding will not prevent an increase in height or affect it negatively. Improper weight training can halt your development if you put enough stress on the growth plates prematurely to cause them to close early. This can also result from poor condition, too heavyweights, and lack of supervision during training. The human male can develop up to 22 years of age, so you can try any of the above methods to grow naturally taller.

Q7. Do Push-Ups Stop The Growth of Height?

Ans: No, sit-ups and push-ups do not impede the development of height. Only the targeted muscles are affected. The only thing you must avoid if you want to be tall is not to attempt and indulge in weight training; not for sure before 18 as growth plate injuries in immature bones may stunt growth.

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